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NewYork版 - What Apology from Disney/ABC/JK is acceptable? (转载)
The Two Faced Disney: Stop Manipulation (转载)Boston要再打广告,揭露backdate apology,需要支持
ABC JK 在 10/29 对华人新一轮的进攻 (转载)以其人之道还治其人之身 -- Disney ABC 最新进展及战术 (转载)
鸡毛的道歉简直就是赤裸裸的挑衅 (转载)抗议到现在,不是结束,而是开始 (转载)
11月8日在纽约游行报名网址 (转载)纽约星岛日报全页抗议ABC/Disney, 周四到周日
请全站推荐!!!!!明天游行请务必做的事情!!!!! (转载)Why Kimmel's NEW Apology is Unacceptable (转载)
Fire Kimmel!新泽西纽约华人11月9日将举行更大规模的游行示威 (转载)【华盟的愤怒】白宫 = ABC官方发言人,无视华人要求 (转载)
ABC's formal apologyRe: What to wear to a Masquerade Ball?
ABC change the date of apology (English version) (转载)《纽约生活》4月18日~ 24日
话题: chinese话题: disney话题: abc话题: apology话题: what
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18403
【 以下文字转载自 CivilSociety 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: CivilSociety
标 题: What Apology from Disney/ABC/JK is acceptable?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 9 18:04:44 2013, 美东)
1. National Prime Time Apology acknowledging the Blame-China-For-Every-
Bad-Thing undertone of the original question and the consequent "solution"
suggested by the kid was unacceptable entertainment material for airing.
Apology has to address our core concerns of racist bias and violent hate
speech, masquerading as "jokes".
2. Kimmel has to either a) be fired or b) has to wear a Panda t-shirt (with
"Chinese" prominently printed) on air for 60 days. Disney and ABC
employees each will receive a Panda T-shirt. They wear it on every Chinese
New Year and pose for a big Chinese New Year March and become honorary
Chinese-Americans. This way they get to know what it feels like to be a
Chinese American and show us how really sorry they were. Make it a
tradition, folks.
T-shirts used in San Francisco here: (the white ones have panda on it)
3. Disney has to agree to make all movies with a single version for the
Chinese market and the US market. Currently Disney makes a special version
for the Chinese market and add Chinese characters/plotlines. This
practice is deceptive and lacks integrity. For promoting diversity,
positive Chinese/Asian American rolemodels should be viewed by ALL of its
If Disney/ABC agrees to do all 3 things, I don't know about you, but I'd
agree to accept their apology.
1 (共1页)
《纽约生活》4月18日~ 24日请全站推荐!!!!!明天游行请务必做的事情!!!!! (转载)
看了这个 我觉得 张惠妹演唱会 也是有必要去的Fire Kimmel!新泽西纽约华人11月9日将举行更大规模的游行示威 (转载)
好象UCSD的校报报道了,而且还有投票,赶紧去投 (转载)ABC's formal apology
the fucking democrats, this fucking obama is out of lineABC change the date of apology (English version) (转载)
The Two Faced Disney: Stop Manipulation (转载)Boston要再打广告,揭露backdate apology,需要支持
ABC JK 在 10/29 对华人新一轮的进攻 (转载)以其人之道还治其人之身 -- Disney ABC 最新进展及战术 (转载)
鸡毛的道歉简直就是赤裸裸的挑衅 (转载)抗议到现在,不是结束,而是开始 (转载)
11月8日在纽约游行报名网址 (转载)纽约星岛日报全页抗议ABC/Disney, 周四到周日
话题: chinese话题: disney话题: abc话题: apology话题: what