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TrustInJesus版 - 聖經版本﹐研讀版聖經
神學教育典範﹕神學生必讀書目基要信仰概论 马有藻
在美国购买中文属灵书籍的地方?牛顿的神学观 - 独一神
教會歷史中的神學教育與復興運動圣约福音神学院2011年春季招生简章 zt
效法基督 -靈修神學的模式(ZT)说过方言的人的个人见证
圣经无误之现有资源改革宗神学的重点 林慈信
三合一神的辉煌:三位一体的必要性和神秘性How Bible Stories Evolved Over The Centuries (ZT)
话题: bible话题: 聖經话题: chinese话题: new话题: god
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1776
The content of our beliefs is the Bible; the standard for our beliefs is als
o the Bible, God's inspired, inerrant and infallible Word. A system of beli
ef, therefore, must be consistent, and completely based on the Bible. Howev
er, to build a belief system you may begin at a number of points, since a th
eological system is a comprehensive whole made up of many parts. You may st
art with a serious study of each book of the Bible; or by studying systemati
c theology. You may begin by using reference works (e.g. theological dictio
naries) to supplement your preparation for Sunday School classes and Bible s
tudies; or you may choose to follow a Bible survey or a Bible textbook.
我們信仰的內容﹐準則都來自《聖經》 ﹐神所默示的﹐無誤無謬的話語。
A profitable Bible study lifestyle is an excellent starting point to
your theological foundation. Christians need to make the most out of their
personal devotions! For those who serve as Bible study leaders or Sunday Sc
hool teachers, it will help to take advantage of some reference books, espec
ially a good Bible dictionary. Or you may begin by using a survey of the Bib
辭典。或者﹐你可以跟著一本聖經入門 (聖經綜覽) 和一本聖經教科書來讀經。
Although most Christians are now using The New International Version
新國際版) of the Bible, there are problems. A British edition of the NIV h
as been published, using "inclusive language." I have recently switched bac
k to the New American Standard Bible (NASB). It may not read as smoothly as
the NIV, but it is more accurate to the original words of Scripture. If yo
u shop carefully at your local Christian bookstore, there may be a very inex
pensive version of the NASB (as low as US $3 or $6), which you may buy for y
our entire Sunday School class/Bible study group. Also the English Standard
Version (ESV) is receiving very favorable comments from conservative schola
rs since its recent publication.
版的 《今天新國際版聖經》 (TNIV)﹐可能採用女權主義的詞彙 (即英文地所謂 inclu
sive language)。筆者已從《新國際版》改回用《新美國標準版》 (New American Sta
ndard Bible, NASB)﹔後者可能沒有《新國際版》 (NIV) 讀起來那麼舒服﹐可是對原文
的字句忠實得多 (比方說﹐羅3 ﹕24的挽回祭﹐意即主耶穌在十字架上挽回父神的忿怒
﹐這觀念 NASB 不會翻譯成贖罪祭)。讀者不妨到附近的基督教書店逛一逛﹐有時可以買
英文標準版》 (English Standard Version, 簡稱 ESV) 近年來面世﹐獲得很多信仰保

For Chinese readers, I recommend both the Union Version (He he ben﹐
) and the newer New Chinese Bible (Zhong wen xin yi ben 中文新譯本), which i
s somewhat patterned after The NASB. Do not confuse the New Chinese Bible
(a translation) with Xian dai zhong wen yi ben 現代中文譯本, which is the Ch
inese version of The Good New Bible (only a paraphrase).
中文讀者除了《和合本聖經》 (1919) 以外﹐可以考慮《中文新譯本》﹔
後者翻譯原則有點像《新美國標準版》。《中文新譯本》與<< 現代中文譯本>>是兩本不
同的聖經﹔後者是意譯的﹐採用的原則與英文的 Good News Bible 相似。
A solid tool to accompany your Bible study is The Spirit of the
Bible (former name: The New Geneva Study Bible; can be ordered from Ligonie
r Ministries, P.O. Box 547500 Orlando FL 32854; 407 333 4244 or 800 435 434
3; Fax 407 333 4233). The notes and the special articles all seek to build
a solid theological foundation from the historic, 16th century Reformationa
l perspective. If we complement this with the Life Application Bible (Tynda
le and Zondervan, 1988), we will have two tools to build solid, practical Bi
ble studies and sermons.
可以用英文讀聖經者﹐應考慮用《宗教改革精神聖經》 (以前稱《新日內瓦聖
For Chinese readers, the NIV Study Bible published by Christian
Renewal Min
istries (Sheng jing: xin guo ji ban yan du ben 《聖經﹕新國際版研讀本》, or
The CRM Study Bible, Milltown, NJ: Christian Renewal Ministries, 1996) is th
e most complete study Bible. This Bible gives you background and guides you
to understand the meaning and content of the Bible.

Another helpful Chinese tool is the study Bible edited by China Graduate Sch
ool of Theology's faculty: Sheng jing: chuan zhu zhu xi ben 《聖經:串珠注釋本
》 [The Bible: CGST Study Edition] (Hong Kong: Christian Communications Ltd.
, 1987). The bottom half of every page is shaded in gray, and packed with
thought-provoking questions (no answers, just questions!).
另外一本是由早期的中國神學研究院講師編寫的 《 聖經﹕串珠注釋本》
(香港﹕證主﹐1987) 。每一頁的下半頁都有查經的問題﹐讓讀者好好的回到經文
Christian Renewal Ministries has recently published The Quest Bible 靈修聖經
, which is the Chinese translation of The Life Application Bible.
The ones I have listed are aimed at building one's theological

