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SanFrancisco版 - APAPA的真实面目
周本立(Ed Chau)本周四湾区筹款餐会—— By AAGGAPAPA 负责人 Albert Wang 电台谈选举
欢迎光临南加关键摇摆区候选人Kim和Nguyen见面会(Cupertino)80-20 Endorses Republican Whitman for CA Governor
APAPA 王彦邦杂谈 李文和 案子Mike Honda正式声明反对SCA5
APAPA 提议SVCA周日Potluck/BBQ(3/23)活动报名: 庆祝反SCA5战役阶段性胜
17选区,到底支持谁?Cisco Releases Next-Gen Super-High-Speed 322 Tbps Routing System Jason Mick (Blog)
啊?这就搞定了?太easy了点欢迎光临南加关键摇摆区候选人Young Kim和Janet Nguyen见面会(
10月26日社区讲座 - 历史与未来,经济危机下道路选择独立人士建议:华人不分左右支持韩裔GOP候选人Kim
UAAFA 更新:感谢选民注册的义工和赞助者橙县选民登记--你不知道的那些事儿! (转载)
话题: apapa话题: chair话题: republican话题: bay话题: area
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 158
在一个名为“心平气和谈政治”的微信群里, 大家在相互尊重的前提下,分享观点,共
同探讨华人从政的道路。 本人从中受益非浅, 特此分享一些信息,介绍一下APAPA,
小结:APAPA 是一个集左中右中(民主党、中间派、共和党、中国人)的团体,
APAPA 的创始人CC Yin 是GOP大佬和金主; Albert Wang, Bay Area Chair, 是个民主
党; Bay Area President Joel Wong declined to state.
AAGG PAC,是由许多APAPA的领导人创办的,将在5月9日于Cupertino与 SVCA 一
起为南加的两位有希望的共和党亚裔候选人Young Kim (AD-65) 和 Janet Nguyen (SD-
34) 举行募捐餐会。这更说明不是APAPA民主党附属的组织。
以下是Albert Wang的群聊记录 (注:网聊语言并不代表实际文字水平)。
Some info on APAPA. Formed around 2002 in Sacramento, based on the
vision of CC Yin (Henry Yin’s brother, respected entrepreneur who started
with 1 McDonald in Oakland to some 30 today around I-80 corridor and SF) to
empower Asian Americans. It was partly based on Bay Area organizations like
Vision New America and Citizens for Better Community. Over time it has
grown rapidly, mostly due to CC's tireless work and financial support. Now
APAPA has different regions, under each are some chapters, throughout CA and
also in Florida, New York, and Texas. Bay Area is the strongest with most
people and most activities, just because there is a heavy concentration of
Asian Americans here and the general level of education and political
awareness is higher than elsewhere.
As to party affiliation - CC Yin is a Republican 大佬. He was Statewide
Asian American Chair for Meg Whitman (last Rep governor's candidate),
Northern California Chair for John McCann's presidential bid in 2008. So
the supreme leader of APAPA is a lifelong Republican and big donor to the
Republican party. Bay Area President Joel Wong is declined to state.
Southern CA Regional Chair Nelson Huang was Meg Whitman's South California
API Committee Chair and Republican (I actually just learned this a few weeks
ago since this party stuff surfaced recently. Because we just don't talk
about party differences in APAPA). I still don't know what party our San
Diego Chapter chair Ron Cho is. Others in the SF Bay Area - Vice Chair
James Yu is a hardcore, far right, Republican. Henry Yin is declined to
state. Phong La is a Democrat. Even our SF chapter had Albert Chang, a
Republican. If you know how much of an endangered species Republican in SF
is, you'd know it is actually hard to have one in our leadership :)
Now APAPA is 501c3 and we do not engage in specific campaigns and
cannot make political donations. Asian American for Good Government, made
of people similar to the APAPA leadership is a PAC and the one we give money
through and hold fundraising events. Because, as Haipei 薛海培said, CA has
few viable Rep candidates, AAGG money has been given largely to Democrats.
But we give to candidates, not to the party. Over the years, every API
state and Fed level candidates with any chance of winning have received
support from AAGG, from as little as $1000 or so, up to $100,000 for
statewide races. AAGG is set up for State and Fed elections but
individually all of us have supported local API candidates and those of
other races. Barry Chang, Paul Fong, Kansen Chu, Evan Low, etc have all
benefited from our support. We have certainly supported Rep's too,
including strong support for Van Tran, Vietnamese from Orange County who was
the last Asian American Republican in the assembly, Michelle Steele (Korean
) who is on the State Board of Equalization (very powerful although not well
known body). It may seem that we largely gave money to Dem's. But it's
pretty much because Rep’s have no chance to win, and usually their API
candidates were really just place holders so the party can have a body in
the race. We just don't see any reason to waste resources on them, although
people like CC have given small amounts of support due to party loyalty.

