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SanFrancisco版 - 连爱尔兰人都很紧张,觉得快没有时间了 (转载)
被郁闷到的EB们,请赶快支持3012 (转载)SCA5 is sent back to Senate
Re: Senator Charles Grassley Proposed to Suspend OPT (转载何美湄:Senator Huff 正式提交決議要求爲排華道歉 (转载)
HR3012 in Senate: URGENT Action Item (转载)可以从house/senate来狙击AA吗?
H.R.3012 Action Item: Call your senators now (转载)Tell the CA Senate Why You Support Uber! (转载)
这是烙印么? (转载)Re: 20分钟给两个senator和一个congresswoman写了信
Peter Kuo's response on SCA5有个共和党参议员医生出身
大家去Senator Huff 关于SCA5的video点赞吧A look at the health care overhaul bill (转载)
Senator Huff 反对SCA5反对种族主义的演讲视频还没完呢。不要高兴/悲愤过早。
话题: senator话题: 224话题: 202话题: senators话题: irish
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 893
【 以下文字转载自 EB23 讨论区 】
发信人: Helsinki (跑步然后蛋腚地桑拿), 信区: EB23
标 题: 连爱尔兰人都很紧张,觉得快没有时间了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 17 15:13:40 2012, 美东)
We reported earlier that supporters of S. 1983 that includes H.R. 3012 and
Irish E-3 nonimmigrant visa needed at least seven (7) Republican Senators to
break the potential filibuster by Sen. Chuck Grassley. Irish media is
actively soliciting Irish community to contact the following Senators:
Kentucky: Senator Mitch McConnell: 202-224-2541
Maine: Senator Susan Collins: 202-224-2523
Maine: Senator Olympia Snowe: 202-224-5344
Alaska: Senator Murkowski: 202-224-666
Indiana: Senator Lugar: 202-224-4814
Arizona: Senator John McCain: 202-224-2235
South Carolina: Senator Lindsey Graham: 202-224- 5972
Ohio: Senator Rob Portman: 202-224-3353
Florida: Senator Marco Rubio: 202-224-3041
Massachusetts: Senator Scott Brown: 202-224-4543
Pennsylvania: Senator Pat Toomey: 202-224-4254
Illinois: Senator Mark Kirk: 202-224-2854
New Hampshire: Senator Kelly Ayotte: 202-224-3324
Iowa: Senator Chuck Grassley: 202-224-3744
Texas: Senator John Cornyn: 202-224-2934
This reporter understands that the H.R. 3012 lobbysts and supporters,
including Indians, have been working hard to get seven Republican Senators.
We are not sure whether they are targetting at the same Republican Senators,
but time is running out and both communities must work hard to get their
bill sailed through the Senate floor successfully as soon as the Senate
returns to the session. January 23, 2012 meeting will be pro forma session
and there will be no votes and the supporters may want to have the bills
taken care of at least by the first week of February 2012.
1 (共1页)
还没完呢。不要高兴/悲愤过早。这是烙印么? (转载)
O8“突击”任命15位高官Peter Kuo's response on SCA5
请大家都尽快行动起来推动中国EB2的JULY VB大家去Senator Huff 关于SCA5的video点赞吧
Senators提议:吊销裁员500的公司前后1年内的H-1BSenator Huff 反对SCA5反对种族主义的演讲视频
被郁闷到的EB们,请赶快支持3012 (转载)SCA5 is sent back to Senate
Re: Senator Charles Grassley Proposed to Suspend OPT (转载何美湄:Senator Huff 正式提交決議要求爲排華道歉 (转载)
HR3012 in Senate: URGENT Action Item (转载)可以从house/senate来狙击AA吗?
H.R.3012 Action Item: Call your senators now (转载)Tell the CA Senate Why You Support Uber! (转载)
话题: senator话题: 224话题: 202话题: senators话题: irish