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SanFrancisco版 - 如果拥枪自卫是天赋人权而且是有效手段
弯曲的Comcast有没有 300GB data cap民猪党的新政策:禁止华裔拥有枪支, 没收华裔资产, 投入集中....
求解数学题Kenny G
非法移民大赦了你们还赖在米国嘛?the day democracy died in America (Peter Schiff)
房黑们承认吧,bidding war早就开始了历史的见证
IBM 印度大裁人:‘slaughter' and 'massive' ZT (转载)美国人哀叹:为何中国比我们还更会搞资本主义? (转载)
话题: gun话题: statistics话题: guns话题: democracy话题: people
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6655
发帖数: 7506
用枪自卫的概率有多大? 我不认为很大, 机会是有的,但概率肯定是在坏人一方。
普通人没有枪,坏人就会到处杀人吗? 至少中国的经验告诉我肯定不是真的。恶有恶
所以我看不出拥枪有什么好处。 有些人喜欢玩枪而已, 如同小孩子喜欢Tomas train.
发帖数: 6655


【在 s**x 的大作中提到】
: 用枪自卫的概率有多大? 我不认为很大, 机会是有的,但概率肯定是在坏人一方。
: 普通人没有枪,坏人就会到处杀人吗? 至少中国的经验告诉我肯定不是真的。恶有恶
: 道,坏人大多数也有自己的处世之道。
: 所以我看不出拥枪有什么好处。 有些人喜欢玩枪而已, 如同小孩子喜欢Tomas train.

发帖数: 7506


【在 b*******r 的大作中提到】
: insecure的原因有很多,最重要的一是贪,二是闲,现代人越来越贪,越来越闲,所以
: 也越来越觉得不安全,各种精神病也越来越多。其实都是无事生非。
: train.

发帖数: 2651
>>>>>>>>: 普通人没有枪,坏人就会到处杀人吗?
去年年底或今年年初,一个女华人在SF Sunset区被老黑打劫。女英雄反手一枪,解决
前几年,在SF Sunset发生的,老黑针对老弱华人虐杀还少了?


【在 s**x 的大作中提到】
: 用枪自卫的概率有多大? 我不认为很大, 机会是有的,但概率肯定是在坏人一方。
: 普通人没有枪,坏人就会到处杀人吗? 至少中国的经验告诉我肯定不是真的。恶有恶
: 道,坏人大多数也有自己的处世之道。
: 所以我看不出拥枪有什么好处。 有些人喜欢玩枪而已, 如同小孩子喜欢Tomas train.

发帖数: 5739
其实用枪自卫的可能性对一般硅工基本没有。 暴力犯罪牵涉到枪应该百分九十九是地
域性的。 就算有枪, 也不能随身上膛带着。 不要在晚上到危险的地方溜达屁事没


【在 s**x 的大作中提到】
: 用枪自卫的概率有多大? 我不认为很大, 机会是有的,但概率肯定是在坏人一方。
: 普通人没有枪,坏人就会到处杀人吗? 至少中国的经验告诉我肯定不是真的。恶有恶
: 道,坏人大多数也有自己的处世之道。
: 所以我看不出拥枪有什么好处。 有些人喜欢玩枪而已, 如同小孩子喜欢Tomas train.

发帖数: 5739
其实用枪自卫的可能性对一般硅工基本没有。 暴力犯罪牵涉到枪应该百分九十九是地
域性的。 就算有枪, 也不能随身上膛带着。 不要在晚上到危险的地方溜达屁事没


【在 s**x 的大作中提到】
: 用枪自卫的概率有多大? 我不认为很大, 机会是有的,但概率肯定是在坏人一方。
: 普通人没有枪,坏人就会到处杀人吗? 至少中国的经验告诉我肯定不是真的。恶有恶
: 道,坏人大多数也有自己的处世之道。
: 所以我看不出拥枪有什么好处。 有些人喜欢玩枪而已, 如同小孩子喜欢Tomas train.

发帖数: 1318
Do you know how many breakins happen in Bay Area every month?
A girl almost got raped in downtown PA apartments a couple weeks ago.
Last year, several well reported gun incidents are single moms shooting
Intruders dead.

【在 R******d 的大作中提到】
: 其实用枪自卫的可能性对一般硅工基本没有。 暴力犯罪牵涉到枪应该百分九十九是地
: 域性的。 就算有枪, 也不能随身上膛带着。 不要在晚上到危险的地方溜达屁事没
: 有。
: train.

