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Quant版 - What do Quants have to do with Bernard Madoff?
StatArb有什么比较经典的教材么?[合集] David Li,Thomas Ho and Sang-Bin Lee?
请各位大牛推荐一些stats arb的书或者论文吧。。[合集] 谁能预测一下未来的几年当中,quant的重心是否会转移阵地到亚太
[合集] 如果只是programmer也是经常加班的吗quant有人用murex么?
[合集] This year may be a bad year to jump into quantCFA是干这个的吗?
"The Lure of a Quant Career"波士顿附近有什么Quant的公司吗?
[合集] 请问这样的背景找Quant有竞争力吗?Finance Ph.D 也做 quant 么?
desk quant vs. structurer看到今天Bloomberg一篇文章里出现这么多恶心Quant的词,俺真是气坏了
what is quants? --- quantitative analyst.GS middle office quant vs. UBS front-desk quant
话题: madoff话题: bernard话题: what话题: quants话题: do
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 63
By Marco Avellaneda
Professor of Mathematics, New York University
Partner, Finance Concepts

The collapse of the phenomenal Ponzi scheme perpetrated by Bernard Madoff
will hurt those who were gullible enough to trust him. It should be
noted, however, that many investors were directed to Bernard Madoff
Investment Securities by intermediaries – the so-called funds of hedge
funds -- who now will have to answer for not doing proper due diligence on
behalf of their clients.
The demi
1 (共1页)
GS middle office quant vs. UBS front-desk quant"The Lure of a Quant Career"
以后的quant分析,会大规模outsource吗?[合集] 请问这样的背景找Quant有竞争力吗?
offer选择 top IB vs Googledesk quant vs. structurer
目前quant的工资也太低了吧?!what is quants? --- quantitative analyst.
StatArb有什么比较经典的教材么?[合集] David Li,Thomas Ho and Sang-Bin Lee?
请各位大牛推荐一些stats arb的书或者论文吧。。[合集] 谁能预测一下未来的几年当中,quant的重心是否会转移阵地到亚太
[合集] 如果只是programmer也是经常加班的吗quant有人用murex么?
[合集] This year may be a bad year to jump into quantCFA是干这个的吗?
话题: madoff话题: bernard话题: what话题: quants话题: do