There are other study Bibles for devotional use. For example, The Living Bi
ble (當代聖經)or its newer edition, The New Living Translation (Tyndale Hou
se), as well as the very popular Good News Bible (American Bible Society), a
re paraphrases, not translations. They are helpful for you to get a contemp
orary twist to the text, but do not rely on them to give you the accurate me
aning of the text. In fact, Dr. Kenneth Taylor originally did The Living Bi
ble translation to help his elementary-school age children to understand the
There are non-evangelical translations which can be scholarly, but
be used for reference only: e.g. The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV-Nati
onal Council of Churches USA); The New English Bible (Oxford University Pres
s/Cambridge University Press); The New Jerusalem Bible (Roman Catholic); and
The New American Bible (Roman Catholic).
在福音派大家庭以外還有其他的版本﹐如美國教協 (NCC) 的《修訂標準版》RSV (Revi
sed Standard Version, 1952) 和 《新修訂標準版》NRSV (New Revised Standard Ve
rsion). 天主教則出版 了《耶路撒冷聖經》 (Jerusalem Bible) 。
Two older translations formed the background to the NASB, and are
very soli
d and reliable: The Revised Version (RV) of the 1880's, and The American Sta
ndard Version (ASV) of the 1900's. The Reformation Bible is based on The Ne
w King James Version (NKJV), which patterns itself after the King James Vers
ion of the 1610s - archaic sounding, but quite good.
新美國標準版出版之前﹐在歷史上有兩次重要的翻譯﹕1880 年代的 Revised
﹐ 與 1900 年代的上 ASV。近年來英語世界出版了 《宗教改革精神聖經》 (原稱《新
日內瓦聖經》) ﹐《新日內瓦聖經》採用的是新鑒定版 (New King James Version) ﹐
Both Chinese and English Bible readers should be aware that The
Bible (hui fu ban﹐ 恢復本) is published by The Living Stream Ministries (s
hui liu zhi shi zhan 水流職事站), operated by the cult commonly known as The
Local Church Movement, begun by the late Witness Lee. Another cultic Bible
is The New World Translation, published by The Watchtower Society 守望臺 (J
ehovah's Witnesses 耶和華見證人). College students often receive a copy of
the New Testament of this translation on campuses.
英文與中文讀者需要留意﹐異端也出版聖經﹐如李常受的異端 (英稱地
方教會運動﹐出版社名水流職事站) 最近出版了《恢復本聖經》。耶和華見證人 (守望
臺) 的聖經名《新世界翻譯本》 ( New World Translation ) ﹐這些翻譯本都屬正統基
发帖数: 1776
My suggestion for personal Bible study is: before you dig into a
book of th
e Bible, first read the 2-page introduction which is given before that book,
in most study Bibles. Then for every day after that, read 10-12 verses, or
one major paragraph. Re-read this section 1-2 days later. Make good use o
f study questions or notes on the bottom, or at the margin of your study Bib
le. Perhaps in our hectic lifestyle we will be able to retain some insights
that we learn day by day, week after week!
(入門) ﹐為一天的靈修。通常這種介紹不會超過兩頁。然後每天讀半章或一段 (十到二
十節) ﹐隔一兩天後重複 - 第二次讀的時候﹐好好善用研經版裡的問題或解釋。這樣作
To help you along in your Bible study, I would recommend works which
ate your thinking.
The best tool is Search the Scriptures (London: Inter Varsity Press, 1949),
which has been translated into Chinese as Yan Jing Ri Ke 《研經日課》 (Hong
Kong: Christian Communications Ltd., 1972, 1980, 1982; 3 volumes). Two sets
of questions are given for every passage from Genesis to Revelation. No an
swers, just questions! This is probably the most difficult book in its cate
gory, but well worth your diligent effort in digging into the Word of God.
When you have adequately and correctly answered the two questions for every
passage, you almost have a sermon/Bible study lesson ready!
我認為﹐查經工具書中對學生最有幫助的﹐是《研經日課》 (三卷﹐ 香
港﹕證主﹐1972﹐1980﹐ 1982) 。對每一段經文﹐都提出兩套問題。書中並不提
Another book in the same category is This Morning With God (IVP),
and the C
hinese translation is Qing Chen Jing Si Zhu Hua 《清晨靜思主話》 (Hong Kong
s for each passage; and they are easier to answer. I would use this book in
conjunction with Search the Scriptures 《研經日課》。
》 (香港
﹕種籽﹐ 1976-1981﹐四卷)。每一段經文的研讀問題比較多﹐也比較淺易。我的建議是
For those who cannot get hold of either volume, The Navigators 導航
會 (Nav
press) as well as Inter Varsity Press have been producing series after serie
s of Bible study guides. I have particularly enjoyed using The "Lifechange
Series" published by Navpress. These are guides which points you to open th
e Bible and find the answers to the study questions. You see, a good Bible
study guide does not only stimulate discussion; it guides all members of the
group back to the Bible text itself, to find the original meaning and teach
ing. A reliable Bible study guide which is orthodox in its beliefs, certain
ly would not insert the editor's own personal, secular theories into the dis
若不能找到上述兩套書﹐導航會 (Navpress) 與 Inter Varsity Press 都出版了一
套套的查經書﹐可供個人靈修或查經小組用。筆者很喜歡導航會出版的 Lifechange Se
ries 系列。好的查經書或小書﹐不只是讓小組討論活潑生動﹔必定要帶領讀者回
意見﹐或來自當代世俗學術的理論﹐插進討論經文意義 (meaning) 的材料中。(如﹕有

Very often Bible study group leaders and Sunday School teachers try
to gath
er many books and create their own lessons each week. This can be very unwi
se and unproductive, since the "experts" have already done the homework, and
produced solid series of Bible study guides. My recommendation is to follo
w one book each quarter for your Bible study group, such as the "Lifechange"
series by Navpress, or any number of paperback guides from Inter Varsity Pr
ess. Increasingly, similar sets of booklets are available from Taiwan and H
ong Kong, e.g. Campus Evangelical Fellowship, China Evangelical Seminary.
查經班的負責人和主日學教員們,常常自行編制教材,其實"專家" 們已經花
社﹐中華福音神學院﹐香港基督徒學生福音團契﹐讀經會 (Scripture Union) 等都出版
One criterion to keep in mind, when you are shopping for Bible study
in the Christian bookstore, is: Does this guide merely encourage group disc
ussion? Does this guide merely encourage people to open up themselves and t
alk about their present and past experiences, including hurts and pains? Or
does this guide primarily point the group members to explore the text of th
e Bible? Is there a balance between "observation" and "interpretation" ques
tions, on the one hand (which forces the reader to grapple with the text), a
nd "application" and "ice-breaker" questions, on the other (which brings the
Bible to our own situation)? A study guide which does not have a solid por
tion (at least half) of study questions in the "observation" and "interpreta
tion" category, may be wasting your group members' precious time.