发帖数: 5739

女英雄那是有合法持枪证, 只能是某些政府职员, 还要有足够训练, 每半年考核一
次。 一般人拿枪去酒吧和两杯, 发生口角, 你还去酒吧不?
我要没记错, 俞正声的堂哥那也算失手。 怕的就是你这种的, 一言不合, 动手打

【在 l******l 的大作中提到】
: >>>>>>>>: 普通人没有枪,坏人就会到处杀人吗?
: 去年年底或今年年初,一个女华人在SF Sunset区被老黑打劫。女英雄反手一枪,解决
: 问题。原来她是IRS官员。
: 前几年,在SF Sunset发生的,老黑针对老弱华人虐杀还少了?
: 还有在Oakland俞正声的堂哥。
: 那个华人社区领袖出来发话了?
: train.

发帖数: 5739
please show me the statistics. if what you trying to show is valid, then
the recent incidents involving guns make a very good point at banning all

【在 p***e 的大作中提到】
: Do you know how many breakins happen in Bay Area every month?
: A girl almost got raped in downtown PA apartments a couple weeks ago.
: Last year, several well reported gun incidents are single moms shooting
: Intruders dead.

房黑们承认吧,bidding war早就开始了还有更无耻的,关于PTA均贫富
看到小孩失控的样子,实在让人心酸!民猪党的新政策:禁止华裔拥有枪支, 没收华裔资产, 投入集中....
IBM 印度大裁人:‘slaughter' and 'massive' ZT (转载)房价要跌了!
发帖数: 1318
No the incidents make no points of banning guns. We really need raise above
the arguments others put in your mind.
The incidents make a good point of increase school security.
The incidents also make a good point of investing in mental health care.
For a sane man, it is never imperative to reduce human's ability,
physically or mentally. You don't ban bad books because they can only ruin

【在 R******d 的大作中提到】
: please show me the statistics. if what you trying to show is valid, then
: the recent incidents involving guns make a very good point at banning all
: guns.

发帖数: 5739
moost of software engineers here live in cuppertino, santa clara, etc. why
don't you show me how many gun involved crimes every year happening in such
places, and how many resulted in death, if that is not enough, then show me
how many of such cases happening in oakland chinatown, what is the
percentage of families affected by not owning a gun to defend themself? my
own panrents lives in oakland chinatown for 12 years.


【在 p***e 的大作中提到】
: No the incidents make no points of banning guns. We really need raise above
: the arguments others put in your mind.
: The incidents make a good point of increase school security.
: The incidents also make a good point of investing in mental health care.
: For a sane man, it is never imperative to reduce human's ability,
: physically or mentally. You don't ban bad books because they can only ruin
: people.

发帖数: 2651
>>>>>>>怕的就是你这种的, 一言不合, 动手打几拳就掏枪。

【在 R******d 的大作中提到】
: moost of software engineers here live in cuppertino, santa clara, etc. why
: don't you show me how many gun involved crimes every year happening in such
: places, and how many resulted in death, if that is not enough, then show me
: how many of such cases happening in oakland chinatown, what is the
: percentage of families affected by not owning a gun to defend themself? my
: own panrents lives in oakland chinatown for 12 years.
: above

发帖数: 2424

【在 b*******r 的大作中提到】
: 那么为什么政府发食品券,住房券,教育券,就是不发武器弹药券?广大黑人长期居住
: 在治安极差的地方,警察根本管不了,迫切需要自卫,政府不但不提供帮助,反而一再
: 出资在黑人区购回枪支,这不是暴政是什么?政府黑暗也就算了,为什么拥枪派也不敢
: 提出削减犯罪高发地区的警察开支,武装人民让其自卫的口号?
: 结果暴政又轻松愉快的把自动武器给“严格管制”了,广大热爱自由的人民继续表示情
: 绪稳定。

发帖数: 5739

现在不就是这样么。 本来就是经常火拼的地方, 警察还要保命, 谁在帮派火拼的时

【在 m*****y 的大作中提到】
: 你的提议非常好,对付oakland这种治安极差的地方就应该象印第安人保留地一样圈起
: 来,撤掉警察,发放武器弹药,让黑兄弟们放手互搏,建议你给本区的议员写信提出这
: 个一劳永逸解决治安问题的良策。
: 除非美国修宪作废第二修正案,再派国民警卫队挨家挨户抄查枪支,否则不可能禁得了
: 枪。既然禁不了枪,华人作为弱势种族就该也拥枪自卫,看看当初洛杉矶骚乱时华人的
: 店被烧被抢而持枪自卫的韩国人是怎样保护自己的店的,就明白这个道理了。不错,这
: 种事发生的概率很低,但只要发生一次就够让你家破人亡了,更何况它已确确实实发生
: 过。

