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Microsoft Said to Be Preparing to Make Satya Nadella CEO微软的CEO终于要是印度人了嘛
恭喜软软成为三哥公司又一个阿三占据重要位置!微软新CEO为阿三 (转载)
Steve Ballmer email to employees on new CEOIt's Official: 微软新CEO Satya Nadella
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Microsoft's next CEO动辄就说主攻企业市场
话题: mr话题: microsoft话题: venkatesan话题: nadella话题: he
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8138
Nadella is Just What Microsoft Needs, Says Former Chairman of Microsoft
Satya Nadella is the agent of change that Microsoft sorely needs right now,
according to a former company executive.
Ravi Venkatesan worked closely with Satya Nadella, the likely next CEO at
Microsoft, for seven years until he left his position as head of the company
’s India operations.
“He’s incredibly thoughtful and reflective, and very collaborative – an
important asset for whoever becomes the next CEO,” Mr. Venkatesan told the
Wall Street Journal. “Microsoft operates in very strong silos, and
divisions don’t collaborate very well.”
“It’s hard to find a single person who doesn’t have a nice thing to say
about him, which is rare at the top of a company. You have to be pretty hard
-driving to get there, and he’s humble, incredibly humble,” Mr. Venkatesan
That stands in contrast Steven Ballmer, whose management style often made it
difficult to introduce much-needed change.
“Steve was very opinionated as a leader,” Mr. Venkatesan said. “
Opinionated people are often closed to radical ideas.”
The question the Microsoft board was grappling with, whether to hire an
outsider or promote someone from within for the job, is a difficult one, Mr.
Venkatsan said.
The company needs to change and the best person to do that might be someone
who can look at the business with a fresh set of eyes.
“Outsiders are willing to look at sacred cows,” he said.
But they might end up clashing with other executives.
“Microsoft culture is extremely strong and, if I were kind, I would say
distinctive, if I were unkind I would say it’s like an ingrown toenail,”
said Mr. Venkatesan, who resigned as chairman of Microsoft India in 2011.
He was particularly impressed with the attention Mr. Nadella paid to India,
at a time when Microsoft had a small footprint in the country.
At the time, Mr. Nadella was working on Bing, and hoped that gaining ground
on rival Google in the world’s second-most populous country would be easier
than taking on the search leader in its home market.
“It didn’t work, in fact the gap got worse,” Mr. Venkatesan said. “But
what mattered is that he was willing to take a risk.”
“The point is he was willing to take risks, to bet on an idea. The way to
win against a competitor with a huge lead is not frontally, but on the
peripheries.,” Mr. Venkatesan said. “That’s what a company needs to do,
to take an idea an investigate it.”
发帖数: 19309


【在 c********l 的大作中提到】
: Nadella is Just What Microsoft Needs, Says Former Chairman of Microsoft
: India
: Satya Nadella is the agent of change that Microsoft sorely needs right now,
: according to a former company executive.
: Ravi Venkatesan worked closely with Satya Nadella, the likely next CEO at
: Microsoft, for seven years until he left his position as head of the company
: ’s India operations.
: “He’s incredibly thoughtful and reflective, and very collaborative – an
: important asset for whoever becomes the next CEO,” Mr. Venkatesan told the
: Wall Street Journal. “Microsoft operates in very strong silos, and

发帖数: 8645


【在 c********l 的大作中提到】
: Nadella is Just What Microsoft Needs, Says Former Chairman of Microsoft
: India
: Satya Nadella is the agent of change that Microsoft sorely needs right now,
: according to a former company executive.
: Ravi Venkatesan worked closely with Satya Nadella, the likely next CEO at
: Microsoft, for seven years until he left his position as head of the company
: ’s India operations.
: “He’s incredibly thoughtful and reflective, and very collaborative – an
: important asset for whoever becomes the next CEO,” Mr. Venkatesan told the
: Wall Street Journal. “Microsoft operates in very strong silos, and

发帖数: 6059


【在 m**********j 的大作中提到】
: 你忽视了最重要的一点。
: 在国内至少读完大学本科然后来美读书就业的绝大部分的同胞,最痛恨的就是互相吹捧。
: 他们都是一板一眼本着实事求是的精神来美的。
: ,
: company
: the

1 (共1页)
阿三上位:微软正式成为纳德拉的公司 (转载)steve ballmer wil retire in 12 months
各大公司老总湿衣挑战冰桶灌顶Microsoft's next CEO
Microsoft Said to Be Preparing to Make Satya Nadella CEO微软的CEO终于要是印度人了嘛
恭喜软软成为三哥公司又一个阿三占据重要位置!微软新CEO为阿三 (转载)
Steve Ballmer email to employees on new CEOIt's Official: 微软新CEO Satya Nadella
软软这是要作死的节奏?微软宣布任命纳德拉为新CEO 盖茨任技术顾问
话题: mr话题: microsoft话题: venkatesan话题: nadella话题: he