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Poetry版 - 『心情随笔』Find Beauty at the Rarest Place (转载)
Re: seman请评[转载] love poem
请对号入座 - A Poem by Mark Strand (以及题外话)Nineteen Poems in Ancient Style: Eight Selections
四月是National Poetry MonthNineteen Poems (1)
What Are the Best Poems of the Past 25 Years?Nineteen Poems (2)
SUMMER POEMNineteen Poems (6)
Forwarded poemNineteen poems (9)
[转载] 雾Nineteen Poems (10)
[转载] 雪夜停林Nineteen Poems (13)
话题: poem话题: ellery话题: look话题: who话题: rarest
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4648
【 以下文字转载自 Heart 讨论区 】
发信人: baobdd (宝贝儿), 信区: Heart
标 题: 『心情随笔』Find Beauty at the Rarest Place
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 30 23:24:29 2012, 美东)
Poem: by Ellery Akers
Piano solo: by Yiruma
Reader: Vicky ☺ ( I said some personal reflection. Hope you like it)
I cried when first time I read this poem. Joyful tears are for the
unfortunate ones, who are so blessed. Who could precisely define what
happiness is. Poem is to convey a feeling’s feeling. This poem by Ellery
makes me feel revived. No matter how life treats us and how brutal things
have been in the past, as long as we hold the hope and thrive in darkness,
someday we will all be that “bride”. Please don’t be a perfectionist,
because there is no one who is perfect. Underneath the flesh and bones, we
are all the same, with a beating heart and a soul eager to live a better
by Ellery Akers
One year a general
packs the dead arithmetic in a drawer---
all the subtractions, divisions.
The next year, vines cover the bunkers.
The brain resumes its starbursts of rehearsal.
The heart leaps under the defibrillator.
The bone eases into its socket.
Skin grows back. Scars fade. Eyes clear.
Look at the trees at the burn, six years later.
Look the sprout on a hay bale
on a truck. Look at the woman who was raped,
had her hands cut off in a creek:
She's getter married.
The choir sings. The bride smiles.
The groom slips a ring on her hook.
1 (共1页)
Nineteen Poems (13)SUMMER POEM
Nineteen Poems (17)Forwarded poem
Nineteen Poems (19)[转载] 雾
Tagore Poems 1: On the Nature of Love[转载] 雪夜停林
Re: seman请评[转载] love poem
请对号入座 - A Poem by Mark Strand (以及题外话)Nineteen Poems in Ancient Style: Eight Selections
四月是National Poetry MonthNineteen Poems (1)
What Are the Best Poems of the Past 25 Years?Nineteen Poems (2)
话题: poem话题: ellery话题: look话题: who话题: rarest