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SanFrancisco版 - yahoo's new hire pay significantly better than google's
关于life insurance[合集] 周五泡吧call
今天和同事聊天,原来亚裔真不爱投票啊。[合集] 顶着房托的title,我挖个实战房黑坑
从几个法案看 共和党和民主党对华人职业移民的态度强烈建议发起全球海外华人统一烛光祈福赈灾活动
Re: Realtor的信息怎么读?mountain view 燭光祈福會參加人士名單(不斷更新中)
结婚占了很多便宜了,多上一点税又怎么了? 5月17日炎炎夏夜请来山景城点燃烛光为地震灾区祈福
请支持加州37号提案 转基因的第一战7月5号 星期六,Hiking Call: Sanborn County Park,Saratoga
求助买房后的assessed values: land vs improvement周五7:05PM电影Call: He's Just Not That Into You
话题: castro话题: yahoo话题: de话题: google话题: valued
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7506
In an indication of how much Mayer prizes de Castro's skills, Yahoo is
giving him a compensation package valued at about $58 million, according to
a regulatory filing Monday.
Most of the pay consists of restricted stock and stock options that will
vest over the next four years. De Castro is getting restricted grant valued
at $20 million and a $1 million cash bonus to make up for benefits he is
relinquishing at Google.
Yahoo also is doling out stock options and additional restricted stock
valued at $36 million as an incentive for de Castro to remain at the company
for the next four years while he works with Mayer to turn the company
around. That's all on top of de Castro's $600,000 annual salary and a
potential annual bonus of up to $540,000.
发帖数: 7126
Great news!
If he pays taxes on his income I really hope he could be even more
successful. Google is not a poor company but 我老 is surprised that it didn'
t offer a 100 mil package to keep this highly experienced and successful
executive, maybe google did but he could be following his heart and true
love. Who knows and who cares. Chasing whatever he wants is his
constitutional right.
This is different from 油族成功人士靠插管吸血赚钱


【在 s**x 的大作中提到】
: "
: In an indication of how much Mayer prizes de Castro's skills, Yahoo is
: giving him a compensation package valued at about $58 million, according to
: a regulatory filing Monday.
: Most of the pay consists of restricted stock and stock options that will
: vest over the next four years. De Castro is getting restricted grant valued
: at $20 million and a $1 million cash bonus to make up for benefits he is
: relinquishing at Google.
: Yahoo also is doling out stock options and additional restricted stock
: valued at $36 million as an incentive for de Castro to remain at the company

发帖数: 3388
yahoo向来不差钱。yahoo lab的工资收入在湾区也是首屈一指。
1 (共1页)
周五7:05PM电影Call: He's Just Not That Into YouRe: Realtor的信息怎么读?
在东湾Castro Valley买房,请大家建议结婚占了很多便宜了,多上一点税又怎么了?
请问哪里有新Yamaha U1的deal?请支持加州37号提案 转基因的第一战
我的弯曲食堂求助买房后的assessed values: land vs improvement
关于life insurance[合集] 周五泡吧call
今天和同事聊天,原来亚裔真不爱投票啊。[合集] 顶着房托的title,我挖个实战房黑坑
从几个法案看 共和党和民主党对华人职业移民的态度强烈建议发起全球海外华人统一烛光祈福赈灾活动
话题: castro话题: yahoo话题: de话题: google话题: valued