半以上是觀察方面和解釋方面的問題 (而不都是應用方面的問題)
作開場白 [ice breaker]﹗)
发帖数: 1776
Evangelicals have historically insisted that the Bible is God's own
For decades in the 20th century, T. Norton Sterrett's How to Understand You
r Bible (Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity Press, 1974) was one standard evan
gelical text, for Sunday School, Bible studies and Bible college classes. Th
e Chinese translation is: Ru he ming bai sheng jing 《如何明白聖經》 (Taip
ei: China Sunday School Association 中國主日學協會). This book asks the stu
dent to use an English Bible and an English dictionary to look up the meanin
g of words. It does not point the student to Greek or Hebrew study aids. T
hus, it is easy to use for the beginner.
我們說的話。20世紀福音派的 "如何查經" 書籍中﹐T. Norton Sterrett 的 How to U
nderstand Your Bible (Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity Press, 1974 ﹔中譯本﹕
《如何明白聖經》 (台北﹕中國主日學協會) 是很有代表性的。讀者不必懂原文﹐用英
文《聖經》和英文字典便可開始系統查經生活。 這種上一代的保守學者,寫書時沒有
Sterrett begins his book by declaring that the Bible is God's Word,
it is G
od's gift to us. We must treasure it, keep it, learn and understand it, the
n obey it. He tells us what a prerequisite mindset should be as we begin Bi
ble study: we must have a new heart, an obedient, disciplined heart, and a t
eachable heart.
帝賜給我們這份奇妙的禮物﹐是要我們寶貴﹐保存﹐學習﹐瞭解並且遵行。" ( 諾頓。
史特瑞﹐《如何明白聖經》 ﹐新加坡﹕新加坡福音書房﹐1985 ﹔第一章﹕"個人研經的
必要"﹐頁8。) 該書在第二章說明﹐解釋《聖經》者應具備什麼條件﹕
一. 新的心。解經的人必須是重生了的人。聖經的信息是說到神和人﹐以及它們彼
二. 飢渴的心。…
三. 順服的心。…
四. 自律的心。…
五. 受教的心。…
(諾頓。史特瑞﹐《如何明白聖經》 ﹐新加坡﹕新加坡福音書房﹐1985 ﹔第章﹕"誰可
以明白聖經﹖"﹐頁15-19。) 這是一本典型的﹐福音派的查經手冊。
This book belongs to the generation when evangelicals were not running to th
e non-evangelicals for guidance, and when evangelicals really believed, and
emphasized, the fact that the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit. These
authors would encourage the reader to wait upon the Holy Spirit for illumina
tion, and to study the Bible with a reverent attitude.
Another standard textbook on Biblical hermeneutics is Louis Berkhof's Princi
ples of Biblical Interpretation (Eerdmans).
另一本上一代保守信仰的釋經學教科書是﹕ Louis Berkhof, Principles of Biblical
Interpretation (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans) 《釋經學原理》 - 香港﹕浸信會出
With the advent of neo-evangelicalism, however, so-called "evangelical" Bibl
e scholars are shying away from emphasizing the inspiration and doctrinal un
ity of Scripture. They often lean toward highlighting the historical progre
ssion and the variety of literary genres reflected in the various books of t
he Bible, even emphasizing the discrepancies between authors. They also emp
hasize how traditional evangelical approaches to the Bible failed to answer
many difficult questions, and that there is a variety of viewpoints among ev
angelicals toward the Bible - thus, we must develop new approaches to the Bi
ble. This type of books (all too common on the bookstore shelves) often be
wilder the layperson.
Bernard Ramm's book, Protestant Bible Interpretation, is very scholarly. Ra
mm changed his doctrinal stance in 1980 from evangelicalism to neo-orthodoxy
, declaring such a change in his book, Beyond Fundamentalism. Personally I
prefer to use Bible study texts by Berkhof, Stott, Sproul and Sterrett.
蘭姆(Bernard Ramm) 的Protestant Bible Interpretation(《基督教釋經學》)多
統派。 我個人比較喜歡推薦《明白神的話》 和Berkhof, Stott, Stererett與 Sprou
Newer books, such as the very very popular How To Understand The Bible For A
ll Its Worth, by Gordon Fee and others <<讀經的藝術>>, conveniently skips ov
er the doctrine of inspiration (only lighting mentioning the Bible's "eterna
l relevance"), and immediately points the reader to the various kinds of lit
erature in the Bible - a dangerous move). This book represents the new gene
ration of scholars who no longer emphasize the Bible's inspiration, but rath
er presents the Bible as a book which needs our interpretation. These autho
rs also do not believe in approaching the Bible in order to discover doctrin
es (propositions) to believe and obey (see the introduction to the book). I
n other words, they don't believe in "propositional revelation."
經》當作一本人寫的書來研究。例如 How To Understand The Bible For All Its Wor
th, by Gordon Fee et al(中譯: 《讀經的藝術》),是當今最受歡迎的釋經學書之
經來發現聖經中的教義。意思是,他們並不相信命題式的啟示,有意無意的反對 <<聖經
>>裡有一套 ﹐單一的﹐穩定的教義。
More recent books on interpretation have been written by R.C. Sproul and Joh
n Stott. Shorter works in Chinese include A. Stibbs' Understanding God's Wo
rd <<明白神的話>> (Milltown, NJ: Christian Renewal Ministries, 1975). Stibb
s' books represent the work of an earlier generation of solid British author
R. C. Sproul 和 John Stott 都寫了一些易懂的解經原則書籍。更新傳道會
Dan Doriani's Getting the Message (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian
and Refor
med, 1996) is a fresh, dynamic approach to Bible interpretation which is fai
thful to the inspiration and authority of Scripture, and in dialogue with co
ntemporary theories of interpretation. Doriani also balances concerns of th
e heart with those of the mind. Consider using this along with Berkhof, Sto
tt and Sproul! Other very solid textbooks are Vern Poythress, God Centered
Interpretation, and Dan MacCartney, Let the Reader Understand (www.prpbooks.

近年來比較保守的神學教授寫了一些釋經學的書,如﹕Dan Doriani (聖約神
務主任)著有Getting the Message (P&R, 1996) ;Vern S. Poythress, God Centere
d Interpretation, 和Dan McCartnery, Let the Reader Undersand (P&R);可在網上
訂購﹕www.prpbooks.com; 或電話聯絡﹕800 631 0094.)


【在 C****i 的大作中提到】
: The content of our beliefs is the Bible; the standard for our beliefs is als
: o the Bible, God's inspired, inerrant and infallible Word. A system of beli
: ef, therefore, must be consistent, and completely based on the Bible. Howev
: er, to build a belief system you may begin at a number of points, since a th
: eological system is a comprehensive whole made up of many parts. You may st
: art with a serious study of each book of the Bible; or by studying systemati
: c theology. You may begin by using reference works (e.g. theological dictio
: naries) to supplement your preparation for Sunday School classes and Bible s
: tudies; or you may choose to follow a Bible survey or a Bible textbook.
: 我們信仰的內容﹐準則都來自《聖經》 ﹐神所默示的﹐無誤無謬的話語。

发帖数: 1776
The one single volume which I think a Christian should purchase to
nt his/her Bible is The New Bible Dictionary (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans; or
iginally published by Inter Varsity Press, 1962); Chinese translation: Sheng
Jing Xin Ci Dian 《聖經新辭典》(2 volumes; Hong Kong: 天道Tien Dao, 1993,
1997). The Chinese version, based on the 1982 2nd edition, is expensive (a
pprox. US $155 in North America for the two volumes), but well worth the inv
estment. You need to learn to use it regularly!
You can also use the CD-Rom version of the Chinese edition, produced by Alme
ga (啟創).
天道,1993,1997)。中文版比較昂貴(在美國零售價﹕約US $155);可是讀者可以考
慮購買 CD-Rom 版(香港啟創 Almega 出版)。
When you are preparing for a Bible study lesson or sermon, after you have st
udied the passage, look up the most significant ("heavy") doctrinal words in
the dictionary. Here are some examples:
Sacrifice 犧牲,獻祭
Temple 聖殿
Church 教會
Love 愛
Righteousness 公義
Faith 信心
Justification 稱義
Inspiration 默示
God 神
Education (Teaching)

The New Bible Dictionary lists all the contributing authors in the
front of
Volume 1. You can learn to identify the author of each article. Here are
some authors who are solid and reliable, who have written significant articl
es on doctrinal themes in The New Bible Dictionary:
Leon Morris 莫理昂 -澳洲新約學者與神學家 。Australian theologian, wrote arti
cle on "Atonement".
R. A. France 法蘭士-著有 The Living God (<<認識永生神>>﹐校園) 等 。Author
of The Living God (Chinese: Ren shi yong sheng shen <<認識永生神>>,臺北﹕校
園 ) and several other books.
J. I. Packer 巴刻-辭典中著有 "默示" ("Inspiration") 等文章﹔著作有中譯本者包

