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SanFrancisco版 - code review 没通过, 让换个不那么sensitive的说法
可恶的加拿大航空公司(希望大家有所借鉴)为什么加州prop 65说蜂胶致癌??
大家一起来反对Senate Bill 48有apartment没有那个california prop 65 warning的么?
求助:prop65的apartment诚意寻找爱心捐卵女士 (转载)
有没有动物学专业的给讲讲 ...(收到300份美眉)“08全球华人迎奥运爱国运动”社会调查请您参
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求推荐: fertility and reproductive clinic求租
话题: gender话题: male话题: female话题: sex话题: people
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4868
public enum Sex { MALE, FEMALE }
发帖数: 83
发帖数: 36252
self_defined_gender {
1. Agender/Neutrois — These terms are used by people who don't identify
with any gender at all—they tend to either feel they have no gender or a
neutral gender. Some use surgery and/or hormones to make their bodies
conform to this gender neutrality.
2. Androgyne/Androgynous — Androgynes have both male and female gender
characteristics and identify as a separate, third gender.
3. Bigender — Someone who is bigender identifies as male and female at
different times. Whereas an androgyne has a single gender blending male and
female, a bigender switches between the two.
4. Cis/Cisgender — Cisgender is essentially the opposite of transgender (
cis- being Latin for "on this side of" versus trans-, "on the other side").
People who identify as cisgender are males or females whose gender aligns
with their birth sex.
5. Female to Male/FTM — Someone who is transitioning from female to male,
either physically (transsexual) or in terms of gender identity.
6. Gender Fluid — Like bigender people, the gender-fluid feel free to
express both masculine and feminine characteristics at different times.
7. Gender Nonconforming/Variant — This is a broad category for people who
don't act or behave according to the societal expectation for their sex. It
includes cross-dressers and tomboys as well as the transgender.
8. Gender Questioning — This category is for people who are still trying to
figure out where they fit on the axes of sex and gender.
9. Genderqueer — This is an umbrella term for all nonconforming gender
identities. Most of the other identities in this list fall into the
genderqueer category.
10. Intersex — This term refers to a person who was born with sexual
anatomy, organs, or chromosomes that aren't entirely male or female.
Intersex has largely replaced the term "hermaphrodite" for humans.
11. Male to Female/MTF — Someone who is transitioning from male to female,
either physically (transsexual) or in terms of gender identity.
12. Neither — You understand this one: "I don't feel like I'm fully male or
fully female. 'Nuff said."
13. Non-binary — People who identify as non-binary disregard the idea of a
male and female dichotomy, or even a male-to-female continuum with androgyny
in the middle. For them, gender is a complex idea that might fit better on
a three-dimensional chart, or a multidimensional web.
14. Other — Like "neither," this is pretty self-explanatory. It can cover
everything from "I'd prefer not to specify how I don't fit in the gender
dichotomy" to "My gender is none of your damn business, Facebook."
15. Pangender — Pangender is similar to androgyny, in that the person
identifies as a third gender with some combination of both male and female
aspects, but it's a little more fluid. It can also be used as an inclusive
term to signify "all genders."
16. Trans/Transgender — Transgender is a broad category that encompasses
people who feel their gender is different than their birth sex—sometimes
known as gender dysphoria. They may or may not choose to physically
transition from their birth sex to their experienced gender.
17. Transsexual — Transsexual refers to transgender people who outwardly
identify as their experienced gender rather than their birth sex. Many, but
not all, transsexuals are transitioning (or have transitioned) from male to
female or female to male through hormone therapy and/or gender reassignment
18. Two-spirit — This term refers to gender-variant Native Americans. In
more than 150 Native American tribes, people with "two spirits"—a term
coined in the 1990s to replace the term "berdache"—were part of a widely
accepted, often respected, category of gender-ambiguous men and women.

【在 P******5 的大作中提到】
: public enum Sex { MALE, FEMALE }
: 泥马这还能怎么换?

发帖数: 8094
public enum Sex {
MALE, // has 1 male reproduction part, no female reproduction part. And
only fucks female
FEMALE, // has 1 female reproduction part, no male reproduction part. And
only fucks male
OTHERS, // may have any number of combination of male/female reproduction
parts, and may wish to fuck anybody or anything.

【在 P******5 的大作中提到】
: public enum Sex { MALE, FEMALE }
: 泥马这还能怎么换?

发帖数: 4965
真事? 还是挖坑?

【在 P******5 的大作中提到】
: public enum Sex { MALE, FEMALE }
: 泥马这还能怎么换?

1 (共1页)
跪求有没有动物学专业的给讲讲 ...
硅谷一带有没有人愿意合租sfh的couple啊?请推荐一家湾区好的IUI reproductive center
有人合租2 bed apt吗?从12月开始吧。。。。求推荐: fertility and reproductive clinic
budget cut and tax reform.有人用过uniflora的蜂胶吗?
可恶的加拿大航空公司(希望大家有所借鉴)为什么加州prop 65说蜂胶致癌??
大家一起来反对Senate Bill 48有apartment没有那个california prop 65 warning的么?
求助:prop65的apartment诚意寻找爱心捐卵女士 (转载)
话题: gender话题: male话题: female话题: sex话题: people