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发帖数: 3711
发帖数: 72
实在不知道拿来买啥,今天买了个gap15%off的gift card。
发帖数: 771
买纸。做reabte, 返回支票。
Go to www.staples.com/coupons, print the following 4 times:
1¢ after easy rebate with coupon. Staples® 8.5" x 11" Multipurpose
Paper, ream. In-Store Coupon Code: 33078
Valid in Staples® U.S. stores only. Valid on item no. 513099 only.
While supplies last. Limit one coupon per customer, nontransferable. Each
item purchased can only be discounted by one coupon, applied by cashier in
the order received and prior to tax. Coupon not valid if purchased or sold
and must be surrendered. No cash/credit back. Not valid on prior purchases
or purchases made with Staples® Procurement or Convenience Cards.
Expires 8/1/15.
buy 4 reams of paper at once, using 4 same coupons. (YMMV, mine always do 4
reams at the same time).
that can take care of 4 x (3.80 +0.01) = $15.24 of your rewards.
if you need to pay some money out of your pocket, don't forget the 25%
reward coupon,
25% back in Rewards storewide. Exclusions apply. In-Store Coupon Code: 77033
Valid in Staples® U.S. stores only. Membership number must be supplied
during purchase to receive benefits. Not valid on prior purchases or
purchases made with Staples® Procurement or Convenience Cards. Limit
one coupon per customer, nontransferable. Purchase a qualifying item and
earn 25% back in Staples Rewards. Standard percent back in Staples Rewards
will be excluded. Price eligible is amount paid at checkout after
application of all promotions, coupons, instant savings and rewards
redemptions and does not include tax or shipping. Not valid on desktop or
laptop computers, tablets, netbooks, Amazon products, Apple®, Bose®
;, Canon® ink, Epson® ink and toner, HP ink and toner, JBL®,
SquareTrade® warranties, Staples® EasyTech(sm), Steelcase®,
Texas Instruments calculators, self-service print, computer workstation,
faxing, custom photo gifts, outsourced print, gift cards, mobile phones and
services, phone cards or postage stamps. Customer may only qualify for one
promotion in a single transaction. Staples Rewards® are issued online
monthly in increments of $5. Rewards expire the last day of the month
following the month in which they are issued and cannot be redeemed after
the expiration date. Monthly balances of less than $5 will roll over through
the end of the following calendar quarter. Unissued Rewards will expire at
the end of the following calendar quarter unless a qualifying purchase is
made during that rollover period. For full program details, visit Staples.
com/rewards. Expires 8/1/15.
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