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NewYork版 - 选票上以少胜多 (转载)
小人之VOTE还是君子之VOTE? (转载)老被一个家伙block drive way,请支招
争取美国媒体的步骤 (转载)2/11-2/13 Mt Washington Winter Climb找人carpool (转载)
please vote for us!!!包子酬谢-- 如何乘长途车从Boston到Lebano, New Hampshire (Dartmo
巴西男孩好便宜(MEAN人勿入) (转载)自己的照片。不敢奢求太多,被伤透了,一切看天意吧。 (转载)
这次大选,也是 奥巴马大胜Leigh漂流正当时
掌握主动权: TODO and SIGNON (转载)你们离开NYC, 会去哪里居住?
大家一起恶补!!! (转载)做人头帮忙买车的要注意了。。。2华裔遭起诉 (转载)
11月普选: 请未注册的华裔3分钟注册选民! (转载)White Mountain 去看红叶,还开吗?
话题: states话题: american话题: china话题: our
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18403
【 以下文字转载自 CivilSociety 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: CivilSociety
标 题: 选票上以少胜多
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 18 13:37:12 2013, 美东)
我们2014的目标是更多基层华裔领袖的成功当选 (可能主要是华人聚居区)。 但是2016
要 battleground states的星星之火了。
The concept of swing states, swing elections and block voting is very
powerful in democratic process.
(世界日报) In most of the recent presidential elections, bashing China was
an obligatory stance for the non-incumbent candidates. This kind of
rhetoric is so common that nobody bat an eye until JK incident when its
insideous long term consequence becomes apparent.
Here are an incomplete list of the possible Battleground states 2016: Ohio,
Florida, Colorado, Arizona, North/South
Dakota, Georgia, N/S Carolina, Iowa, virginia, New Hampshire, Missouri,
Georgia. Some of them are closer than others. Some like Iowa and N
Hampshire are important as leading primary battleground so ultimately
influence the tone of election very heavily.
There should also be a list of the most hotly contested seats for congress
and governorship. Be ready and focus. We want to create a world where
bashing China is for LOSERS (2014/2016), and a world where nobody should bat
an eye to see a Chinese-American Supreme court Justice or a Chinese
American President of the US (2016 and beyond).
Yes. We are small minority in some of the battleground states like Ohio and
Florida, early primary states New Hampshire and Iowa. But some of these
states were so close in 2000, 2008 that even 40 votes could swing the whole
election. So we must focus our energy and make it our goal that in 2016,
none of the presidential candidates could afford to frivolously bash China
either during primary process or election process. They may or may not win
a few
votes from racists, but they will absolutely LOSE every one of our votes.
Eastern Indians aren't a big majority in Louisiana, but they got an Indian
American Governor. Being small minority is not an excuse for not defending
our rights. We are a small minority but the American democracy is designed
to protect
even a small minority from abuse by the majority. We must learn to play
the game and to win our American dream.
Because we are equally human, equally American and we can.
----- Call to action -------------------------
1. 加州,扭腰的作用是: 养育华人政治家的温床 2014,2016, 和物质人力的支持。
2. IOWA,new hampshire 组织作用:筛选racist candidates, 请他们走路, 反正有3)。
3. OHIO,florida,其他battleground states 组织作用是:drive home our point
that is: Don't bash China for fun. You may win a few racist votes; but
you definitely will lose our 400 or even 4000 votes in the most competitive
其他不是battleground states的xdjm们也不要灰心。 还是有很多可以做的。 甚至可
以到battleground states 去做义工。 我们先学习, 交流, 和组织吧!

Please come over to sign up for social network connection and todos. If
you are in one of the battle ground states, do not despair that you are in
the middle of nowhere, but get up and connect with us
and we will help each other!
发帖数: 3387
出来几个华裔,或亚裔, 候选人, 就不错了
1 (共1页)
White Mountain 去看红叶,还开吗?这次大选,也是 奥巴马大胜
有谁周末去NH看红叶?掌握主动权: TODO and SIGNON (转载)
[供求]招聘住家保姆-Manchester New Hampshire靠近波士顿Boston大家一起恶补!!! (转载)
征7月同游11月普选: 请未注册的华裔3分钟注册选民! (转载)
小人之VOTE还是君子之VOTE? (转载)老被一个家伙block drive way,请支招
争取美国媒体的步骤 (转载)2/11-2/13 Mt Washington Winter Climb找人carpool (转载)
please vote for us!!!包子酬谢-- 如何乘长途车从Boston到Lebano, New Hampshire (Dartmo
巴西男孩好便宜(MEAN人勿入) (转载)自己的照片。不敢奢求太多,被伤透了,一切看天意吧。 (转载)
话题: states话题: american话题: china话题: our