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QueerNews版 - Angry LGBTs Could Sway Election
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话题: obama话题: angry话题: election话题: sway话题: lgbts
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发帖数: 4174
Posted on Advocate.com October 25, 2010
Angry LGBTs Could Sway Election
By Advocate.com Editors\
Gay activists are going Green, going Republican, and in some cases not
planning on going to the polls this year at all.
Democratic candidates are likely counting on support from gay voters to help
avoid big losses on November second. But according to an Associated Press
article, LGBT voters in Obama’s hometown of Chicago offer “a snapshot of
what some are calling the 'enthusiasm gap' between voters who came out
strong for Obama and other Democrats in 2008 and re-energized Republican
base voters, including tea party enthusiasts who say they are primed to
storm the polls.”
Activists cite anger with Obama over his handling of “don’t ask, don’t
tell.” Obama's Justice Department is defending the policy despite a federal
judge’s decision to overturn it.
"Once they're elected, they're not fighting for things like civil unions or
same-sex marriage or ending 'don't ask, don't tell' because they're hot-
button issues," said James Wyatt, a 35-year-old who says he usually supports
Democrats but won't vote this year. "We're just used as a piggyback for
them to get into office. It's absurd."
1 (共1页)
Antigay Testimony Swayed Md. Senator's Marriage Vote2010年11月中期选举时投票推翻Prop8
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IN OBAMA WE TRUST乌干达女同活动家获人权奖
200 Gay Activists Push Utah for RightsFor the Bible tells me so
A Chinese LGBT Activist's Thoughts on Democracy大家说说占领华尔街对LGBT有什么意义?
RI新州长坚决支持同性婚姻NOM Loses Court Cases Alleging Harassment By LGBT Activists
情人节抗议导致四人被捕there is a lgbt study program in univ. of maryland
爆炸新闻:10位在Pelosi办公室静坐的LGBT活动者被捕Will Anderson Cooper Discuss His Personal Life on New Show?
话题: obama话题: angry话题: election话题: sway话题: lgbts