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PDA版 - 看到slickdeal上这位,是不是这里的某位啊
更新VZW trade-in Lg G4 dealVerizon黑五500刀的deal值得跳么?
Verizon: Get $300 for any smartphone trade in towards a new smartphone line一个50块的router把TMO的网站都搞垮了
听说 AT&T 给在校学生和职工20%优惠Re: 一加6如果有防水、电池再大一点点就好了
也入了value plan的gs3一个关于google voice的问题!
Google Project Fi worked well in China请问一个号码port的问题
Ring.To port in is not working now?問個蠢問題
target pixel 2 $300 off not line credit我该从T家转到V家吗?
话题: tmo话题: vzw话题: g4话题: lg话题: porting
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2941
Closed our TMo account by porting out our existing TMo #'s to VZW, after
verifying that the VZW G4 is, for all intents and purposes, locked to VZW
Then 1 hour later, at a TMo corporate store, traded in the VZW G4's for $132
ea, bought the TMo G4's, and am porting the same numbers back to TMo as a
new customer and will get any ETF's or DPP balances covered up to $350 /
Got a new LG G Pad for the same price as my BYOD data only plan $10/mo.
Flushed my $300 GC's to VZW account so I will have a clean final bill to
submit to TMo, and still have the unattached VZW LG $200 rebate in the wings.
Nice end run.
The TMo devices are 811A, bootloader unlock friendly.
发帖数: 20761

traded in the VZW G4's for $132

【在 J******e 的大作中提到】
: 真有闲工夫啊。
: Closed our TMo account by porting out our existing TMo #'s to VZW, after
: verifying that the VZW G4 is, for all intents and purposes, locked to VZW
: networks.
: Then 1 hour later, at a TMo corporate store, traded in the VZW G4's for $132
: ea, bought the TMo G4's, and am porting the same numbers back to TMo as a
: new customer and will get any ETF's or DPP balances covered up to $350 /
: line.
: Got a new LG G Pad for the same price as my BYOD data only plan $10/mo.
: Flushed my $300 GC's to VZW account so I will have a clean final bill to

1 (共1页)
我该从T家转到V家吗?Google Project Fi worked well in China
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怎样把ATT的号码port到google voice?target pixel 2 $300 off not line credit
更新VZW trade-in Lg G4 dealVerizon黑五500刀的deal值得跳么?
Verizon: Get $300 for any smartphone trade in towards a new smartphone line一个50块的router把TMO的网站都搞垮了
听说 AT&T 给在校学生和职工20%优惠Re: 一加6如果有防水、电池再大一点点就好了
也入了value plan的gs3一个关于google voice的问题!
话题: tmo话题: vzw话题: g4话题: lg话题: porting