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SanFrancisco版 - costco deliver 床垫要给小费吗?
Does waiters/waitress report their tip income to IRSGOOGLE Phone Interview
有人从国内运床垫或者硬板床过来么? (转载)8mile 打车多少钱
有人想组织团购装Security Camera吗?两人吃饭花了$21.28,我给了$3小费,给少了吗???
COMCAST太毒了[合集] 再贡献两个personal income tax tips
Backpacking tips --睡具关于tips,你会怎么做? (转载)
Backpacking Tips --生火[求助]刚搬到Pleasanton,有一孩,一年级
话题: tips话题: why话题: than话题: about话题: deliver
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1071
发帖数: 3888
No, unless they're exceptionally friendly and helpful, and you're in a good
mood. Bottom line is that it's not expected
发帖数: 243
why do you say that? someone told you or its just your thinking? It's
illegal to solicit tips but it doesn't mean it doesn't make difference. I
have noticed service people's attitude is not as good as treating western
people. why? because they don't "expect" tips from us. and why don't they
expect tips? Have you thought about it?
$10 can make them happy. Please show respect to those people who make your
living inexpensive.

【在 c**d 的大作中提到】
: No, unless they're exceptionally friendly and helpful, and you're in a good
: mood. Bottom line is that it's not expected

发帖数: 485


【在 c**d 的大作中提到】
: No, unless they're exceptionally friendly and helpful, and you're in a good
: mood. Bottom line is that it's not expected

发帖数: 179

【在 m****r 的大作中提到】
: why do you say that? someone told you or its just your thinking? It's
: illegal to solicit tips but it doesn't mean it doesn't make difference. I
: have noticed service people's attitude is not as good as treating western
: people. why? because they don't "expect" tips from us. and why don't they
: expect tips? Have you thought about it?
: $10 can make them happy. Please show respect to those people who make your
: living inexpensive.

发帖数: 3888
Why do I say that? I say that because tips are a matter of customs. It's
customary to pay tips for some services, but not others. Without knowing
anything more about you, I can tell you right now I know more about American
customs than you do.
I also say that because in my undergrad days I worked in delivery jobs,
moving things much heavier than mattresses. I have first-hand knowledge
when tips are expected and when they're not. When you say you believe "
western people" tip more generously than we do, it tells me that you have
absolutely no knowledge but still likes to imagine you're more generous than
other Chinese.

【在 m****r 的大作中提到】
: why do you say that? someone told you or its just your thinking? It's
: illegal to solicit tips but it doesn't mean it doesn't make difference. I
: have noticed service people's attitude is not as good as treating western
: people. why? because they don't "expect" tips from us. and why don't they
: expect tips? Have you thought about it?
: $10 can make them happy. Please show respect to those people who make your
: living inexpensive.

发帖数: 34805
I gave $20 last time they delivered my bed frame.

【在 j*****y 的大作中提到】
: 在costco网站上买的$600的床垫。deliver到家里。要给小费的话给多少啊。多谢了。
发帖数: 243
If you google this topic you'd find that the answers are mixed. I don't want
to argue with you as after reading your post I agree you know more than I
do on this. But I'm still surprised that with the experience in heavy
lifting jobs you still discourage people to tip. I've always tipped peopole
who I think works hard and deserves a good pay. It's not about how you
imagine yourself to be, but what you'd like the world to be and your willing
to contribute to it.

【在 c**d 的大作中提到】
: Why do I say that? I say that because tips are a matter of customs. It's
: customary to pay tips for some services, but not others. Without knowing
: anything more about you, I can tell you right now I know more about American
: customs than you do.
: I also say that because in my undergrad days I worked in delivery jobs,
: moving things much heavier than mattresses. I have first-hand knowledge
: when tips are expected and when they're not. When you say you believe "
: western people" tip more generously than we do, it tells me that you have
: absolutely no knowledge but still likes to imagine you're more generous than
: other Chinese.

发帖数: 4965
I also wonder about this topic,
could you please explain why? and generally a more complete coverage of
where tips are not expected?
for example I think it's generally agreed that you need to tip movers when
moving your home; but why don't you tip a delivery guy? how about
cleaning company? ADT installer? cable company installer?


【在 c**d 的大作中提到】
: Why do I say that? I say that because tips are a matter of customs. It's
: customary to pay tips for some services, but not others. Without knowing
: anything more about you, I can tell you right now I know more about American
: customs than you do.
: I also say that because in my undergrad days I worked in delivery jobs,
: moving things much heavier than mattresses. I have first-hand knowledge
: when tips are expected and when they're not. When you say you believe "
: western people" tip more generously than we do, it tells me that you have
: absolutely no knowledge but still likes to imagine you're more generous than
: other Chinese.

1 (共1页)
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Does waiters/waitress report their tip income to IRSGOOGLE Phone Interview
有人从国内运床垫或者硬板床过来么? (转载)8mile 打车多少钱
有人想组织团购装Security Camera吗?两人吃饭花了$21.28,我给了$3小费,给少了吗???
话题: tips话题: why话题: than话题: about话题: deliver