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TrustInJesus版 - 异教的基督~揭发基督教抄袭古埃及宗教的情节(转)
耶稣神话是剽窃古埃及神话鹰神Horus (转载)All Souls Night [music]
Bookburning? And the Rest: ChronologyJohn 11 "Jesus wept"
【一年精读圣经】7/2 箴言 第2章 (转载)What Love is This?(20) State Church
十二月二十五日誕生的神Christianity is a Egyptian Myth - Horus, Isis, Mary, Jesus, God, Osiris
[给基长知识系列]法文的复活节-PaquesRe: 耶稣?荷鲁斯?巧合?抄袭?
The Murder of Hypatia祝大家中秋快乐!
话题: horus话题: harpur话题: kuhn话题: jesus话题: egyptian
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18304
本书”The Pagan Christ: Recovering the Lost Light‘异教的基督’:重回失去之光
作者Tom Harpur 是一位多次得过美加文学大奖的作家,一位自由派基督徒的神学家,
名人录的人。他研学过Godfrey Higgins (1771-1834), Gerald Massey (1828-1907)
and Alvin Boyd Kuhn (1880-1963)的著作. 在本书列举200多项古代宗教神话与基督教
Parallels between Jesus and Horus, an Egyptian God
埃及神 Horus神话和 // 耶稣Jesus 神话情节的部份内容比较
受精: 处女. // 处女.
老爸: Osiris神的独子. // 耶和华的独子.
老妈: Meri玛利. // Miriam马利亚 (. Mary的缩写).
养父: Seb, (Jo-Seph)约瑟夫. // Joseph.约瑟夫.
养父系: 皇室. // 皇室.
出生地: 马槽. // 洞穴马槽.
天使报喜: 天使向妈妈Isis报喜. // 天使向妈妈玛利亚报喜.
出生预报: Sirius星(最明亮之星) .晨星. // 未定名的 东方之星.
生日: 冬至. // 12月25日同太阳神Mithra... Dionysus 等.
出生宣告: 天使. // 天使.
出生见证: 牧羊人. // 牧羊人.
之后见证人: 三位神. // 多位星象家(自古传说是三位).
幼年期受死亡的恐吓: Herut企图杀 Horus. // Herod 企图杀Jesus.
受恐吓: 神告诉 Horus'的母亲藏起小孩与他自已. // 神告诉耶稣老爸,带小孩与其母
举行仪式: 特别仪式. // 成人礼.
举行仪式年纪: 12岁 // 12 岁.
一生空白纪录期: 12 到30岁间. // 12 到30岁间.
洗礼地区: Eridanus河. // Jordan河.
受洗年纪: 30. // 30.
施洗者: 施洗者Anup. // 施洗者 约翰.
施洗者后来命运: 被砍头. // 被砍头.
诱惑试练: 被魔鬼Sut.从Amenta荒地带至高山. // 被魔鬼带到巴勒斯坦高山.
试练结果: Horus拒受诱惑. // 耶稣拒受诱惑.
亲密伙伴: 12门徒. // 12门徒.
活动: 行走水上、驱鬼、治病、使盲者眼明、以力量使风浪平静. // 行走水上、驱鬼
、 治病、使盲者眼明,命令海平静.
奇迹的复活地区: 埃及城市Anu,这是Horus每年演出死亡埋葬复活地区. // 犹太人加另
一字首Beth成Beth-Anuan 或House of Anu,因古代u" 跟 "y可互代,Bethanu变成
使死者复活: Horus 复活 Osirus, 他死在坟墓的老爸. // 耶稣复活死在坟墓的拉撒路.
变脸: 在山上. // 在高山.
主要演说: 山中训戒. // 山中训戒、平地训戒.
死亡处: 十字架. // 十字架.
伴随: 两小偷. // 两小偷.
埋葬: 坟地. // 坟地.
死后命运: 入阴间、三天复活. // 30至38小时代替三天.
复活宣告: 妇女. // 妇女.
未来: 千禧年期. // 千禧年.
通常描写: 处女Isis 生Horus. // 处女玛利亚生耶稣.
头衔: the fisher渔夫, the winnower筛谷者. // 涂膏者、基督、好牧者、神的羔羊
、生命面包,人子the Word道.
发帖数: 18304
基们评价一下 《The Pagan Christ: Recovering the Lost Light》 这本书?
发帖数: 10345
发帖数: 4976