发帖数: 1318
There are plenty of statistics just read them. You will be surprised.
But leave those statistics alone, I wouldn't sacrifice one person who is
willing to defend himself.
You would rather have the single mom raped by the thugs rather than having
shoot them if it could save the life of 10 children?


【在 R******d 的大作中提到】
: moost of software engineers here live in cuppertino, santa clara, etc. why
: don't you show me how many gun involved crimes every year happening in such
: places, and how many resulted in death, if that is not enough, then show me
: how many of such cases happening in oakland chinatown, what is the
: percentage of families affected by not owning a gun to defend themself? my
: own panrents lives in oakland chinatown for 12 years.
: above

发帖数: 5739
this is a dangerous world and you need to realize that. even if you let
everyone have guns, without according strict gun regulations and educations,
it will end up just like what happened in CT. the mother tried to put
responsibility into a crazy son by teaching him how to shoot. tell me, did
owning a gun sacrifice one person to defend hgimself?

【在 p***e 的大作中提到】
: There are plenty of statistics just read them. You will be surprised.
: But leave those statistics alone, I wouldn't sacrifice one person who is
: willing to defend himself.
: You would rather have the single mom raped by the thugs rather than having
: her
: shoot them if it could save the life of 10 children?
: why
: such
: me

发帖数: 2424
Statistics means abosolutely nothing if it's one in a million chance and you
are the one. It's your choice to forego your right to protect your family,
but don't impede on mine.


【在 R******d 的大作中提到】
: moost of software engineers here live in cuppertino, santa clara, etc. why
: don't you show me how many gun involved crimes every year happening in such
: places, and how many resulted in death, if that is not enough, then show me
: how many of such cases happening in oakland chinatown, what is the
: percentage of families affected by not owning a gun to defend themself? my
: own panrents lives in oakland chinatown for 12 years.
: above

发帖数: 5739
if this world is only you, then statistic means nothing, unfortunately, you
are not the only one, and you need statistics


【在 m*****y 的大作中提到】
: Statistics means abosolutely nothing if it's one in a million chance and you
: are the one. It's your choice to forego your right to protect your family,
: but don't impede on mine.
: why
: such
: me
: my

发帖数: 1318
I am getting a parsing error on your question. Never the less, the fact you
the mom was teaching a "crazy" son showed you are callous and ignorant.
That is why US can't fix this issue for so many years.
It is a terrible tragedy. Gun ban activists can't let it go unused. People
Wanting to show cheap compassion can't let it go unused.


【在 R******d 的大作中提到】
: this is a dangerous world and you need to realize that. even if you let
: everyone have guns, without according strict gun regulations and educations,
: it will end up just like what happened in CT. the mother tried to put
: responsibility into a crazy son by teaching him how to shoot. tell me, did
: owning a gun sacrifice one person to defend hgimself?

Kenny G基督徒谋杀和感染梅毒的比例远比无神论更高
the day democracy died in America (Peter Schiff)美国人哀叹:为何中国比我们还更会搞资本主义? (转载)
发帖数: 5739
did they change the story again?
it is a unthinkable tragedy. The day when I heard the shooting before the
full details, I am hoping not the childrens, noone has the heart to shoot


【在 p***e 的大作中提到】
: I am getting a parsing error on your question. Never the less, the fact you
: said
: the mom was teaching a "crazy" son showed you are callous and ignorant.
: That is why US can't fix this issue for so many years.
: It is a terrible tragedy. Gun ban activists can't let it go unused. People
: Wanting to show cheap compassion can't let it go unused.
: educations,
: did

发帖数: 2424
Let me make it easy for you: if there is a one in a million chance of anyone
being hit by lightening, but that one poor sucker happens to be you, does
statistics still matter to YOU? No, because you would be dead!