《認識神》 ﹐ 《簡明神學》 ,《活在聖靈中》, 《傳福音與神的主權》 ﹐《基要主
義與神的道》 等。 Packer wrote the articles on "Inspiration," "Predestinatio
n" and many others; author of Knowing God, God's Words, Concise Theology《簡
明神學》 , Keep in Step with the Spirit 《活在聖靈中》, and The Quest for Go
dliness, etc.
F. F. Bruce - New Testament scholar, for many years professor in Manchester,
England; author of The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? (IVP)
Donald Guthrie -多年來在倫敦聖經學院任教; 著有 New Testament Introduction,
New Testament Theology 等。 Bible scholar, London Bible College; author of
New Testament Introduction, New Testament Theology.
John Murray 慕理-威敏斯特神學院已故教授; 著有 Redemption Accomplished and Ap
plied (中譯本﹕《再思救贖奇恩 》 ﹐天道) ; 他的《羅馬書註釋》被認為基
督教歷史中最重要的著作之一。 Late professor, Westminster Seminary; his cla
ssic works include The Imputation of Adam's Sin (Presbyterian and Reformed);
Redemption Accomplished and Applied (Eerdmans); Commentary on Romans; and h
is 4-volume Collected Works of John Murray (Banner of Truth Trust).
R. V. G. Tasker -英國學者,著有聖經注釋數本。British author of several comme
J. A. Motyer -英國學者,著有聖經注釋數本。British author of several commenta
ries, esp. in the Tyndale OT/NT commentaries series.
E. J. Young 楊以德 -威敏斯特已故教授﹐保守派舊約大師;著有 Thy Word Is Truth
(Banner of Truth); Studies in Genesis One; Thy Servants the Prophets; 以賽亞
書注釋 (三冊); 中文有﹕《舊約導論》 (基督教文藝出版社) 。 Late Old Testa
ment professor, Westminster Seminary; author of Thy Word Is Truth (still in
print from Banner of Truth); Studies in Genesis One; Thy Servants the Prophe
ts; a 3-volume commentary on Isaiah; An Introduction to the Old Testament 中
譯﹕《舊約導論》(香港﹕基督教文藝出版社,或道聲出版社), etc.
Herman Ridderbos - Dutch Reformed New Testament theologian
J. Barton Payne -舊約教授,曾任教於聖約神學院,惠敦大學。 Former professor,
Covenant Seminary and Wheaton College.
J. D. Douglas -蘇格蘭教會歷史家,多年來駐新加坡神學院;乃《聖經新辭典》之主編
。 Scottish church historian; for many years professor at Singapore Bible Co
llege; the original general editor of The New Bible Dictionary!
Meredith Kline -舊約權威,專著有關盟約的神學書籍,曾任教威敏斯特,哥敦神學院
等。Brilliant Old Testament scholar; former professor at Gordon Conwell Theo
logical Seminary and Westminster Seminary.
The New Bible Dictionary is an excellent "buffet table" where you
can try "
nuggets" from the giants listed above. Once in a while, in some of the arti
cles authored by other scholars, one finds objectionable viewpoints, e.g. th
at parts of the Five Books of Moses were written after the Exile, etc. Let
the reader beware.
成的 (特別是在第二,三版裏), 讀的時候須謹慎。
For the course on "introduction to systematic theology" which I teach, I usu
ally assign students to read these articles from the New Bible Dictionary:
Knowledge 知識
Wisdom 智慧
Faith 信心
Obedience 順服
Authority 權威
Revelation 啟示
Scripture (Bible) 聖經
Inspiration 默示 (by J.I. Packer)
Covenant 盟約
Other helpful ones include:
Predestination 預定
Jesus Christ 耶穌基督
And the title of most of the books of the Bible!還有所有聖經的書卷!
Note: there are at least three English versions: the original New Bible Dict
ionary (the cover may look different because of different printings); the Ty
ndale Illustrated Bible Dictionary (3 volumes); and the New Bible Dictionary
, and since it is older, it is not as much affected by contemporary theories
of biblical criticism. The Tyndale edition is in 3 volumes, and has many
illustrations in color. The text is the same as the older version; only the
illustrations are new; and the price is rather high.
英文世界裡 《聖經新辭典》以好幾種形式出現。有原本的 New Bible Dictionary (第
1,2版); 1962 年出版的第一版為最正統;可惜已經絕版,讀者可去網上拍賣舊書的圈
子去找。第二,三版加插了一些近代第聖經批判理論,讀者留意。Tyndale Illustrate
d Bible Dictionary (三冊,附彩色圖片); 和 New Bible Dictionary: Third Editio
n. 總的來說,IVP 等出版社的產品,每出一次修訂版,書裏比較接受或同情最新的聖
发帖数: 1776
Many Christians use the cross-references along their Bibles' margins
to loo
k up the same word in other passages. This may or may not be a profitable a
venue of exploring the Bible's message. A much more helpful way is to use B
aker's Topical Guide the Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1991) edited
by Walter Elwell of Wheaton College. Chinese translation was published in 1
996 as Zhu Ti Hui Shi Sheng Jing 《主題彙析聖經》 (Logos Publishers 基道出版
社, Hong Kong). There is a simplified-script Chinese version as well as the
traditional script version.
This is an excellent tool, because it is simply an arrangement of Bible vers
es, all typed out in full, according to an order of doctrine/systematic theo
logy. This is helpful as you study a particular topic or doctrine.
譯本是 《主題彙析聖經》 (香港﹕ 基道出版社, 1997。). 英文原著書名為﹕ The T
opical Analysis of the Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1991); 後來易名
為 Baker's Topical Guide to the Bible。主編是惠敦大學的籽深神學教授 Walter E
lwell. 這本參考書非常寶貝,因為它看上來雖然與經文彙編一樣,可是它的排法乃是按
。《主題彙析聖經》已有光碟版本 (e-book, CD Rom)﹐由香港啟創 (Almega) 出版。要
The main message of the Bible is: the eternal God, the creator of
the unive
rse, has entered into time and space, to concretely reveal himself. Therefo
re God's revelation is understandable. This message stands in stark contras
t with what many modern theologians are saying: that God is "wholly other,"
we cannot really know God himself, and his revelation is really beyond the g
rasp of human reason or experience. Many theologians have given up the beli
ef in "propositional revelation" (that is, God has told us things, ideas, co
ncepts, doctrines, in the Bible). Dear brother/sister, the Holy Spirit has
given us the words of the Bible by inspiration; we can read the Bible to und
erstand and know what God has said! We need to meditate upon Scripture day
and night, and obey it all the years of our lives. The Bible is a book we c
an come to understand!
聖經的主要內容是﹕永恆的神,宇宙的創造主,進入到時間空間,具體的啟示自己 (Go
d concretely revealed himself),因此神的啟示是人能夠認識的,不像一些當代神學
家所說,神的不可言諭的,祂的啟示也不能被人的理性掌握, "命題的啟示" (propos
itional revelation) 逐漸被神學家屏棄。親愛的信徒讀者們,聖靈默示了人把神的話
After mankind fell in Adam, God revealed himself as the covenant-
making lor
d and covenant-keeping lord. The theme of the Old Testament is "covenant":
God has come to establish the relationship of covenant with his people; he w
ill be their God, they are his people. The theme of the New Testament is th
e "kingdom of God": this means that God has come, to be king, to rule as kin
g. Jesus Christ is the king from heaven; he has come, therefore the kingdom
has come (or has drawn near). Christ will return a second time; at that ti
me the kingdom will completely become a reality. You see, the Old and the N
ew Testament both revolve around God and his plan. Our faith is not man-cen
tered, it is God-centered. Everything comes from him, works through him, an
d is unto his glory. Is it this way with your faith? Is your faith self-ce
ntered or God-centered?
在人類墮落之後,神顯現自己為立約的神,守約的神。舊約的主題,乃是神的約 (cove
nant)﹕神作以色列人的神,以色列作神的子民。新約的主題是天國 (kingdom),天國(
If you are getting started in Bible study, you need to make sure
that you u
se reliable, Bible-believing guides to establish your faith. A reliable Bib
le survey will help you grasp the main theme of each book of the Bible. Bef
ore you use a "Bible survey," you should have already been using a standard
study Bible (NIV Study Bible, Spirit of the Reformation Bible, etc.). You s
hould already know something about the author, background and main theme of
each book of the Bible.
為中心的信仰。一本可靠的聖經綜覽 (Bible survey) 能幫助讀者掌握每一卷書的主要
There are many surveys of the New Testament; for may years, Merrill
s New Testament Survey has been very reliable. Dr. Tenney served during his
lifetime as dean of Wheaton College Graduate School of Theology. During ro
ughly the same time (mid-20th century), Dr. Gleason Archer was teaching Old
Testament at Moody Bible Institute and later Trinity Evangelical Divinity Sc
hool. His text, A Survey of Old Testament Introduction, was nicknamed "the
yellow Bible," because so many of his quizzes and examinations were based on
a detailed grasp of the material in it! Both Tenney and Archer are availa
ble in Chinese.
新約聖經綜覽方面,多年來最可靠之一的是﹕滕慕理﹐《新約綜覽》 (香港﹕宣道出版
社﹐1976; 原著﹕Merrill Tenney, New Testament Survey, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans
, 1961) 。 Tenney 博士生前曾任惠敦大學神學研究院教務主任多年 (dean, Wheaton
Graduate School)。舊約綜覽方面,Gleason Archer 的A Survey of Old Testament
Introduction (Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1964,中譯本﹕《舊約概論》) 是多年來
慕迪聖經學院和芝加哥三一神學院學生的必讀教科書,被稱為 "黃皮聖經" (yellow B
ible), 因為作者往往要學生仔細掌握內容,準備考試!
The word "introduction" is a technical term in theological studies. Thus, a
n "introduction to the Bible" is more advanced in content than a "survey of
the Bible." Edward J. Young, who taught for many years at Westminster Semin
ary, has written An Introduction to the Old Testament, in which he stands fi
rm in evangelical convictions, yet engages with liberal critical scholars.
Donald Guthrie, former dean of London Bible College, has given us New Testam
ent Introduction. Guthrie gives an overview of the many theories on a debat
e, and then seeks to offer reasonable support for the conservative view. Th
is is the kind of approach which contemporary evangelical scholars should, b
ut do not, imitate. Both Young and Guthrie solidly stood within the evangel
ical tradition.
入門 (introduction)是神學的專用名詞,一本聖經入門就比聖經綜覽仔細,學術程度比
較高。舊約入門方面,楊以德 (Edward J. Young),《舊約導論》 (香港﹕基督教文藝
出版社) 是持守堅固福音派立場,同時與當代學術理論對話的一本少有的好書 。倫敦聖
經學院的Donald Guthrie也著有 New Testament Introduction, 內容比較詳細。這兩本
More recently, two Westminster professors, the late Raymond B. Dillard and D
r. Tremper Longman III, has written An Introduction to the Old Testament (Gr
and Rapids: Zondervan, 1994) in the spirit of E.J. Young's masterpiece. Wel
l worth your careful study! Available in Chinese.
參考!(原著﹕Raymond B. Dillard and Tremper Longman III, An Introduction to
the Old Testament, Zondervan, 1994; 中譯本﹕《21世紀舊約導論》,劉良淑譯,臺
Two helpful Old Testament history textbooks are: Leon Wood, A Survey of Isra
el's History (Zondervan 1970) and Jack Scott's God's Plan Unfolded (Whreaton
ld Testament. Wood is available in Chinese.
另外,《以色列民族史》 是一本易讀的舊約歷史教科書(原著﹕Leon Wood, A Survey
of Israel's History, Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1970) 。舊約歷史綜覽方面,
還有一本英文書﹕Jack Scott, God's Plan Unfolded (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House,