让我又教育教育一下你, 应如何看待网上得来的资料
此人 Tom Harpur 的履历中最大的奖项是:
Awarded The Silver Medal for Outstanding Journalism by the State of Israel
in 1976
可是这个奖在世界专栏作家奖排名榜中却是不见经传, 连名都无.
查 The Silver Medal for Outstanding Journalism by the State of Israel 是此人
「名列过美国加拿大: 名人录的人」

【在 z********o 的大作中提到】
: 异教的基督~揭发基督教抄袭古埃及宗教的情节
: 本书”The Pagan Christ: Recovering the Lost Light‘异教的基督’:重回失去之光
: 芒”
: 作者Tom Harpur 是一位多次得过美加文学大奖的作家,一位自由派基督徒的神学家,
: 是加拿大圣公会的牧师也是多伦多大学神学院新约与希腊文的教授,名列过美国加拿大
: 名人录的人。他研学过Godfrey Higgins (1771-1834), Gerald Massey (1828-1907)
: and Alvin Boyd Kuhn (1880-1963)的著作. 在本书列举200多项古代宗教神话与基督教
: 神话的相似性,证明基督教抄袭古代埃及宗教
: Horus是罗马当时与基督教同时期发展的宗教,为罗马士兵所崇拜,但东罗马因经常不
: 敌匈奴的侵略,君士坦丁只得救助于愿为其牺牲守卫的基督教徒,并假皈依立为国教,

发帖数: 4976

此君任 Professor of New Testament at University of Toronto (Toronto School
of Theology) from 1964 to 1971.
Toronto School of Theology 在 1970年前是私立机构, 私立学院。
所以, 任命谁人当教授也可以,
请beechan, 朝闻道也可以, 无管制。
在1971年, Toronto School of Theology 才附属多伦多大学,
从此日起, 此君便失去教席矣。
这意味著甚么呢? 你自己想哩。

【在 z********o 的大作中提到】
: 异教的基督~揭发基督教抄袭古埃及宗教的情节
: 本书”The Pagan Christ: Recovering the Lost Light‘异教的基督’:重回失去之光
: 芒”
: 作者Tom Harpur 是一位多次得过美加文学大奖的作家,一位自由派基督徒的神学家,
: 是加拿大圣公会的牧师也是多伦多大学神学院新约与希腊文的教授,名列过美国加拿大
: 名人录的人。他研学过Godfrey Higgins (1771-1834), Gerald Massey (1828-1907)
: and Alvin Boyd Kuhn (1880-1963)的著作. 在本书列举200多项古代宗教神话与基督教
: 神话的相似性,证明基督教抄袭古代埃及宗教
: Horus是罗马当时与基督教同时期发展的宗教,为罗马士兵所崇拜,但东罗马因经常不
: 敌匈奴的侵略,君士坦丁只得救助于愿为其牺牲守卫的基督教徒,并假皈依立为国教,