【在 R******d 的大作中提到】
: if this world is only you, then statistic means nothing, unfortunately, you
: are not the only one, and you need statistics
: you
: ,

发帖数: 5739
If statistics and democracy are such difficult subjects for you, I suggest
you go read more. You are not the only one in the world. Any policy
changes the way of public life. You can't just say you have one in a
million chance of being affected by something and therefore the policy has
to be in your favor. The same logic goes to either banning or allowing gun
ownership. The affect of policy change need to be looked at by statistics,
by public sentiment, etc. not by the one in a million possibility that you
can be that sucker, and compromise need to be reached. This is called
statistics and democracy that u need to live with.


【在 m*****y 的大作中提到】
: Let me make it easy for you: if there is a one in a million chance of anyone
: being hit by lightening, but that one poor sucker happens to be you, does
: statistics still matter to YOU? No, because you would be dead!
: you

发帖数: 2424
Now you want to talk about democracy, fine, I'm your huckleberry. Democracy,
in layman's terms, is simply that majority rules while protecting minority
interests, and there shall be no tax without representation, which is the
founding principle of this nation. Democracy has never been, nor will it
ever be, dictated by statistics and public sentiment. Because if it were,
then the tax rate of the rich will be 90%, because statistics says the
overwhelming majority of the people will never make over 1 million a year,
and public sentiment is to tax the rich to death. But I digressed, let's
talk about gun control.
Your argument was that since there was a very remote chance you would be
robbed by anyone, therefore it would not make sense to own guns for self-
protection. Then why do you need car insurance since there is also very
remote chance that you will be involved in a car accident? Other people on
the other hand, yours truly included, do not want to risk the chance of
ending up in your low statistics, so we take advantage of the current gun
law to arm and protect ourselves. Now as a law-abiding citizen, if the
second amendment is ever abolished and all guns are forcefully confiscated,
I am willing to give up mine as well. However, with the status quo of gun
law and the reality of gun proliferation, I will exercise my right to arm
and protect.
Since you have such strong opinion on banning all guns, I suggest that you
exercise you right to be represented and write to your congressman and


【在 R******d 的大作中提到】
: If statistics and democracy are such difficult subjects for you, I suggest
: you go read more. You are not the only one in the world. Any policy
: changes the way of public life. You can't just say you have one in a
: million chance of being affected by something and therefore the policy has
: to be in your favor. The same logic goes to either banning or allowing gun
: ownership. The affect of policy change need to be looked at by statistics,
: by public sentiment, etc. not by the one in a million possibility that you
: can be that sucker, and compromise need to be reached. This is called
: statistics and democracy that u need to live with.

发帖数: 5739
Now you want to talk about democracy, fine, I'm your huckleberry. Democracy,
in layman's terms, is simply that majority rules while protecting minority
interests, and there shall be no tax without representation, which is the
founding principle of this nation. Democracy has never been, nor will it
ever be, dictated by statistics and public sentiment.
democracy is enforced by voting, which has direct connection with statistics
and public sentiment.
Because if it were, then the tax rate of the rich will be 90%, because
statistics says the
overwhelming majority of the people will never make over 1 million a year,
and public sentiment is to tax the rich to death.
if you can get >90 % of poor people out to vote, then you will have a very
good chance that the tax rate goes much higher, maybe not 90%. the
statistic says, the less educated and poor one is, the less likely they go
out to vote.
But I digressed, let's
talk about gun control.
Your argument was that since there was a very remote chance you would be
robbed by anyone, therefore it would not make sense to own guns for self-
I did not say that if you mind going back to the arguments, so don't put
your words in my mouth. I simply said, the argument that you have a one in
million chance being robbed by someone is not enough to make a case for
owning a gun, like wise with banning gun ownership with the recent gun
violence, because these are not everyday incidences, as tragic as they can
Then why do you need car insurance since there is also very
remote chance that you will be involved in a car accident?
this is enforced by the government. given the choice, some people would not
buy insurance at all, and people can start another whole bunch of argument
on both sides.
Other people on
the other hand, yours truly included, do not want to risk the chance of
ending up in your low statistics, so we take advantage of the current gun
law to arm and protect ourselves. Now as a law-abiding citizen, if the
second amendment is ever abolished and all guns are forcefully confiscated,
I am willing to give up mine as well. However, with the status quo of gun
law and the reality of gun proliferation, I will exercise my right to arm
and protect.
Since you have such strong opinion on banning all guns, I suggest that you
exercise you right to be represented and write to your congressman and
you should read what other people were saying before commenting. I have
never agree with banning gun ownership, but stricter gun control and
发帖数: 2424
"democracy is enforced by voting, which has direct connection with
statistics and public sentiment. "
Democracy is enforced by the three branches of the government, out of which
only the legislative branch operates through voting. Statistics and public
sentiment hardly ever play any important role in legislation, the convoluted
process of endless political bargaining, lobbying, and quid pro quo. The
existing gun law is an excellent case in point.
"if you can get >90 % of poor people out to vote, then you will have a very
good chance that the tax rate goes much higher, maybe not 90%. the
statistic says, the less educated and poor one is, the less likely they go
out to vote."
Check the voter turn-out of the most recent 2 elections.
" I simply said, the argument that you have a one in
million chance being robbed by someone is not enough to make a case for
owning a gun, like wise with banning gun ownership with the recent gun
violence, because these are not everyday incidences, as tragic as they can
be. "
Like I said, even with the low statistics, I don't want to end up being the
one in the million, that's why I said statistics didn't matter if it
happened to you. Because to the victim, it's 100%. Get it?
"this is enforced by the government. given the choice, some people would
buy insurance at all, and people can start another whole bunch of argument
on both sides."
Are you one of those people? It sure sounds like you are, with your
reasoning. It's probably one in a million chance that you'll get into an
accident or be pulled over by a cop, so why bother with insurance.
" I have
never agree with banning gun ownership, but stricter gun control and
So you don't want to ban guns, then why are you telling me that I shouldn't
own one?


