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NewYork版 - 今天唐人街目击抢劫 (转载)
我来说一句Please vote for this short film. Thanks!
重磅消息: 4名朝鲜球员在南非失踪 似乎他们不想回国 (转载)上次我搞了一个意大利人的团伙
今晚发生什么大事了?【救助在阿同胞】四大华人组织联手致信联合国 (转载)
这个新闻火爆when hot chicks die early, u just go awwww, so sad
unverified info about ATM PIN number在中城上班的小心
《紐約生活》7月25日-7月31日also this wo ju
13,000 China police officers in manhunt for killerHow You Can Help the Earthquake Victims
话题: iphone话题: my话题: robbery话题: robber话题: he
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6158
【 以下文字转载自 Chicago 讨论区 】
发信人: dengdengdeng (dengdengdeng), 信区: Chicago
标 题: 今天唐人街目击抢劫
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 11 22:47:13 2012, 美东)
Robbery next to me.
So I was in Chicago Chinatown today, finished a nice lunch with my friends,
enjoying the best day this year as far as weather.
I walked by a Chinese guy sitting there playing his iPhone. Suddenly another
guy started wrestling with him. And the iPhone fell on the ground. I was
very surprised and thought they were two friends kidding each other. And
then they threw the phone about 20 feet away, the African American guy ran
to the iPhone and at that moment I realize it's a robbery. It's 3 pm and on
a crowded street. Didn't think much, I wanted to help to stop the crime. My
wife grabbed my arm and she still hasn't realize it's a robbery but she
sensed the danger. After another fight of 5 seconds, the robber fled the
scene with the iPhone. The victim had a nail broken, he fought pretty hard.
He didn't cry out for help. All these happened like in 30-40 seconds. Most
surrounding people were shocked and didn't realize it was a robbery until
the robber ran away.
I called police and offered the victim if he want to use my iPhone's "find
my phone" app to locate the robber and maybe get his phone back with the
help of police. For reason I don't know, he declined my offer.
What a day!
By the way, 5 minutes before the incident, my daughter was playing my wife's
iPhone right there.
发帖数: 8992
1 (共1页)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!unverified info about ATM PIN number
突然realize13,000 China police officers in manhunt for killer
今天, 我在请问去NYU读书,一般住哪里啊
我来说一句Please vote for this short film. Thanks!
重磅消息: 4名朝鲜球员在南非失踪 似乎他们不想回国 (转载)上次我搞了一个意大利人的团伙
今晚发生什么大事了?【救助在阿同胞】四大华人组织联手致信联合国 (转载)
这个新闻火爆when hot chicks die early, u just go awwww, so sad
话题: iphone话题: my话题: robbery话题: robber话题: he