发帖数: 4976

Parallels between Jesus and Horus, an Egyptian God
埃及神 Horus神话和 // 耶稣Jesus 神话情节的部份内容比较
受精: 处女. // 处女.
老爸: Osiris神的独子. // 耶和华的独子.
老妈: Meri玛利. // Miriam马利亚 (. Mary的缩写).
养父: Seb, (Jo-Seph)约瑟夫. // Joseph.约瑟夫.
养父系: 皇室. // 皇室.
出生地: 马槽. // 洞穴马槽.
天使报喜: 天使向妈妈Isis报喜. // 天使向妈妈玛利亚报喜.
出生预报: Sirius星(最明亮之星) .晨星. // 未定名的 东方之星.
生日: 冬至. // 12月25日同太阳神Mithra... Dionysus 等.
出生宣告: 天使. // 天使.
出生见证: 牧羊人. // 牧羊人.
之后见证人: 三位神. // 多位星象家(自古传说是三位).
幼年期受死亡的恐吓: Herut企图杀 Horus. // Herod 企图杀Jesus.
受恐吓: 神告诉 Horus'的母亲藏起小孩与他自已. // 神告诉耶稣老爸,带小孩与其母
举行仪式: 特别仪式. // 成人礼.
举行仪式年纪: 12岁 // 12 岁.
一生空白纪录期: 12 到30岁间. // 12 到30岁间.
洗礼地区: Eridanus河. // Jordan河.
受洗年纪: 30. // 30.
施洗者: 施洗者Anup. // 施洗者 约翰.
施洗者后来命运: 被砍头. // 被砍头.
诱惑试练: 被魔鬼Sut.从Amenta荒地带至高山. // 被魔鬼带到巴勒斯坦高山.
试练结果: Horus拒受诱惑. // 耶稣拒受诱惑.
亲密伙伴: 12门徒. // 12门徒.
活动: 行走水上、驱鬼、治病、使盲者眼明、以力量使风浪平静. // 行走水上、驱鬼
、 治病、使盲者眼明,命令海平静.
奇迹的复活地区: 埃及城市Anu,这是Horus每年演出死亡埋葬复活地区. // 犹太人加另
一字首Beth成Beth-Anuan 或House of Anu,因古代u" 跟 "y可互代,Bethanu变成
使死者复活: Horus 复活 Osirus, 他死在坟墓的老爸. // 耶稣复活死在坟墓的拉撒路.
变脸: 在山上. // 在高山.
主要演说: 山中训戒. // 山中训戒、平地训戒.
死亡处: 十字架. // 十字架.
伴随: 两小偷. // 两小偷.
埋葬: 坟地. // 坟地.
死后命运: 入阴间、三天复活. // 30至38小时代替三天.
复活宣告: 妇女. // 妇女.
未来: 千禧年期. // 千禧年.
通常描写: 处女Isis 生Horus. // 处女玛利亚生耶稣.
头衔: the fisher渔夫, the winnower筛谷者. // 涂膏者、基督、好牧者、神的羔羊
、生命面包,人子the Word道.
1。 大家都在’60时当选总统,
2。 出任国会议员时 同与 '46有关 (林肯在1846年就任 甘乃迪在1946年就任)
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was
elected to Congress in 1946.
3。 大家都是家族中第二子
7。 两人同是后脑中枪。
8。 两人同是给劝告不要前往给刺杀的城市。
9。 行刺两人的凶手同是在现埸逃脱了, 后来被捕在审讯前又给刺杀了。
10。 两人的继任人同时都是叫詹森。
11. Lincoln 和 Kennedy 同是七个字母
12. 两人同时在星期五遇刺。
13. 林肯的秘书叫Kennedy. 甘乃迪的秘书叫Lincoln.
于是, 你是否说甘乃迪是模仿林肯的传说人物而已?
两样事可以有很多相同点, 同时也有很多不相同点。
基督教与美稣人的教有几处相同地方, 却不赶理会他们不相同的地方, 便寥下结论前
者抄袭后者, 无知识而已。。。