More recently, Palmer Robertson has written Christ of the Covenants, and Chr
ist of the Prophets (both published by www.prpbooks.com). On a more popular
level, he has written Covenants for adult Sunday School use (www.gcp.org).
Increasingly we are seeing new works done by Chinese evangelical authors; so
me of these books are directly adopted as adult Sunday School curriculum in
Chinese churches.
A special genre of books deals with the major themes of the Old and
New Tes
taments. Dr. Che Bin Tan, recently retired president of Taiwan's China Evan
gelical Seminary, has written this type of book. His teacher, F.F. Bruce, w
as author of The Message of the New Testament.
前任中華福音神學院院長,寫了好基本這種的書;他的知道老師 F.F. Bruce 也著了
The Message of the New Testament (中譯﹕<<新約信息>>),讀者不容錯過。
Unfortunately, a number of Chinese Bible scholars have imbibed
liberal crit
ical theories in Bible interpretation. For example, some might say that Gen
esis was not intended to give us a historical account of God's work of creat
ion; it is a book about the history of the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
etc.). They reject much of evangelical / fundamental beliefs as outdated,
or "rotten theology." Let the reader beware!
疑,是否所有以前所聽,所領受的都是錯誤的!有的作者,稱以前福音派的信念為 "壞
鬼神學"(注﹕粵語 "壞鬼"的意思是﹕食物壞掉,不能吃)
My position is: the Bible student should start with a clearly and solidly co
nservative reference tool such as Young and Archer.
Archer 的《舊約概論》。
发帖数: 1776
A handbook of the Bible combines material from a "survey" and a "
," often with material similar to that found in study Bibles. A standard ex
ample is the Eerdmans Handbook to the Bible (Lion Handbook to the Bible in t
he British Commonwealth).

