

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Ski版 - 请问各位高手都用什么牌子和型号的Skis?
Salomon X-Wing fire skis 如何谁给普及一下ski的牌子,商店
Rocker demos: Some rocker works - and what doesn't (ZZ)今晚又将要下雪
Ski装备都有那些大众品牌?bought a new pair of skis
SKI BUYING GUIDE -style & lengthAre these skis good for all-mountain?
有人滑Ski Blades么?急问!!!购买Binding的问题
Snowbird 狂奔evogear outlet store 20% off
话题: skis话题: ski话题: little话题: here话题: much
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 210
have been looking for a pair of new skis and a little bit overwhelmed by the
selections. wonder if anyone here can give me some tips. i am about 6ft tall,
ski single black diamond most of the time and occasionally harder trails.
mostly ski in NE and not that much powder to speak of around here. talked to a
couple of sales man in ski shops and they are trying to talk me into spending
$700-800 on skis which i think it's a little too much. i think i am more opted
to do the middle of the road - prob
发帖数: 1137
I have K2 5500 (188) + Salomon S912, and Dynastar SC9 (178) + Look P12. 5500
is beginner-intermediate level ski. I do feel its vibration is quite big on
high speed and jump landing. SC9 is more stiff, but fits my level very well.
it's perfect for New England's icy terrain:) skiing on more advanced skis do
make you feel tired more easily, both because of the stiffness and weight.
it's a trade-off for control. my opinion is that skis don't differ too much,
well, in the same category (comparin

【在 s*******w 的大作中提到】
: have been looking for a pair of new skis and a little bit overwhelmed by the
: selections. wonder if anyone here can give me some tips. i am about 6ft tall,
: ski single black diamond most of the time and occasionally harder trails.
: mostly ski in NE and not that much powder to speak of around here. talked to a
: couple of sales man in ski shops and they are trying to talk me into spending
: $700-800 on skis which i think it's a little too much. i think i am more opted
: to do the middle of the road - prob

1 (共1页)
evogear outlet store 20% offSki装备都有那些大众品牌?
转让skiSKI BUYING GUIDE -style & length
some used gear for sale(SF bayarea)有人滑Ski Blades么?
Is it possibleSnowbird 狂奔
Salomon X-Wing fire skis 如何谁给普及一下ski的牌子,商店
Rocker demos: Some rocker works - and what doesn't (ZZ)今晚又将要下雪
话题: skis话题: ski话题: little话题: here话题: much