【在 z********o 的大作中提到】
: 基们评价一下 《The Pagan Christ: Recovering the Lost Light》 这本书?
发帖数: 8775
Virtually none of the alleged evidence for the views put forward in "The
Pagan Christ" is documented by reference to original sources. The notes
refer mainly to Kuhn, Higgins, Massey, or some other long-out-of-date work.
Furthermore, Harpur's notes abound with errors and omissions. If you look
for supporting evidence for a particular point made by the author, it is not
there. Many quotations are taken out of context and interpreted in a very
different sense from what their author originally meant (especially the
early church fathers).
In short, "The Pagan Christ" tells us more about Tom Harpur's spiritual
pilgrimage than about the origins of Christianity.
这本说没有参考原始文献。主要参考的三位作者Kuhn, Higgins, Massey。
"The Pagan Christ" is the story of his discovery of the writings of one
Alvin Boyd Kuhn (1880-1963) and two earlier writers (Godfrey Higgins [1771-
1834] and Gerald Massey [1828-1907]), who argued that all of the essential
ideas of both Judaism and Christianity came primarily from Egyptian religion.
这本书对理解基督教的起源没啥帮助,倒让大家看清了Tom Harpur本人的朝圣旅程。
Did Christianity Get All of Its Good Ideas From Pagans?, July 30, 2004
Ward Gasque
This review is from: Pagan Christ: Recovering the lost light (Hardcover)
Tom Harpur began his career as an (evangelical) Anglican priest and
professor of New Testament at Wycliffe College, Toronto. Just over 30 years
ago, he moved from academia into journalism. Today, he is perhaps the
leading religion writer in Canada.
"The Pagan Christ" is the story of his discovery of the writings of one
Alvin Boyd Kuhn (1880-1963) and two earlier writers (Godfrey Higgins [1771-
1834] and Gerald Massey [1828-1907]), who argued that all of the essential
ideas of both Judaism and Christianity came primarily from Egyptian religion.
Toward the end of the third Christian century, the leaders of the church
began to misinterpret the Bible. Prior to this, no one ever understood the
Bible to be literally true. Earlier, in keeping with all other religions,
the narrative material of the Hebrew and Greek Bible was interpreted as myth
or symbol, read as allegory and metaphor rather than as history.
According to Harpur, there is no evidence that Jesus of Nazareth ever lived.
He claims that virtually all of the details of the life and teachings of
Jesus have their counterpart in Egyptian religious ideas. He does not quote
any contemporary Egyptologist or recognized academic authority on world
religions nor appeal to any of the standard reference books in Egyptology or
to any primary sources. Rather, he is entirely dependent on the work of
Kuhn (and Higgins & Massey).
Who is Alvin Boyd Kuhn? He is given the title `Egyptologist' and is regarded
by Harpur as "one of the single greatest geniuses of the twentieth century"
[who] "towers above all others of recent memory in intellect and his
understanding of the world's religious."
As it turns out, Kuhn was a high school language teacher who was an
enthusiastic proponent of Theosophy, a prodigious author and lecturer, who
self-published most of his books.
Not being myself an expert in Egyptian religion, I consulted those who are
about their views of contribution that Kuhn, Higgins and Massey have made to
Egyptology and whether they thought some of the key ideas of "The Pagan
Christ" well grounded. So I sent an email to twenty of the leading
Egyptologists - in Canada, USA, UK, Australia, Germany, and Austria.
I noted as a sample the following claims put forth by Kuhn (and hence Harpur
That the name of Jesus was derived from the Egyptian "Iusa," which means "
the coming divine Son who heals or saves".
That the god Horus is "an Egyptian Christos, or Christ.... He and his mother
, Isis, were the forerunners of the Christian Madonna and Child, and
together they constituted a leading image in Egyptian religion for millennia
prior to the Gospels."
That Horus also "had a virgin birth, and that in one of his roles, he was 'a
fisher of men with twelve followers.'"
That "the letters KRST appear on Egyptian mummy coffins many centuries BCE,
and ... this word, when the vowels are filled in., is really Karast or Krist
, signifying Christ."
That the doctrine of the incarnation "is in fact the oldest, most universal
mythos known to religion. It was current in the Osirian religion in Egypt at
least four thousand years BCE"
Only one of the ten experts who responded to my questions had ever heard of
Kuhn, Higgins or Massey!
Professor Kenneth A. Kitchen of the University of Liverpool pointed out that
not one of these men is mentioned in M. L. Bierbrier's "Who Was Who in
Egyptology" (3rd ed, 1995), nor is any of their works listed in Ida B. Pratt
's very extensive bibliography on Ancient Egypt (1925/1942).
Another distinguished Egyptologist wrote: "Egyptology has the unenviable
distinction of being one of those disciplines that almost anyone can lay
claim to, and the unfortunate distinction of being probably the one most
beleaguered by false prophets. He goes on to refer to Kuhn's "fringe
The responding scholars were unanimous in dismissing the suggested
etymologies for Jesus and Christ.
Ron Leprohan, Professor of Egyptology at the University of Toronto, pointed
out that while "sa" means "son" in ancient Egyptian and "iu" means `to come,
" but Kuhn/Harpur have the syntax all wrong. In any event, the name `Iusa'
simply does not exist in Egyptian.
The name `Jesus' is Greek from a universally recognized west Semitic name ("
Jeshu'a"), born not merely by the central figure in the New Testament but
also by many other people in the first century.
While all recognize that the image of the baby Horus and Isis has influenced
the Christian iconography of Madonna and Child, this is where the
similarity stops. There is no evidence for the idea that Horus was virgin
There is no evidence for the idea that Horus was `a fisher of men' or that
his followers (the King's officials were called `Followers of Horus") were
ever twelve in number.
KRST is the word for "burial" ("coffin" is written "KRSW"), but there is no
evidence whatsoever to link this with the Greek title "Christos" or Hebrew "
There is no mention of Osiris in Egyptian texts until about 2350 BC, so
Harpur's reference to the origins of Osirian religion is off by more than a
millennium and a half. (Elsewhere Harpur refers to "Jesus in Egyptian lore
as early as 18,000 BCE" and he quotes Kuhn as claiming that "the Jesus who
stands as the founder of Christianity was at least 10,000 years of age." In
fact, the earliest extant writing that we have dates from about 3200 BCE.)
Kuhn/Harper's redefinition of "incarnation" and rooting this in Egyptian
religion is regarded as bogus by all of the Egyptologists with whom I have
consulted. According to one: "Only the pharaoh was believed to have a divine
aspect, the divine power of kingship, incarnated in the human being
currently serving as the king. No other Egyptians ever believed they
possessed even `a little bit of the divine'."
Virtually none of the alleged evidence for the views put forward in "The
Pagan Christ" is documented by reference to original sources. The notes
refer mainly to Kuhn, Higgins, Massey, or some other long-out-of-date work.
Furthermore, Harpur's notes abound with errors and omissions. If you look
for supporting evidence for a particular point made by the author, it is not
there. Many quotations are taken out of context and interpreted in a very
different sense from what their author originally meant (especially the
early church fathers).
In short, "The Pagan Christ" tells us more about Tom Harpur's spiritual
pilgrimage than about the origins of Christianity.

