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Postdoc版 - Position available at Duke University for brain tumor stud (转载)
a new postdoc position available at Duke University for br请推荐Houston薄厚职位 (转载)
诚招博士后 [Tumor Microenvironment and Tumor Immunology] (转载)新加坡一个研究所在computer-assisted surgical training方向有 (转载)
Postdoc Opening at Univ Wisconsin-MadisonPharmaceutical Postdoc Fellowship(ZZ)
Postdoctoral Position in Engineering of Polymeric Biomaterials请教各位有没有碰到想类似的情况?
才到这里不久,问个申请职位的问题Postdoc Position-Oral Insulin Delivery
please fwd this post to "postdoc" board, thanks! (转载)************被layoff,急寻BIOMED POSTDOC工作***********
postdoc/Assist. Specialist position at UCI (PEM fuel cell)Postdoctoral Position in Tumor Immunology
我的不成功的博后经历求审稿机会 biosensor, cell imaging
话题: tumor话题: duke话题: university话题: brain话题: position
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 92
【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: ganbo (niu), 信区: Biology
标 题: Position available at Duke University for brain tumor stud
关键字: cancer,postdoc,duke
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 27 07:52:31 2011, 美东)
Our lab is part of the Robert Preston Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke
University. We are seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow immediately to start
a new project dedicated to understanding malignant glioma
microenvironment and cancer drug resistance, employing
molecular/cellular biology and genetic approaches. We are seeking
self-driven individual with strong motivation, aspiring to undertake
necessary tasks in order to advance glioma treatment. This individual
will perform his/her own research projects, working both independently
and collaboratively with both basic researchers and clinicians.
Individuals with training in the fields of cellular and molecular
biology and/or cancer genetic will be eligible. Backgrounds in
bioinformatics/computer skill and /or tumor microenvironment will be a
great plus. We provide a friendly, fun and stimulating research environment.
Individuals who truely love and enjoy biomedical research
are particularly encouraged to apply. Please submit your resume
and a cover letter high-lighting your research interest,
accomplishments and future career goals, should be submitted to:
y*******[email protected].
1 (共1页)
求审稿机会 biosensor, cell imaging才到这里不久,问个申请职位的问题
part time editors in need!招聘生物和医学方面编辑please fwd this post to "postdoc" board, thanks! (转载)
I was harshly blamed by one professor todaypostdoc/Assist. Specialist position at UCI (PEM fuel cell)
推荐一篇文章: The Postdoc Experience: Not Always What You我的不成功的博后经历
a new postdoc position available at Duke University for br请推荐Houston薄厚职位 (转载)
诚招博士后 [Tumor Microenvironment and Tumor Immunology] (转载)新加坡一个研究所在computer-assisted surgical training方向有 (转载)
Postdoc Opening at Univ Wisconsin-MadisonPharmaceutical Postdoc Fellowship(ZZ)
Postdoctoral Position in Engineering of Polymeric Biomaterials请教各位有没有碰到想类似的情况?
话题: tumor话题: duke话题: university话题: brain话题: position