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SanFrancisco版 - 今天Cupertino Quinlan Meeting的主流媒体报道
3月16日 康老爷子来北加!Cupertino “SCA-5”深度研讨会SCA-5实际的做法
3/17: Cupertino City Council Special Meeting联合非裔
SVCA/AAV/APAPA选民登记Volunteers注册Redefine our goal: no change to Proposition 209
最高法院就UM的判决宣判了SCA5死刑副州长竞选人Ron Nehring发表声明反对SCA5
SCA5 咱们有什么可以做的?反SCA5 的运动即将进入一个全新阶段
请加州同胞给本地州议员发信反对SCA5 (转载)快讯 加州众院多数党领袖宣布把SCA-5退回参院
反对SCA 5 : 请给你的ASSEMBLYMEMBER发信刚收到43选区的Mike Gatto关于SCA5的回信。贴在下面: (转载)
SCA 5只是一个开端Bob Wieckowski的回信
话题: sca话题: american话题: asian话题: california
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10440
总算比较理性了,good :-)
CUPERTINO -- Chinese-Americans were exhorted Sunday to redouble their
opposition to the proposed California constitutional amendment that would
reinstate affirmative action in public universities.
If passed by the Legislature and then by state voters, Senate Constitutional
Amendment 5 would jeopardize their children's chances of being admitted to
state universities, opponents told more than 150 people gathered at a "Stop
SCA 5" forum at the Cupertino Community Center.
"It would be a serious mistake to let the Latino caucus secure the vote of
all Democrats," said Ward Connerly, author of Proposition 209, which SCA 5
would overturn. Connerly's proposition outlawed consideration of race in
University of California and California State University admissions. He
called SCA 5 "a violation of all democratic principles."
Frank Lee, of the conservative Pacific Justice Institute, said, "No student
should be favored or degraded because of race." He vowed that the institute
would sue if the initiative passed.
Proponents have said that SCA 5 would simply allow admissions officers to
consider applicants' race.
The controversial anti-affirmative-action activist and former University of
California regent, dismissed that claim.
"I guarantee you the number of Asians will be diminished and the number of
Latinos will be increased" if SCA 5 passes, said Connerly. "That's the whole
Besides rallying opposition to the bill, Sunday's forum sponsored by the San
Francisco-based Chinese-American Institute for Empowerment also served to
drum up votes for local Republican candidates and contributions to GOP
candidates elsewhere.
Sensing the potential political gain in this issue, the top GOP leaders of
both chambers addressed the session, which was conducted in Mandarin and
Senate Minority Leader Bob Huff, R-Diamond Bar, warned that the bill could
also restrict parent choice in K-12 schools, by influencing admission to
charter schools, what he called laboratories of innovation.
SCA 5 "takes away the incentive," said Assembly Minority Leader Connie
Conway, R-Visalia. "Why work hard when that hard work will not be rewarded?"
She urged participants not to relent on their pressure, even if the bill is
set aside. "It's like at the grocery store. Once it's on the shelf, it is
always for sale."
With five Asian-American legislators under heavy pressure from Chinese-
American parents, the bill's passage in the Assembly isn't certain. In
addition, three Asian-American senators who supported the bill have changed
their minds and asked Assembly Speaker John Perez to halt it.
Lee urged against compromise.
The safeguard against SCA 5 ever passing is to diminish the Democrats'
legislative majority, said Mei Mei Ho, president of a Los Angeles County GOP
group. Republican legislators oppose SCA 5. She suggested Silicon Valley
Chinese-Americans "adopt" GOP candidates -- sending them contributions -- in
the Central Valley and Southern California swing districts.
In 1996, Proposition 209 passed with support of 61 percent of Asian-American
voters. But since then, the Asian-American population has swelled, in part
from wealthy immigrants to Silicon Valley who have a starkly different
history from Asians descended from immigrant laborers of the early 20th
And admissions have become more selective at elite colleges, including UC's
Berkeley and Los Angeles campuses, which many immigrant Asians perceive as
the most desirable UCs.
Three years ago, Professor William Jiang of San Jose State University said
he found that Asian-American applicants needed to score 400 points higher on
the SAT test in order to be offered a slot at an Ivy League college.
If Democrats don't watch out, affirmative action could do for them what
Proposition 187 did for Republicans in 1994, warned Shichang Miao of Foster
City. The anti-illegal immigration proposition, which was passed by voters
then invalidated by the courts, alienated Latinos from the Republican Party
for a generation.
Contact Sharon Noguchi at 408-271-3775. Follow her at Twitter.com/
发帖数: 7130
有人觉得这是理性嘛?我头一眼就看见两个字,Chinese and Latino,这片蓄意挑起种
族矛盾、政治极端不正确的文章,居然被认为是理性的?发言的Wald Connerly简直是


【在 l**t 的大作中提到】
: 总算比较理性了,good :-)
: http://www.mercurynews.com/education/ci_25356235/chinese-americ
: CUPERTINO -- Chinese-Americans were exhorted Sunday to redouble their
: opposition to the proposed California constitutional amendment that would
: reinstate affirmative action in public universities.
: If passed by the Legislature and then by state voters, Senate Constitutional
: Amendment 5 would jeopardize their children's chances of being admitted to
: state universities, opponents told more than 150 people gathered at a "Stop
: SCA 5" forum at the Cupertino Community Center.
: "It would be a serious mistake to let the Latino caucus secure the vote of

发帖数: 10440

【在 p******9 的大作中提到】
: 有人觉得这是理性嘛?我头一眼就看见两个字,Chinese and Latino,这片蓄意挑起种
: 族矛盾、政治极端不正确的文章,居然被认为是理性的?发言的Wald Connerly简直是
: 脑残,重点不放在只要努力就有机会这个美国最基本的价值观上,而扯什么latino,
: asia,chinese。
: 过几年老墨拿机枪来把我们都突突了,我一点都不奇怪。
: Constitutional
: to
: Stop

发帖数: 243
1 (共1页)
Bob Wieckowski的回信SCA5 咱们有什么可以做的?
22nd District Assembly Member supports SCA5请加州同胞给本地州议员发信反对SCA5 (转载)
我给UCLA Chancellor的信反对SCA 5 : 请给你的ASSEMBLYMEMBER发信
SCA 5 对K-12的影响?SCA 5只是一个开端
3月16日 康老爷子来北加!Cupertino “SCA-5”深度研讨会SCA-5实际的做法
3/17: Cupertino City Council Special Meeting联合非裔
SVCA/AAV/APAPA选民登记Volunteers注册Redefine our goal: no change to Proposition 209
最高法院就UM的判决宣判了SCA5死刑副州长竞选人Ron Nehring发表声明反对SCA5
话题: sca话题: american话题: asian话题: california