

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
TexasHoldem版 - Can you use holdem manager to "observe" table?
Quest on FTP hand history今天的HM是不是有点问题?
Holdem manager大家一般几table一起玩的?
[合集] Rush里面的grinders是越来越多了tough come back today
实战回顾holdem 由 qwyu 授予 TexasHoldem 俱乐部权力
[合集] About showdown at river统计:以前在博彩的牌友是不是都不玩了?
Fulltilt rush on android now刚试了下POKER ROOM
bellagio 打no limit holdem刚才打牌的进来看看,咱回事儿这是?
HM not working wellHow could I enroll the texas holdem club?
话题: holdem话题: observe话题: table话题: manager话题: use
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3932
can it collect data when you're not playing? of course this doesn't work for
rush, but how about regular tables?
发帖数: 3932
seems possible but can't see the mucked cards of course:
You can datamine at full tilt and you dont need to be sat at the tables.
Once the table is open and HM is auto importing then the hands will be added
to your database. You wont see the losing hands at showdown but it will
gather the stats on the players. Make sure you have HM importing from full
tilt/hand histories and not the sub folder with your username.


【在 h*******s 的大作中提到】
: can it collect data when you're not playing? of course this doesn't work for
: rush, but how about regular tables?

发帖数: 4896
FTP会把没有参与的桌子的Hand History保存下来吗?


【在 h*******s 的大作中提到】
: seems possible but can't see the mucked cards of course:
: You can datamine at full tilt and you dont need to be sat at the tables.
: Once the table is open and HM is auto importing then the hands will be added
: to your database. You wont see the losing hands at showdown but it will
: gather the stats on the players. Make sure you have HM importing from full
: tilt/hand histories and not the sub folder with your username.
: for

1 (共1页)
How could I enroll the texas holdem club?[合集] About showdown at river
澳门有holdem吗?Fulltilt rush on android now
Share your bad beat stories!! I go firstbellagio 打no limit holdem
ace, an interesting cardHM not working well
Quest on FTP hand history今天的HM是不是有点问题?
Holdem manager大家一般几table一起玩的?
[合集] Rush里面的grinders是越来越多了tough come back today
实战回顾holdem 由 qwyu 授予 TexasHoldem 俱乐部权力
话题: holdem话题: observe话题: table话题: manager话题: use