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PKU版 - process counts, so no regret Re: 如果重新来过,大学选什么专业比较好?
Re: 如果重新来过,大学选什么专业比较好?Now what Obama regretted is himself
Mixed feelings & Re: 23了Clinton express regret
买了一堆礼物Biden: 'Do I regret not being president? Yes.'
Re: 我还是不明白hanzo为什么要吐血British people regretted about Brexit
for fun求VA地址考Learner Permit
第三方在Buy是不是肯定拿不到shopper CB诚请保姆照看小孩
a template counting - anybody understand this?可做钟点工,马里兰collge park或周边地区
加拿大安省艺术设计学院升格为大学为什么做多年postdoc的同志们不去teaching colleges or community colleges呢?
话题: regret话题: never话题: counts话题: person话题: 来过
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4
hehe, don't agree with that,
first, a strong person always know what he/she wants, and how to achieve it,
then never never give up.
I was in "Science experimental class" in high school but then I decided to
switch to Arts, mainly because I couldn't figure out chemistry stuffs; I was
the only person got "kicked out," but I never regret for my decision.
I took the risk of failing in the collge entrance exam to exchange to a US
high school in senior year b/c I believe the trip can open up my mind;
1 (共1页)
为什么做多年postdoc的同志们不去teaching colleges or community colleges呢?for fun
college好不好第三方在Buy是不是肯定拿不到shopper CB
乘BQ的东风,问一下这题怎么答?a template counting - anybody understand this?
可做钟点工,马里兰collge park或周边地区加拿大安省艺术设计学院升格为大学
Re: 如果重新来过,大学选什么专业比较好?Now what Obama regretted is himself
Mixed feelings & Re: 23了Clinton express regret
买了一堆礼物Biden: 'Do I regret not being president? Yes.'
Re: 我还是不明白hanzo为什么要吐血British people regretted about Brexit
话题: regret话题: never话题: counts话题: person话题: 来过