【在 z********o 的大作中提到】
: 异教的基督~揭发基督教抄袭古埃及宗教的情节
: 本书”The Pagan Christ: Recovering the Lost Light‘异教的基督’:重回失去之光
: 芒”
: 作者Tom Harpur 是一位多次得过美加文学大奖的作家,一位自由派基督徒的神学家,
: 是加拿大圣公会的牧师也是多伦多大学神学院新约与希腊文的教授,名列过美国加拿大
: 名人录的人。他研学过Godfrey Higgins (1771-1834), Gerald Massey (1828-1907)
: and Alvin Boyd Kuhn (1880-1963)的著作. 在本书列举200多项古代宗教神话与基督教
: 神话的相似性,证明基督教抄袭古代埃及宗教
: Horus是罗马当时与基督教同时期发展的宗教,为罗马士兵所崇拜,但东罗马因经常不
: 敌匈奴的侵略,君士坦丁只得救助于愿为其牺牲守卫的基督教徒,并假皈依立为国教,

发帖数: 4976
当 Tom Hurpur 在说基督教抄袭古埃及宗教的情节时,
他书内的论点, 何尝不是抄三本十九世纪初的书?
发帖数: 8775
As a good atheist I was searching for ways to debunk Christianity. So, I
came across this book and was very eager to dig in. Unfortunately, it turns
out this books just cites other books of comparative religion, and doesn't
even cite the original historical texts when making an argument. This is sad
and pathetic.
The author is merely a good writer...not a real academic. I'm sure he's
fooled some people. Some of the comparisons between Jesus and Horus he makes
are from other books...and those other books have been debunked. Where are
these supposed similarities with Horus? There are some...but the really
specific ones he lists are BS. Overall, this book makes me angry because it'
s so easy to prove false.
Horus was baptized by Anup the Baptist?...like Jesus was baptized by John
the Baptist? Anyone actually fact check this statement? Birth of Horus to a
virgin Mary type figure? More BS. Read the actual story...you're searching
for the similarities and there are some but none of the specific ones they
This books is for people who are as gullible as the ones who take the Bible
as the literal truth.

【在 z********o 的大作中提到】
: 异教的基督~揭发基督教抄袭古埃及宗教的情节
: 本书”The Pagan Christ: Recovering the Lost Light‘异教的基督’:重回失去之光
: 芒”
: 作者Tom Harpur 是一位多次得过美加文学大奖的作家,一位自由派基督徒的神学家,
: 是加拿大圣公会的牧师也是多伦多大学神学院新约与希腊文的教授,名列过美国加拿大
: 名人录的人。他研学过Godfrey Higgins (1771-1834), Gerald Massey (1828-1907)
: and Alvin Boyd Kuhn (1880-1963)的著作. 在本书列举200多项古代宗教神话与基督教
: 神话的相似性,证明基督教抄袭古代埃及宗教
: Horus是罗马当时与基督教同时期发展的宗教,为罗马士兵所崇拜,但东罗马因经常不
: 敌匈奴的侵略,君士坦丁只得救助于愿为其牺牲守卫的基督教徒,并假皈依立为国教,

发帖数: 8775
一个词总结这个书: rubbish.
I am not a Christian, but I do study religion academically - which means
from an unbiased, "methodological agnostic" (which is the big, technical
term for 'we don't say whether it is right or wrong, we just acknowledge its
role in the human experience') standpoint.
All I can say regarding this book is that it's full of rubbish. Most of its
points can/have been refuted by real academics, and it serves little more
than to open up the discussion of pagan influences on Christianity.
Undeniably, pagan thought did influence Christianity, but nowhere near to
the extent that this man argues.
If you want a book on Christianity and paganism, I'd look for something that
doesn't have the name "Harpur" anywhere on/in it.

