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NewYork版 - OMG! this is such a man's world....
Blind man, guide dog run over by subway and live再急问,如果住在机场,去市区逛街什么交通工具最方便?
曼哈顿浪漫小馆子推荐From JFK to Brooklyn, can I take A subway? How long?
哪个幸运儿吃了这顿大餐?Aboard the L Train, Luncheon Is Served对纽约房价熟的请进
什么是幸福 --II 罗马的晚餐这两个地方在brooklyn安全吗?谢谢。
Re: 从哥大到JFK有几种走法啊?刚才家附近来了很多警车
Coney Island 归来【MTA Update】
纽约烧烤适宜地点集Race and Dating(zz)
nyc去海边?请问去哪钓螃蟹 ?
话题: she话题: williams话题: him话题: cynthia话题: hospital
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7881
The blind man whose heroic dog leaped onto subway tracks to save him, is
caught up in a wacky love triangle — in which two women are battling for
his affection while he lies cooped up in a hospital bed.
Cecil Williams’ former live-in girlfriend, Rosita Cotto, claims new
girlfriend Cynthia is plotting to keep her away from her soul mate. She
burst into tears at St. Luke’s Hospital after officials turned her away
from visiting him on Thursday.
“She isn’t good for him. She is just a booty call!” Cotta yelled.
She added, “Cynthia is keeping him away from me. I’ve been [at the
hospital] since 6 a.m. I feel a sense of responsibility for him because I
cared for him so long,” she said.
She claims she lived with him for five years in the Bronx and the Rockaways
until hurricane Sandy struck and they were forced to live separately.
Williams met Cynthia while staying temporarily at a YMCA in Queens, she said.
She said the new girl is no good for her disabled true love.
Williams fell on to the tracks after he grew faint and lost footing on the
platform of the 125th Street station on Tuesday. His loyal pooch , Orlando,
then jumped onto the tracks after him and began licking his face.
A quick-thinking subway conductor hit brakes of the train and the duo rolled
into a trough on the tracks. The train then passed over both of them,
causing only minor injuries.
Transit officials pulled Orlando out from under the train and Williams was
rushed to St. Luke’s Hospital while wearing a neck brace.
Williams must now stay in the hospital one more day because he has a fever
and a headache.
Cynthia was not available for comment.
1 (共1页)
请问去哪钓螃蟹 ?Re: 从哥大到JFK有几种走法啊?
曼哈顿高楼防震Coney Island 归来
rockway beach 安全吗?纽约烧烤适宜地点集
Blind man, guide dog run over by subway and live再急问,如果住在机场,去市区逛街什么交通工具最方便?
曼哈顿浪漫小馆子推荐From JFK to Brooklyn, can I take A subway? How long?
哪个幸运儿吃了这顿大餐?Aboard the L Train, Luncheon Is Served对纽约房价熟的请进
什么是幸福 --II 罗马的晚餐这两个地方在brooklyn安全吗?谢谢。
话题: she话题: williams话题: him话题: cynthia话题: hospital