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NewYork版 - humans of new york
Ticket for holding a cellphone?赌西班牙赢的请进
kingsjyall in Spain, 赢得话前20人每人5包子
Hearts, and Lives, Out of Stepdid not eat anything yet! :(
笑话“我老板” (转载)晚上有人吃饭不?吼一声~~~
征个单身爸爸 (转载)大家觉得凤姐会不会来我们版呢?
我今天去haircut今晚吃饭+喝酒+YonahYou's birthday party
一般braces 要多少钱?唉呀,到底剪不剪头发阿?!
我第一篇和唯一一篇文章上了十大,请斑竹给我奖励anybody will be in SIFMA tomorrow?
话题: he话题: my话题: instagram话题: humans话题: so
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7881
Humans of New York
5 hours ago
"My dad was in prison for eight years of my life. When he got out, he spent
a little time with us, but then he got a new girlfriend and started spending
all his time and money on her. My mother doesn't have much money, so I
recently asked him if he could pay for a class trip to Spain. He promised he
would, so my grandmother went ahead and put it on her credit card. But
right before he was going to give me the money, we got in an argument. He
started saying bad things about my mother, which I wasn't going to allow.
Afterwards, he texted me that he was going to take the money for my trip,
and spend it on himself. He told me he was going to take photos of all the
things he bought and post them on Instagram. So I took a screenshot of the
text message, and posted it on Instagram, with the hashtag: #deadbeatdad. He
reported me to Instagram for bullying, so they deleted the post. Then I put
it right back up, hashtag #onlypussiesreportpeople."
1 (共1页)
anybody will be in SIFMA tomorrow?征个单身爸爸 (转载)
包子换bloomberg screenshot一般braces 要多少钱?
蒸婚(女蒸男) (转载)我第一篇和唯一一篇文章上了十大,请斑竹给我奖励
Ticket for holding a cellphone?赌西班牙赢的请进
kingsjyall in Spain, 赢得话前20人每人5包子
Hearts, and Lives, Out of Stepdid not eat anything yet! :(
笑话“我老板” (转载)晚上有人吃饭不?吼一声~~~
话题: he话题: my话题: instagram话题: humans话题: so