【在 R******d 的大作中提到】
: Now you want to talk about democracy, fine, I'm your huckleberry. Democracy,
: in layman's terms, is simply that majority rules while protecting minority
: interests, and there shall be no tax without representation, which is the
: founding principle of this nation. Democracy has never been, nor will it
: ever be, dictated by statistics and public sentiment.
: ----------------------
: democracy is enforced by voting, which has direct connection with statistics
: and public sentiment.
: ----------------------
: Because if it were, then the tax rate of the rich will be 90%, because

发帖数: 13310


【在 s**x 的大作中提到】
: 用枪自卫的概率有多大? 我不认为很大, 机会是有的,但概率肯定是在坏人一方。
: 普通人没有枪,坏人就会到处杀人吗? 至少中国的经验告诉我肯定不是真的。恶有恶
: 道,坏人大多数也有自己的处世之道。
: 所以我看不出拥枪有什么好处。 有些人喜欢玩枪而已, 如同小孩子喜欢Tomas train.

发帖数: 5739
Democracy is enforced by the three branches of the government, out of which
only the legislative branch operates through voting. Statistics and public
sentiment hardly ever play any important role in legislation, the convoluted
process of endless political bargaining, lobbying, and quid pro quo. The
existing gun law is an excellent case in point.
well, FYI, the definition of democracy is "rule by people". if I remember
correctly, the birth place was a seaside village in ancient greece. after
overthrowing a local tyrant, the villagers decided to make public decisions
based on voting with black and white marble. this is the primitive form of
democracy. the form today is so much more complex, but the basic idea is
there, rule by people in the form of voting. every citizen gets one vote,
poor or rich, old or young.
Check the voter turn-out of the most recent 2 elections.
Socioeconomic factors significantly affect whether or not individuals
develop the habit of voting. The most important socioeconomic factor
affecting voter turnout is education. The more educated a person is, the
more likely he or she is to vote, even controlling for other factors that
are closely associated with education level, such as income and class.
Income has some effect independently: wealthier people are more likely to
vote, regardless of their educational background. There is some debate over
the effects of ethnicity, race, and gender. In the past, these factors
unquestionably influenced turnout in many nations, but nowadays the
consensus among political scientists is that these factors have little
effect in Western democracies when education and income differences are
taken into account.[24] However, since different ethnic groups typically
have different levels of education and income, there are important
differences in turnout between such groups in many societies. Other
demographic factors have an important influence: young people are far less
likely to vote than the elderly; and single people are less likely to vote
than those who are married.[citation needed] Occupation has little effect on
turnout, with the notable exception of higher voting rates among government
employees in many countries.[24]
Like I said, even with the low statistics, I don't want to end up being the
one in the million, that's why I said statistics didn't matter if it
happened to you. Because to the victim, it's 100%. Get it?
I totally see your point, but your point is no better than some used by
people who want to ban gun ownership. to illustrate your statistic, here is
a hypothetical scenario.
In a one million family community, one family is being robbed or even killed
by intruders. A says, I don't want to be the sucker, I need a gun to
defend my home, A's logic is that one in a million becomes one if it is A's
family. Now laws passed and every family has gun. one day, a kid from one
of the family stole a gun and shoots other kids in the school. B jumps out
and said all guns need to be ban so that no possibility for gun violence,
even though it is one kid in a million, B doesn't want to be sucker. C
jumps out and said, if B arms him/herself, B should be fine. B said no,
there is still one in a million chance the shooter shoots before s/he does,
B doesn't want to be the sucker, B believe all guns should be banned and
confiscated. D jumps out and said there is one in a million chance a tyrant
is in power, and guns can not be banned, and E jumps out, etc, and here
goes all one in a million.
发帖数: 2424
This is getting way too long, so allow me to be succinct without much
1. "Rule by the people" is just a dream, an illusion created by the real
rulers of the world, the rich and the powerful.
2. Unprecedented amount of black and poorly educated voters came out to vote
for Obama.
3. I'm all for banning all guns, but that will never happen in this country
of more guns than people. So until that day comes when the national guards
are knocking on everybody's door to confiscate all guns, I will sleep a lot
better with my weapon locked and loaded.