We have seen above that authors of Bible study books have different
ositions (convictions)! The more common presupposition among evangelical Bi
ble scholars is: the Bible is a book written by men, and should be studied a
s such. Many Bible scholars no longer believe that God has given us proposi
tional revelation (i.e., that God told us things, ideas, concepts, truths, d
octrines, in the Bible). This is at variance with what evangelicals have al
ways believed, at least since the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth ce
啟示一些命題 (presuppositions)或教義 (doctrines)。這方面讀這們必須儆醒,因為
Let us now look at Bible commentaries.
我們繼續介紹基本的聖經注釋 (commentaries)。
Jonathan Edwards, the eighteenth-century theologian and leader in the Great
Awakening, once said that, our understanding of one passage of Scripture mus
t be based on our understanding of the entire Bible. What he meant was: we
must have a basic, overall grasp of what the Bible teaches. Otherwise, it i
s so easy to take Bible passages out of context!
十八世紀大覺醒復興運動教復興 (The Great Awakening) 領袖之一,也是美國最偉大的
神學家愛德華茲 (Jonathan Edwards) 曾經說過﹕我們對每一段經文的認識,乃是建造
Of course, we must begin our journey with studying individual portions (pass
ages, paragraphs) of the Bible, and eventually build up a solid system of be
liefs. However, we also must believe that the Holy Spirit does illumine and
guide us. Ever since we were converted, we had a certain understanding of
the Bible, even though it may be very rudimentary. We all know that Jesus i
s our Savior; he has forgiven our sins; we are saved. We know something abo
ut the power of the cross, and the work of the Holy Spirit. Then we learn a
few things about the character (attributes) of God, and we get involved in
the ministry of the church - so we learn about the doctrine of the church.
At least, we begin to ask questions in these areas! These are all theologi
cal questions; they are intimately related with our study of the Bible.
的屬性(the attributes of God) 又開始知道一些。事奉一段時間之後,對教會論 (do
ctrine of the Church) 開始接觸,至少心中會產生這方面的問題。這些都是教義 (do
You see, Biblical studies cannot be separated from doctrine (
systematic the
ology)! Every time we study the Bible, we bring our overall understanding o
f the Bible (i.e., our presuppositions) with us to the Bible. This is only
natural, it should not surprise us! We need to be aware of this fact, and c
onstantly re-evaluate our faith according to the clear teaching of Scripture
. We should continue to ask the Holy Spirit to illumine, guide, and correct
us. We can then share with all the saints in Christ our common knowledge o
f Christ's love, and come to learn something of the mind of God revealed in
掌握神在聖經裏要啟示的心意(the mind of God)。
There is no such thing as "neutral interpretation" of the Bible; we
naively believe that we must just "let the Bible speak for itself!" From th
e vantage point of what the church has historically believed to be orthodox
beliefs, this is only fanciful thinking on the part of a few scholars! Ever
yone has presuppositions about the Bible. The critical question is: Are we
aware of them? And are these presuppositions consistent with what the Bible
itself teaches?
解釋聖經,沒有「中立」 (neutral) 的;所謂「中立」 的解經,或說讓聖經
(Let the Bible speak for itself), 從兩千年教會歷史和神學的宏觀看來,不過是
設 (presuppositions);重要的是,我們有沒有意識到自己的預設?這些預設是否合乎
Bible commentaries may be helpful as we prepare Bible study lessons
or serm
ons; they encourage us to see the big picture, and not take things out of co
ntext. Some pastors discourage Christians from using commentaries; their po
int is: let's learn from God's Word only rather than learning from men. Of
course, they have a good point. We need to learn what God says; our goal is
to grasp the mind of God. However we are all human - not only the Bible st
udent, but the Bible commentator as well. We are all sinners saved by grace
(if evangelical Christians). We all need the illumination by the Holy Spir
it, and learn in accountability with other saints throughout history. We al
l bring our preferences, biases, interests, and spiritual needs into our Bib
le study.
的確是要明白神的心意 (the mind of God)。可是,我們都是人 - 不論是讀經的,或者
是寫注釋書的 - 都是蒙恩的罪人(假如是福音派的信徒的話)。我們都需要聖靈的光照
After we study a passage carefully, we can go to a basic Bible
commentary t
o check whether we have interpreted it properly. The single one-volume Bibl
e commentary most available and most helpful is The New Bible Commentary: Re
vised (Eerdmans, 1970; Chinese translation was based on original version: Th
e New Commentary, Inter Varsity, 1953; in Chinese: Sheng Jing Xin Shi《聖經新
釋》, Hong Kong: Christian Witness Press 證道出版社, 1958). It is compact
, and does not intend to answer every theological question. But is is a hel
pful overview of the content of the passage. Remember that this commentary
has gone through many editions, including the present 21st century edition.
I prefer the older editions, which have not been influenced by contemporary
theories of biblical criticism.
的解釋,有沒有斷章取義。中文的聖經注釋方面,有《聖經新釋》這本單行本 (香港﹕
證道出版社﹐1958) 。這本注釋是從英文的 New Bible Commentary翻譯過來的,不過原
著已經絕版,取代的是不同的修訂本,包括﹕The New Bible Commentary: Revised (G
rand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1970)。《聖經新釋》非常的精簡,並沒有解答所
不要忽略好好的讀每一卷書的介紹。 我比較喜歡中譯本所用的第一版本,因為後來的版
Ripe, mature commentaries on the various books of the Bible have been writte
n by John Calvin (1509-64), the Puritans and other leaders since the 16th ce
ntury. Some Puritan commentaries appear in The Geneva Commentaries (Banner
of Truth Trust). Try the one-volume abridged Bible commentary by Matthew He
nry, or his 6-volume set. It is devotional, and solidly rooted in the Purit
an's reverence study of Scripture.
不多,加爾文的只有一兩本。到了清教徒時期,聖經注釋不斷的出版;而亨利馬太 (Ma
tthew Henry) 的聖經註釋﹐是清教徒運動後期的作品﹐收集
了一百多年(1550年代至1660年代) 的清教徒們的智慧。今天我們可以買到六卷的,或者
Campus Evangelical Fellowship in Taiwan 校園 has been translating and publis
hing the Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries and Tyndale New Testament Comme
ntaries series 《丁道爾聖經注釋》 (English original published by Inter Varsi
ty Press). They are very helpful. More recently written commentaries conta
in evangelical scholar's dialogue with, and use of, contemporary theories of
Bible interpretation.
》;原著是 Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries 和 Tyndale New Testament Comme
ntaries series (Inter Varsity Press). 這些都很有幫助,不過最近寫的部分可能包
Some individual Bible commentaries are truly classics: the 3 volume commenta
ry on Isaiah by E.J. Young 楊以德, the 1-volume or 2-volume commentary on Ro
mans by John Murray 慕理, and the 2-volume on The Sermon on the Mount by Mar
tyn Lloyd-Jones are tremendous feasts of spiritual wisdom. They are all in
print at this point! Martyn Lloyd-Jones has been hailed as the greatest pre
acher in the 20th century. He has written Bible commentary series on Romans
and Ephesians, etc. James Montgomery Boice, the late pastor of Tenth Presb
yterian Church of Philadelphia, is an able Bible commentator; some of his co
mmentaries have been published in Chinese.
代了,可是出版社還會獨自的再版。最好的例子就是慕理的羅馬書注釋﹕John Murray,
The Epistle to the Romans。 另外鍾馬田的登山寶訓和以弗所書,和楊以德的以賽亞
書注釋(三卷)都是不可錯過的。鍾馬田的注釋中譯本,請中文讀者注意。還有 James
Montgomery Boice的注釋也陸續面世。
My favorite New Testament commentary series is William Hendriksen, The New T
estament Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker); it was completed after Hendri
ksen's death by Dr. Simon Kistemaker of Reformed Theological Seminary. Hen
driksen - Kistemaker is expository and homiletical; that is, the commentary
reads like a sermon. There are many helpful outlines, and I Corinthians, in
particular, was written by Kistemaker who responded intelligently to contem
porary debates, e.g. the place of women in the ministry of the church.
我個人喜歡用的新約注釋,是William Hendriksen 和 Simon Kistemaker 合
著的 New
Testament Commentary,對準備講道很有用,沒有學術味道,對傳道人和平信徒都適宜
。 至於中文出版社陸續出版的中文作者寫的聖經注釋系列,每一位作者對聖經的立場都

The Anchor Bible and other commentary series published by Word and
n put the reader in touch with contemporary debates in Bible background and
interpretation. They do not have the same solid, traditional flavor as Hend
riksen, Murray, Young and the Puritans.


