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Stock版 - WHITNEY TILSON Think Green Mountain Was Stealing From The Future
NFLX的重新审视TSLA年底$100 (转载)
bull case of TslaRobert Chapman long on Lumber Liquidators
Green Mountain Coffee 要不行了?啥时候才可以逢高烧啊?
nflx盘后200了buy financials
Whitney Tilson到底烧了多少股NFLX?哗众取宠吧Housing Double-Dip to Slow Economic Recovery: Whitney [ZT]
看牛的说说有啥还牛?The Most Bullish I’ve Been!
GMCR 28.88买入Green Mountain Coffee牛熊干上了! 这个激烈。
Lumber Liquidator 的水很深 -- 中国经济学家又建一功Green Mountain 这个飞刀接不接?
话题: tilson话题: mountain话题: green话题: whitney话题: stealing
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5610
After Green Mountain Coffee slashed its yearly sales estimates on lower
demand from the first quarter of 2012, hedge funder Whitney Tilson appeared
for a guest segment on CNBC smiling as he said "vindication is sweet."
Tilson revealed that his fund, T2 Partners, had been short Green Mountain
Coffee since it was trading in the $80s per share. The stock is now trading
at around $28.40 per share, after falling over 40% in after-market trading.
Tilson gave two reasons why he has been short Green Mountain for the last
couple of years—first, the coffee seller faces rising competition; second,
Tilson suspects the company is engaging in some questionable accounting
methods, though he can't prove it.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/whitney-tilson-green-mountain-2012-5#ixzz1tlnWfSs6
发帖数: 3292
this same guy was squeezed the shit out of it & had to inform the media that
he had covered his short position long ago.
I thought it was fake short covering though just to ease the market short
squeeze pressure
1 (共1页)
Green Mountain 这个飞刀接不接?Whitney Tilson到底烧了多少股NFLX?哗众取宠吧
Green Mountain 咖啡没怎么动啊看牛的说说有啥还牛?
Green Mountain 也彪了GMCR 28.88买入
正确加仓方式Lumber Liquidator 的水很深 -- 中国经济学家又建一功
NFLX的重新审视TSLA年底$100 (转载)
bull case of TslaRobert Chapman long on Lumber Liquidators
Green Mountain Coffee 要不行了?啥时候才可以逢高烧啊?
nflx盘后200了buy financials
话题: tilson话题: mountain话题: green话题: whitney话题: stealing