【在 R******d 的大作中提到】
: Democracy is enforced by the three branches of the government, out of which
: only the legislative branch operates through voting. Statistics and public
: sentiment hardly ever play any important role in legislation, the convoluted
: process of endless political bargaining, lobbying, and quid pro quo. The
: existing gun law is an excellent case in point.
: ----------------------------------------
: well, FYI, the definition of democracy is "rule by people". if I remember
: correctly, the birth place was a seaside village in ancient greece. after
: overthrowing a local tyrant, the villagers decided to make public decisions
: based on voting with black and white marble. this is the primitive form of

发帖数: 5739

yes and no. the rich and powerful always gets the upper hand, you never
seen the weak gets into power by default. democracy seems to be the best
form to feed some power back to the weak. I dont call it a illusion, at
least I make myself to vote every time.
vote for Obama.
unprecedented amount of black and poorly educated voters came out?
not sure about the poor voter part, on the black part,
black population, roughly 12 - 13 %
voter percentage,
12.1 % in 2008, a bit lower than the population %, 0.6 % higher than 2000, 1
.1 % higher than 2004. the percentage been growing over the election years,
so "unprecedented"? good that you didn't they were the decisive factor for
obama to win the presidency
country of more guns than people. So until that day comes when the national
guards are knocking on everybody's door to confiscate all guns, I will sleep
a lot better with my weapon locked and loaded.
again, the discussion started with sdlx's post about chances software
engineers get involved in gun violence living in cuppertino vs. chances kids
stole guns, or even worse, given guns by parents and shooting in school.

【在 m*****y 的大作中提到】
: This is getting way too long, so allow me to be succinct without much
: elaboration:
: 1. "Rule by the people" is just a dream, an illusion created by the real
: rulers of the world, the rich and the powerful.
: 2. Unprecedented amount of black and poorly educated voters came out to vote
: for Obama.
: 3. I'm all for banning all guns, but that will never happen in this country
: of more guns than people. So until that day comes when the national guards
: are knocking on everybody's door to confiscate all guns, I will sleep a lot
: better with my weapon locked and loaded.

NPR Exec被抓了现行弯曲的Comcast有没有 300GB data cap
发帖数: 2424
So what IS your point exactly? In stead of just rambling on and on about "
chances", "democracy", "statistics", what precisely are you advocating? Don'
t buy guns because you'll never get to use it?

【在 R******d 的大作中提到】
: -------------------------
: yes and no. the rich and powerful always gets the upper hand, you never
: seen the weak gets into power by default. democracy seems to be the best
: form to feed some power back to the weak. I dont call it a illusion, at
: least I make myself to vote every time.
: ---------------------------
: vote for Obama.
: -----------------------------
: unprecedented amount of black and poorly educated voters came out?

发帖数: 492
现在美国全禁枪是不可能。 只能先禁大杀伤
力武器。 就是这样, 政客们都不愿意。 还说是民愿。 你能说什么。 共和党大老们
是 NRA 的朋友,他们跟NRA 更亲。
1 (共1页)
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求解数学题Kenny G
话题: gun话题: statistics话题: guns话题: democracy话题: people