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SanFrancisco版 - SCA5 影响的不仅仅是大学入学?
大家需要做这个分析:SCA 5的前生是SB 185到底有没有一个议员是华人出力选出来的?
关于隔壁支持SCA5,我的观点~反对 SCA-5 不可陷于情绪的陷阱
微信上收到的,反对SCA5的重要活动必须搞掉super majority, 无论他们怎么转变态度
和种族歧视法案的斗争将是长期的[合集] 今天和不经常上网的华人讨论SCA5的总结
话题: illegal话题: education话题: public话题: aliens话题: mexicans
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11303
刚才又仔细读了一下SCA5 的内容,发现最后被参院通过的的BILL适用于public
education, 而不是赫尔南德斯起初提出的public postsecondary education.这样的修
Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 5—A resolution to propose to the people
of the State of California an amendment to the Constitution of the State,
by amending Section 31 of Article I thereof, relating to public begin
postsecondary end delete education.
SCA 5, as amended, Hernandez. Public begin delete postsecondary end delete
education: student recruitment and selection.
The California Constitution prohibits the state from discriminating against,
or granting preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis
of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of
public employment, public education, or public contracting.
This measure would begin delete provide that the above prohibition does not
prevent state institutions of higher education, as defined, from
implementing student recruitment and selection programs permissible under
the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment to the United States
Constitution end delete begin insert eliminate this prohibition on state
discrimination or preference in the operation of public education end
发帖数: 10729
发帖数: 10554

【在 T*********I 的大作中提到】
: SCA5类似的思想早已渗透美国其他各行各业。华人必须选共和党才有可能力挽狂澜。
: 不同种族需要不同的测试标准吗?
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article0/USANews/31553281_0.html
: 把种族作为考核标准是错误的
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article0/USANews/31554331_0.html

发帖数: 1780
England, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, Ireland, New Zealand and almost
all western countries have legalized to abolish anchor-baby citizenship in
the past 30 years. Canada has recently realized the serious consequences and
is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple of
years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY. That is the only way
that can save America from disaster and Detroit-style downfall. Otherwise,
this country will be full of Mexicans and become United States of Mexico.
After that, American fabric, cultures, and principles that we cherish so
much will be fundamentally changed. Spanish will become the official
language and constitution revoked by Mexicans (Remember it is people make
law, not law makes people) . And the whites will become the minority and
will have to escape to Canada, secure the Canadian borders and make sure not
to make the same mistake that once great country has made. I am a non-white
minority originally coming from a foreign country so I see things going on
from a more objective perspective. This country is now being invaded by
Mexicans. In California, now 70% of the newborn are Mexicans. This trend
will be soon likely to spread all over the country. Americans, you need to
take back your country your Founding Father has fought so hard for before it
is too late.
There are mainly eight categories of people that make up the majority of
liberals and democRats: 1) social welfare parasites and free phones users. 2
) brain-washed and morally-hypocritical intellectuals, especially in the
media and in our education system from elementary school teachers up to the
university professors. 3) youngsters including college kids, who lack life
experience and are easily deceived and brainwahsed by Jew’s media
propaganda and liberal education. 4) women because majority of them
generally lack serious and sophisticated political judgment. 5) Mexicans who
want their grandparents, parents, wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, sons,
daughters, son-in-laws, daughter-in-laws, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews
and this list is on and on…... Don’t forget each of those on the list can
bring in more other chain relatives just like bigger and bigger population
of rats on social welfare and freebies, and yes, they of course will vote
for democRats to secure those freebies. They will finally drain all social
resources and crush the whole society. 6) gays. 7) pot users. 8) If you are
over 40 and still liberal/democRats, and not belong to any of the
aforementioned groups, then you are naïve, or put it more
straightforward, brainless. There are also two groups of elites that
manipulate the above mentioned liberals. They are 1) people who have
political ambitions and personal greed to gain their own power and control (
those people include the people in the government, congress, and democRat
party elites) 2) many of the Jews because it is an effective way to
counterbalance and overpower the WASP white. If you are liberal, look at
what category you fit into. Liberals and democRats you should feel ashamed
about youself. If you live long enough how could you face your grandchildren
and grand grandchildrens' eyes and answer their questions when they ask you
why they are living in such a poor, dangerous, and horrible third-world
United States of Mexico or United States of Africa or United States of
$2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
$12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school
education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of
$17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born
children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies
$11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year
$2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as
food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens
$90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social
services by the American taxpayers
$200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are
caused by the illegal aliens.
$3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.
30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens
The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a
half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children,
are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US
The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes
Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States.
Why use those money on illegal Mexicans instead of on our veterans who shed
their blood for us and our unemployed and underemployed American citizens
who are suffering. We should cut out the education, health care and baby tax
benefits for illegal aliens. It is billions and billons of taxpayers' money
now wasted on illegal invaders of this country. That money saved alone can
not only help true unemployed Americans and our veterans but add surplus to
state revenues as well. Vote out the politicians who favor illegal Mexicans
and who sell this country for their personal gains. Google NumbersUSA and
vote against amnesty. Add more illegal Mexicans will add crime rates and
social welfare parasites into this country.
Join NumbersUSA to help stop illegal immigration. They are the strongest
voice the USA Citizens have towards keeping amnesty from happening. It's
free to join and they prepare multi-choice paragraphs to form professional
letters to the "effective" politician(s) in your state who vote on matters
involving illegal immigration, without bashing the same. Without 'NumbersUSA
amnesty would have already passed.
Comment from Kosmos
I work as a bilingual translator and am often called upon when they get into
trouble. Our jails in Yamhill County, Oregon are full of illegals on ICE
hold. One raped a 3 year old girl. Others? DUI, DWI, domestic assault,
manufacturing and delivery of meth, murder, theft etc etc etc. The average
person I translate for has a fifth or 6th grade education. We cannot afford
to import criminals. We have enough of our own. Don't tell me that I don't
know these people. Besides all of the undesirables we are getting from
Mexico, they are also pouring through mexico to us, from Guatemala, and
other countries south of Mexico. If we don't accept 1 million immigrants
from Africa, Europe or other countries, why would we make an exception for
Mexico? Just because we share a common border? It HAS to stop.
发帖数: 138

England, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, Ireland, New Zealand and almost
all western ........

【在 i******b 的大作中提到】
: England, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, Ireland, New Zealand and almost
: all western countries have legalized to abolish anchor-baby citizenship in
: the past 30 years. Canada has recently realized the serious consequences and
: is planning to relinquish anchor baby citizenship in the next couple of
: years. US should follow suit and make real immigration reform. The real
: immigration reform is to abolish anchor baby citizenship, mandatory E-verify
: for employees, secure the border, and restrict baby milk allowance and tax
: deductions for only up to 3 babies per family, show legal residence proof
: for housing/apartment rentals, allocate education, medical and welfare
: benefits to U.S. citizens and legal immigrants ONLY. That is the only way

1 (共1页)
[合集] 今天和不经常上网的华人讨论SCA5的总结微信上收到的,反对SCA5的重要活动
Proposition 8 的文字为什么会成为今天这样?我们去游行吧
[合集] 刚才发现加州宪法 too TMD 搞了和种族歧视法案的斗争将是长期的
大家需要做这个分析:SCA 5的前生是SB 185到底有没有一个议员是华人出力选出来的?
关于隔壁支持SCA5,我的观点~反对 SCA-5 不可陷于情绪的陷阱
话题: illegal话题: education话题: public话题: aliens话题: mexicans