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NewJersey版 - Re: 所有持反对意见的人都在missing a point (转载)
Re: ???作为一名老“愤青”,为什么这次ABC事件我没有动力抗 (转载)关于在地铁站的广告
新泽西中部买房,CLARK 怎样?下雪了,我要去扭腰扫雪
香港某整容中心广告。好犀利~( (转载)9/1/11 一个同学在意外的车祸中去了 R.I.P. (转载)
去了新唐人家ABC公司未道歉!纽约华人11月8日更大游行示威 (转载)
元宵节快乐! (转载)给初中学生家长的一些建议 (转载)
Lawrence区有推荐的中餐吗?有凉皮肉夹馍就更好了!转一个American Born Chinese写的关于Jimmy kimmel 事件的看法
话题: chinese话题: vincent话题: long话题: longer话题: any
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4451
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: PhuqCaliCat (云中山里人 Schulanfang), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: Re: 所有持反对意见的人都在missing a point
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 5 07:13:23 2013, 美东)
You are absolutely right. On many points. I totally agree with what you
wrote in the end.
But your first paragraph is where we have key difference.
Even in the first paragraph you are right about the assumption many Chinese
who stayed here long enough would agree with the original writer. And that's
exactly the situation this demonstration and it's subsequent long term
movement AIM to change.
And now excuse my French, Chinese who have lived here long are CRAP! They
are the textbook frog in warm water. So weak and so long subject to "self
planted or otherwise accquired" inferior complex, they truly are model
citizens to be raped on. They are only lucky, the USA has provided more or
less a safe heaven, so far.
If they had ANY integrity or strength, mother of Vincent Chan would never
HAVE TO pass away in such horrible disappointment.
In my eyes, Vincent died a terrible death. In the hands of typical, clueless
, intellectually challenged criminal white trash. The economic strife that
led to the tragedy might have had been prolonging but the actual incident
culminated in heat of moment.
Vincent's mother on the other hand suffered much worse and much longer. It
was more than mere loss of a young son! Which in itself is unbearable and
more than any mother could take.
In addition, and worse, She suffered WCAFTWATDSFOOG. The "we Chinese are
fucking too weak and too damned smart for our own good" syndrome. Sadly that
's not her disease. That's a disease we have as a people, as a race, as a
If you think 1980 as a time too long ago, you only need to look at the
unfair handling of Chinese American army soldiers death for recent examples.
I am glad we have the cirtical mass to start this demonstration in the US.
It's no longer acceptable to "accept" any unfriendly joke coming fromthe
It's no longer smart to think "in line" with "the majority" and sell ones
It's high time to open eyes and be honest with oneself and grow a spine.
It's exciting this even started!!! I am grateful to all who refused to
suffer WCRFTWATDSFOOG any longer.
发帖数: 162
well said


【在 P*********t 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
: 发信人: PhuqCaliCat (云中山里人 Schulanfang), 信区: WaterWorld
: 标 题: Re: 所有持反对意见的人都在missing a point
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 5 07:13:23 2013, 美东)
: Ssri,
: You are absolutely right. On many points. I totally agree with what you
: wrote in the end.
: But your first paragraph is where we have key difference.
: Even in the first paragraph you are right about the assumption many Chinese
: who stayed here long enough would agree with the original writer. And that's

发帖数: 26303


【在 P*********t 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
: 发信人: PhuqCaliCat (云中山里人 Schulanfang), 信区: WaterWorld
: 标 题: Re: 所有持反对意见的人都在missing a point
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 5 07:13:23 2013, 美东)
: Ssri,
: You are absolutely right. On many points. I totally agree with what you
: wrote in the end.
: But your first paragraph is where we have key difference.
: Even in the first paragraph you are right about the assumption many Chinese
: who stayed here long enough would agree with the original writer. And that's

发帖数: 4451

【在 l*******s 的大作中提到】
: 老大在这件事上的立场和表现让俺肃然起敬!
: Chinese
: 's

1 (共1页)
转一个American Born Chinese写的关于Jimmy kimmel 事件的看法找人,北京的
Vincent Chin去了新唐人家
加国移民元宵节快乐! (转载)
Re: ???作为一名老“愤青”,为什么这次ABC事件我没有动力抗 (转载)关于在地铁站的广告
新泽西中部买房,CLARK 怎样?下雪了,我要去扭腰扫雪
香港某整容中心广告。好犀利~( (转载)9/1/11 一个同学在意外的车祸中去了 R.I.P. (转载)
话题: chinese话题: vincent话题: long话题: longer话题: any