【在 z********o 的大作中提到】
: 异教的基督~揭发基督教抄袭古埃及宗教的情节
: 本书”The Pagan Christ: Recovering the Lost Light‘异教的基督’:重回失去之光
: 芒”
: 作者Tom Harpur 是一位多次得过美加文学大奖的作家,一位自由派基督徒的神学家,
: 是加拿大圣公会的牧师也是多伦多大学神学院新约与希腊文的教授,名列过美国加拿大
: 名人录的人。他研学过Godfrey Higgins (1771-1834), Gerald Massey (1828-1907)
: and Alvin Boyd Kuhn (1880-1963)的著作. 在本书列举200多项古代宗教神话与基督教
: 神话的相似性,证明基督教抄袭古代埃及宗教
: Horus是罗马当时与基督教同时期发展的宗教,为罗马士兵所崇拜,但东罗马因经常不
: 敌匈奴的侵略,君士坦丁只得救助于愿为其牺牲守卫的基督教徒,并假皈依立为国教,

回家过逾越节,我的孩子们!All Souls Night [music]
The Murder of HypatiaJohn 11 "Jesus wept"
发帖数: 18304

【在 b*****n 的大作中提到】
: 天下文章一大抄
: 当 Tom Hurpur 在说基督教抄袭古埃及宗教的情节时,
: 他书内的论点, 何尝不是抄三本十九世纪初的书?

发帖数: 18304


【在 J*******g 的大作中提到】
: 还有一个宗教研究人士。也给了书一星。
: 一个词总结这个书: rubbish.
: I am not a Christian, but I do study religion academically - which means
: from an unbiased, "methodological agnostic" (which is the big, technical
: term for 'we don't say whether it is right or wrong, we just acknowledge its
: role in the human experience') standpoint.
: All I can say regarding this book is that it's full of rubbish. Most of its
: points can/have been refuted by real academics, and it serves little more
: than to open up the discussion of pagan influences on Christianity.
: Undeniably, pagan thought did influence Christianity, but nowhere near to

发帖数: 4976

这是典型的道听途说, 人云..你亦云云云云

【在 z********o 的大作中提到】
: 哈哈哈!笑死人了。
: “一个宗教研究人士”给了一颗星能说明什么问题?

发帖数: 18304


【在 b*****n 的大作中提到】
: 我没有查证过他的书里写的东西,只是转过来给感兴趣的人们看看。
: =================================================
: 你真坦白..
: 这是典型的道听途说, 人云..你亦云云云云
: 毕加思索

发帖数: 4976

The Pagan Christ: Recovering the Lost Light‘异教的基督’:重回失去之光芒”
作者Tom Harpur 是一位多次得过美加文学大奖的作家,
我就温馨提示你, 要留意得的是甚么名堂的『奖』,

【在 z********o 的大作中提到】
: 你的逻辑真是一团浆糊。他是否得过什么“奖”,和他的书里写的东西是否可信没有关
: 系!爱因斯坦写《相对论》的时候也没得过什么奖!
: 我没有查证过他的书里写的东西,只是转过来给感兴趣的人们看看。
: 基督教是邪恶的。基督教是骗人的。这两个结论并不需要这些东西。仅仅从“圣经”出
: 发以子之矛攻子之盾就足够了。这是额外的东西。

发帖数: 18304


【在 b*****n 的大作中提到】
: ================================================
: 无哩....
: 我见你一劈头便拿他得奖的事来吹嘘身价:
: The Pagan Christ: Recovering the Lost Light‘异教的基督’:重回失去之光芒”
: 作者Tom Harpur 是一位多次得过美加文学大奖的作家,
: 一位自由派基督徒的神学家,
: 我就温馨提示你, 要留意得的是甚么名堂的『奖』,
: 有甚么江湖地位
: 不要自己做了一团浆糊不自觉,

发帖数: 4976

转, 例如左手交右手便是

【在 z********o 的大作中提到】
: 你懂什么叫“转贴”吗?

发帖数: 4976


【在 C*******r 的大作中提到】
: 创世纪开头的一堆章节,到处乱抄而来,本来就很明显。
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