【在 C****i 的大作中提到】
: The content of our beliefs is the Bible; the standard for our beliefs is als
: o the Bible, God's inspired, inerrant and infallible Word. A system of beli
: ef, therefore, must be consistent, and completely based on the Bible. Howev
: er, to build a belief system you may begin at a number of points, since a th
: eological system is a comprehensive whole made up of many parts. You may st
: art with a serious study of each book of the Bible; or by studying systemati
: c theology. You may begin by using reference works (e.g. theological dictio
: naries) to supplement your preparation for Sunday School classes and Bible s
: tudies; or you may choose to follow a Bible survey or a Bible textbook.
: 我們信仰的內容﹐準則都來自《聖經》 ﹐神所默示的﹐無誤無謬的話語。

发帖数: 1776
Biblical theology 聖經神學 is different from systematic theology 系
While systematic theology asks the question, "What does the entire Bib
le teach about a particular topic x?," Biblical theology is the study of the
mes which God has revealed, at different periods of the history of revelatio
n. For example, studies on the covenant in the Five Books of Moses; the pro
mise of the Messiah in the Old Testament prophets; the kingdom of God in the
Gospels; suffering and the age to come in the epistles of Paul; etc. are cl
assic examples of Biblical theology.
Your understanding of the Bible will be greatly enriched through the
of Biblical theology. Another benefit is: you will be amazed how Jesus Chri
st is really the central figure and focus of the Old Testament.
In my view, an effective worship leader should be a student of
Biblical the
ology, especially Old Testament biblical theology.

Biblical theology is grounded on two beliefs: the historical
progression of
revelation, and the unity of revelation. Contemporary evangelical Biblical
scholars often forget the unity of revelation; e.g. they pitch Jesus (a Hip
pie-like lover of all people) against Paul (whom they accuse of being a woma
n-hater). This is the kind of Biblical study which clearly harms the church
and erodes the Christian's confidence in the Bible!

A word of caution: Biblical theology refers to the evangelical study
of the
history of revelation. This is not to be confused with another movement, t
he "Biblical theology movement" which is non-evangelical (treated by J.I. Pa
cker 巴 刻 in his book, Truth and Power). This non-evangelical type of Bib
lical theology purports to study what the people of God believed and preache
d at different points in time; however, these scholars do not necessarily (o
ften they actually do not) believe that the Bible is inspired and inerrant.
The great leader of the evangelical Biblical theology movement - as
y understood by J.I. Packer in Truth and Power - is Dr. Edmund P. Clowney, r
etired president of Westminster Theological Seminary. You can taste the ric
hes of Biblical theology through Clowney's book, The Mystery Unveiled, or hi
s older work, Preaching and Biblical Theology. A shorter work by one of the
numerous students of Clowney, is Charles Drew, Ancient Love Song: Finding C
hrist in the Old Testament (Presbyterian and Reformed, 2001).
Standard academic works on Old Testament biblical theology include:
us Vos, Biblical Theology; Meredith Kline, Treaty of the Great King; and Mer
edith Kline, The Structure of Biblical Authority. Seminary students are oft
en required to read works on biblical theology by non-evangelicals such as V
on Rad and W. Eichrodt.
中文的聖經神學書籍不多,首推Geerhardus Vos 的《聖經神學》(卷一,二
New Testament biblical theology is best exemplified by the last
section in
G. Vos, Biblical Theology, and Vos' other work: Pauline Eschatology. Beside
s G. Vos, Herman Ridderbos is another name to remember when shopping for boo
ks on biblical theology. Ridderbos has a book on Paul. Vos has a shorter b
ook entitled The Coming of the Kingdom.
A French Roman Catholic author has edited a one-volume Dictionary of
al Theology, which is very helpful as a supplementary tool.


【在 C****i 的大作中提到】
: The content of our beliefs is the Bible; the standard for our beliefs is als
: o the Bible, God's inspired, inerrant and infallible Word. A system of beli
: ef, therefore, must be consistent, and completely based on the Bible. Howev
: er, to build a belief system you may begin at a number of points, since a th
: eological system is a comprehensive whole made up of many parts. You may st
: art with a serious study of each book of the Bible; or by studying systemati
: c theology. You may begin by using reference works (e.g. theological dictio
: naries) to supplement your preparation for Sunday School classes and Bible s
: tudies; or you may choose to follow a Bible survey or a Bible textbook.
: 我們信仰的內容﹐準則都來自《聖經》 ﹐神所默示的﹐無誤無謬的話語。

发帖数: 1776
There are some other books in the field of Biblical studies: a good
Bible a
tlas may be very helpful. Increasingly there are Chinese books published (w
ritten by Chinese authors) on textual criticism; Greek and Hebrew textbooks;
Greek and Hebrew Bibles; concordances based on the original languages, conc
ordances based on the English or Chinese Bible, and verse-by-verse interpret
ation of the original text (e.g. by A.T. Robertson). May you learn to disce
rn, and mature in your grasp of God's Word! May you be a blessing to Christ
's church!
17-18世紀的教會裡﹐兒童都須要背誦<<小要理問答>>﹐乃是堅信培訓 (即
被獲准領聖餐之前) 之必讀課本。今天我們成年人讀<<小要理問答>>﹐不會
To build one's theological foundation from the beginning, or to
teach young
people, I suggest two catechisms: The Shorter Catechism with Scripture Proo
fs (Banner of Truth Trust, 3 Murrayfield Road, Edinburgh EH12 6EL, Scotland;
or P O. Box 621, Carlisle, PA 17103, USA; US $1.00) and The First Catechism
(Great Commission Publications, 3640 Windsor Park Drive, Suite 100, Suwanee
, GA 30024-1800, 1996, 95 cents). Both can be ordered from the CEP bookstor
e. <<兒童信仰問答>>﹐ http://samling.ccim.org.
The Shorter Catechism was written by the Westminster Assembly in
47), for use in churches to teach their young people Bible doctrine. Since
then, it has become the best exposition of Protestant doctrines in history!
Dr. J. I. Packer has, on many occasions, required his theology class to me
morize all the 100+ answers! For the contemporary adult, we may need a stud
y guide to accompany it: G. I. Williamson, The Shorter Catechism for Study C
lasses (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing, 1970; 2 volu
mes), available from CEP bookstore. Reformation Translation Fellowship has
translated this as Ji Du Jiao Yao Dao Chu Jie [First Steps in Christian Doc
trine] << 基督教要道初階>> (Taipei: Reformation Translation Fellowship 基督
教改革宗翻譯社, 1979), useful for training classes for elders, deacons and S
unday School teachers. I would use it in high school and college Sunday Sch
ool classes.
<<歷代教會信條精選>> - 2002 年修訂版。近年來﹐中華福音神學院出版了
The more complete exposition of Reformational doctrine is The
Westminster C
onfession of Faith, Larger and Shorter Catechisms (Atlanta, GA: Presbyterian
Church in America, 3rd edition, 1990; available from CEP bookstore). Get t
he version with scripture texts! I particularly appreciate the Confession'
s definition of the authority of the Bible (Chapter 1); its explanation of a
ssurance of salvation (chapter 19); and the Larger Catechism's explanation o
f the use of God's law. Both the Larger and the Shorter Catechism devotes
plenty of space to explaining the Ten Commandments and the Lord's Prayer.
G. I. Williamson has written The Westminster Confession of Faith for Study
Classes (Phillipsurg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1964) as a study guide.
The Confession and the Shorter (not the Larger) Catechism has been collect
ed in Reformation Translation Fellowship's creeds volume: Li Dai Jiao Hui Xi
n Tiao Jing Xuan [Ecumenical Creeds and Reformed Confessions and Catechisms]
精選>> (Taipei: Reformation Translation Fellowship 改革宗翻譯社 , 1993, 2002
). Another standard Chinese colleciton of creeds is: Li dai ji du jiao xin
tiao [Confessions, Catechisms and Church Councils] <<歷代基督教信條>> (Hong
Kong: Chinese Christian Council 基督教文藝出版社, 1957).
The Presbyterian Church (USA) has compiled a volume of creeds known
as The
Book of Confessions (Office of the General Assembly, Presbyterian Church (US
A), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, KY 40202-1396, 800-524-2612 or 502-5
69-5000 ext. 2503, 1996; $11.00). Seminary bookstores now carry it regularl
y. The study version is more expensive than the regular version. This volu
me contains most of the Reformed creeds, along with 20th century statements
which may contain a Neo-Orthodox / Barthian slant. It is an inexpensive, he
lpful reference work.
A good seminary bookstore will carry several volumes of creeds and
<<浸信會信仰宣言>> - 與威敏斯特信仰告白相似﹐洗禮觀屬浸禮宗。
Baptists should be interested to know that the London Confession (
1680s) is
now available in both English and Chinese ﹕<<浸信會信仰宣告>> (Reformed C
hristian Book Club, P.O. Box 25107, Harbour Building Post Office, Hong Kong,


