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Overseas版 - PhD student positions available at Purdue
请问哪个专业相对好一点.多谢visit hk.. here
RA/TA and Postdoc Openings for Spring and Fall 2010Purdue->Columbia EE该不该transfer?
Microfluid and Biofluid PhD position at Lehigh University (ME)在读phd可以申请到其他学校做visiting student吗?
请问大家,这个算是offer吗?哪些学校的化学/材料系不要GRE啊 (转载)
RA position at MSU on MEMS近年在美中国留学生血案汇总
RA openings at U of Alabama请问海关申报表上的问题 (转载)
PhD Study in MEMS - Stony Brook University请教:校外教课身份问题
new postdoc/PhD RA position available at Univ of Michigan. (转载)IE选校 (转载)
话题: phd话题: purdue话题: visiting话题: positions
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 27
We are inviting applications for funded PhD student positions at the School
of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University. Applicants with Bachelor or
Master Degree in one of the following disciplines: physics and applied
physics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and materials
science, and with interests in one of the following areas: optics, heat
transfer, NEMS/MEMS, metrology, photonics and phononics, and magnetics, are
strongly encouraged to apply. The position will start from Spring 2013 (
deadline Sept 15, 2012) or Fall semester in 2013 (deadline Jan 5, 2013). We
also welcome visiting graduate students, visiting scholars, or visiting
professors to contact us.
Please send the inquire email to Prof. Liang Pan (l******[email protected]),
together with a curriculum vitae, a description of academic background and
1 (共1页)
IE选校 (转载)RA position at MSU on MEMS
暑期到另外一所学校做visiting student,需要新的I20么?RA openings at U of Alabama
换学校和I-20PhD Study in MEMS - Stony Brook University
从国内来美国读高中的问题new postdoc/PhD RA position available at Univ of Michigan. (转载)
请问哪个专业相对好一点.多谢visit hk.. here
RA/TA and Postdoc Openings for Spring and Fall 2010Purdue->Columbia EE该不该transfer?
Microfluid and Biofluid PhD position at Lehigh University (ME)在读phd可以申请到其他学校做visiting student吗?
请问大家,这个算是offer吗?哪些学校的化学/材料系不要GRE啊 (转载)
话题: phd话题: purdue话题: visiting话题: positions