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QueerNews版 - Minnesota Marriage Equality: GOP Lawmaker Prepares To Cosponsor Legislation
Survey: 20 Md. Senators for Marriage Equality纽约州众议院通过同性婚姻提案
Second Ill. GOP State Rep Supports Marriage Equality北卡要修宪了??
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Minnesota: Committee Sends Marriage Bill to Senate Floor每日一贴:indiana禁止同性婚姻又进一步
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Christine Johnson无意角逐下届州议员Senate Committee to Begin Debate on DOMA Repeal
Strongest Sign Yet: Cuomo Sends Bill to LawmakersMaryland GOP Senators Oppose Marriage Equality
话题: marriage话题: petersen话题: equality话题: same话题: minnesota
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4174
The drive to legalize same-sex marriage in Minnesota has received a boost,
as a Republican state senator prepares to cross party lines and join the
"At this point, I am concerned about doing the right thing," state Sen.
Branden Petersen (R) told the Minneapolis Star Tribune. "I have a certain
amount of peace about that, and I will let the chips fall where they may."
If Petersen signs on to the same-sex marriage bill expected to be introduced
this week, he would be the first Republican lawmaker to do so. His
cosponsorship would be especially significant because he was among a
majority of GOP legislators who put a constitutional amendment on the
November 2012 ballot that would have banned marriage equality in Minnesota.
Voters defeated the measure.
Petersen's father-in-law has been in a same-sex relationship for nearly 20
years and he says the issue has divided his family.
"It's only a matter of time before same-sex marriage is legal," Petersen
said. "I thought it was important to engage the issue now, and when we do it
, do it right, and that there's some perspective from the people I represent
in that."
Petersen said that before he signs on as a co-sponsor, he wants to make sure
that religious leaders are not forced to wed same-sex couples if doing so
would be against their beliefs, and to ensure that children with same-sex
parents who divorce receive the same financial guarantees as children with
heterosexual parents.
According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, state Sen. Scott Dibble (DFL),
who is the lead sponsor of the bill and gay, said he has "no problem" with
Petersen's suggestions and is excited to have him on board.
"It's awesome," he said. "I think it also allows a lot of space for other
legislators to consider the same."
A recent survey by Public Policy Polling found that 47 percent of
Minnesotans support marriage equality, compared to 45 percent who oppose.
Seventy-five percent back civil unions.
Gov. Mark Dayton (DFL) has pledged to sign marriage equality legislation if
it reaches his desk.
On the national level, the Respect for Marriage Coalition launched a $1
million ad campaign Wednesday advocating for the legalization of same-sex
marriage. The effort highlights the bipartisan support for the issue, with
clips of President Barack Obama, former Vice President Dick Cheney, former
First Lady Laura Bush and former Secretary of State Colin Powell speaking
out in favor of marriage equality.
1 (共1页)
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Survey: 20 Md. Senators for Marriage Equality纽约州众议院通过同性婚姻提案
Second Ill. GOP State Rep Supports Marriage Equality北卡要修宪了??
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话题: marriage话题: petersen话题: equality话题: same话题: minnesota