AAGG is planning to hold a joint fundraiser with SVCA for two viable
Rep candidates next month and will probably be providing well over 1/2 of
the funds raised. As you can see, we don't discriminate based on party. We
do discriminate based on race/ethnicity because we believe Asians are not
getting their fair share of political influence and we need "affirmative
action" to support our own candidates :).
阿丹闵 把APAPA 定位为民主党只因为我说了一句我基本支持affirmative action,
but also explained that is to support those who are disadvantaged and we
Chinese certainly are disadvantaged in many areas in this country. 他却不提
APAPA Founder and National Chair 尹集成是共和党大老。曾是Meg Whitman 州长竞
选时的全州亚裔Chair. 在他说APAPA 是要出卖大家给民主党时, 我却听到Sacramento
民主党内部大力攻击APAPA 是共和党的走狗,Town Hall 就是为了给Bob Huff 发挥的
机会。 那时我就知道我们做对了!!
For more information about APAPA, please visit http://apapa.org/default.aspx
发帖数: 31
是不是真的?APAPA and Albert Wang支持Paul Fong and Evan Low?


【在 s******n 的大作中提到】
: 在一个名为“心平气和谈政治”的微信群里, 大家在相互尊重的前提下,分享观点,共
: 同探讨华人从政的道路。 本人从中受益非浅, 特此分享一些信息,介绍一下APAPA,
: 消除人们对APAPA政党标签的偏见。
: 小结:APAPA 是一个集左中右中(民主党、中间派、共和党、中国人)的团体,
: APAPA 的创始人CC Yin 是GOP大佬和金主; Albert Wang, Bay Area Chair, 是个民主
: 党; Bay Area President Joel Wong declined to state.
: AAGG PAC,是由许多APAPA的领导人创办的,将在5月9日于Cupertino与 SVCA 一
: 起为南加的两位有希望的共和党亚裔候选人Young Kim (AD-65) 和 Janet Nguyen (SD-
: 34) 举行募捐餐会。这更说明不是APAPA民主党附属的组织。
: 以下是Albert Wang的群聊记录 (注:网聊语言并不代表实际文字水平)。

发帖数: 158
发帖数: 31

【在 s******n 的大作中提到】
: 不回避,以前支持过。
发帖数: 31
现在Albert Wang在挺16区民主党的Steve Glazer,好奇是不是代表APAPA的态度?是不

【在 s******n 的大作中提到】
: 不回避,以前支持过。
发帖数: 31
Steve Glazer在SCA5上含糊其辞, 为什么还会有华人支持?

【在 R******o 的大作中提到】
: 现在Albert Wang在挺16区民主党的Steve Glazer,好奇是不是代表APAPA的态度?是不
: 是有违APAPA只支持亚裔政客的宗旨?

发帖数: 8711
以前做为API的头,APAPA支持过Paul Fong. 鱼翅案后,Albert基本和Paul Fong掰了。

【在 R******o 的大作中提到】
: 是不是真的?APAPA and Albert Wang支持Paul Fong and Evan Low?
: ,
: SD-

发帖数: 8711
不要把个人和组织混一起。每个人都entitle to his/her own opinion.
做为501c3, APAPA不能支持任何侯选人。

【在 R******o 的大作中提到】
: 现在Albert Wang在挺16区民主党的Steve Glazer,好奇是不是代表APAPA的态度?是不
: 是有违APAPA只支持亚裔政客的宗旨?

发帖数: 261

【在 s******n 的大作中提到】
: 不回避,以前支持过。
1 (共1页)
橙县选民登记--你不知道的那些事儿! (转载)17选区,到底支持谁?
有关5/9 AAGG与SVCA合办的金花宴啊?这就搞定了?太easy了点
原本素不相识的一位, 为何力挺 Barry Chang10月26日社区讲座 - 历史与未来,经济危机下道路选择
支持Ted Lieu:让我们为华人在国会争取一个“配额”UAAFA 更新:感谢选民注册的义工和赞助者
周本立(Ed Chau)本周四湾区筹款餐会—— By AAGGAPAPA 负责人 Albert Wang 电台谈选举
欢迎光临南加关键摇摆区候选人Kim和Nguyen见面会(Cupertino)80-20 Endorses Republican Whitman for CA Governor
APAPA 王彦邦杂谈 李文和 案子Mike Honda正式声明反对SCA5
APAPA 提议SVCA周日Potluck/BBQ(3/23)活动报名: 庆祝反SCA5战役阶段性胜
话题: apapa话题: chair话题: republican话题: bay话题: area