【在 C****i 的大作中提到】
: The content of our beliefs is the Bible; the standard for our beliefs is als
: o the Bible, God's inspired, inerrant and infallible Word. A system of beli
: ef, therefore, must be consistent, and completely based on the Bible. Howev
: er, to build a belief system you may begin at a number of points, since a th
: eological system is a comprehensive whole made up of many parts. You may st
: art with a serious study of each book of the Bible; or by studying systemati
: c theology. You may begin by using reference works (e.g. theological dictio
: naries) to supplement your preparation for Sunday School classes and Bible s
: tudies; or you may choose to follow a Bible survey or a Bible textbook.
: 我們信仰的內容﹐準則都來自《聖經》 ﹐神所默示的﹐無誤無謬的話語。

发帖数: 1776
For many years, the standard Reformed textbook is Louis Berkhof,
Theology (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1939; reprinted in numerous editio
ns). The contemporary edition has included another work, formerly called Th
e Introductory Volume, along with Systematic Theology. You should buy this
combined one-volume edition whenever possible! It is well worth the US $35-
40 investment.
Dr. Berkhof taught systematic theology for many years at Calvin
and can be considered a 20th century "heir" to Charles Hodge (see below). B
erkhof has written another "companion volume": A History of Christian Doctr
ines (translated as: Ji du jiao jiao yi shi <<基督教教義史>>, Taipei: Reform
ation Translation Fellowship
改革宗翻譯社, 1984). Solid, comprehensive, succinct.
These three books should be used together.

Berkhof has written a shorter version, A Manual of Christian Doctrine, which
has been translated by Rev. Charles Chao趙中輝 of the Reformation Translati
on Fellowship, entitled Ji Du Jiao Jiao Yi Gai Lun <<基督教教義概論>> (Taipe
i: Reformation Translation Fellowship 改革宗翻譯社, 1974). English version
is still in print.
A still shorter version is A Summary of Christian Doctrine (Grand Rapids, MI
in Hong Kong as Ji Du Jiao Jiao Yi Gai Yao <<基督教教義概要>> (Hong Kong: T
ien Dao Publishing House 天道書樓, 1978, 1983, 1986). English version is in
print both in Britain and in North America. A must buy!
加爾文的<<基督教要義>> (香港﹕基督教文藝出版出版社﹐三冊) 是基督
"基督教歷代名著集成" 系列裡。
Two standard works on systematic theology are probably too long for
the beg
inner, but a worthwhile investment for future study: John Calvin 加爾文﹐ In
stitutes of the Christian Religion (tr. Ford Lewis Battles; Philadelphia: We
stminster Press, 1960; 2 volumes), and Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology (G
rand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, many editions, 3 volumes; there is a o
ne-volume abridged edition). Calvin's work is unparalled; you can buy a Ch
inese excerpted version in the Ji Du Jiao Li Dai Ming Zhu Ji Cheng 基督教歷
代名著集成 (Christian Classics Library) series, published by Chinese Christ
ian Literature Council基督教文藝出版社, Hong Kong. The Chinese title is Ji
Du Jiao Yao Yi <<基督教要義>>. (volumes 5-6 of the series).
Thomas Watson, A Body of Divinity: <<系統神學>> ﹐台北﹕加爾文出版社。
作﹐如歐文的<<聖靈論>>﹐Thomas Watson 的 <<悔改真義>>﹐由中華展望在
由神學的入侵﹐領導了美國教會作護教的工夫。後來普林斯頓的神學教授還有 Benjami
n Breckinridge Warfield (B.B. Warfield) ﹐他最有名的神學包括<<聖
經>>的默啟示﹐和靈恩的 "終止論" 。
Charles Hodge 賀治 was systematic theology professor at Princeton Seminary i
n the 19th century; although many people would no longer use his "arguments
from experience," and many cannot read the Latin sections of the 3 volume te
xt, Hodge remains a tower of strength defending the orthodox, Reformed, evan
gelical positions. Fortunately for 21st century readers, there is now a one
-volume abridged version. The passages in Latin have been deleted, the resu
lting work is much easier to use!
James Montgomery Boice ( -2001) 生前是費城第十長老會的主任牧師﹐畢業
起人。他的系統神學 (四卷) 已經翻成中文﹕<<全權的神>>﹐<<救贖的

For the average, beginning student (seminarian, layperson or Sunday
teacher), two easier one-volume texts are: James M. Boice, Foundations of C
hristian Faith (Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity Press, 1986; formerly 4 vol
umes), and Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Do
ctrine (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994). Boice is pastor at Tenth Presby
terian Church, and a staunch defender and able expositor of Bible doctrines.
He follows the same outline as Calvin's Institutes. Parts I, II and III o
f Boice has been translated into Chinese as: Quan quan zhi shen <<全權之神>>
[The Sovereign God] (Milltown, NJ: Christian Renewal Ministries); Jiu shu z
hi shen <<救贖之神>> [God the Redeemer] (Milltown, NJ: Christian Renewal Mi
nistries, 1997); and Xiang shen jue xing <<向神覺醒>> [Awakening to God] (M
illtown, NJ: Christian Renewal Ministries更新傳道會, 1999).
當代英文世界裡可讀性最高的系統神學教科書首推﹕Wayne Grudem,
Systematic Theo
logy; Wayne Grudem, Bible Doctrine. 作者畢業於威敏斯特神學院﹐
多年在芝加哥的三一神學院任教﹐神學立場屬改革宗﹐對靈恩運動 (尤其預言) 採取溫
Grudem is Reformed, and sympathetic to certain themes in the contempo
rary charismatic movement. Grudem adds a hymn at the end of every chapter,
and his sectional headings are framed in questions; highly readable! There
is now a shorter version by Grudem, called Bible Doctrine. Beginners can co
nsider either the longer or shorter work!
Chinese-readers should be encouraged to know that Dr. Luke Lu 呂沛淵
(Lu Pe
i yuan) has written a three volume work called Ji yao shen xue <<基要神學>>(
Essential Theology I, II, III), which has been published by Overseas Campus
園 (Lomita, California) and Campus Evangelical Fellowship 校園出版社 (Taipei
). This is the newest brief introduction to systematic theology for the beg
发帖数: 1776
Doctrine of the Knowledge of God / Doctrine of Revelation / Doctrine of Scri
John Frame, The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God (Phillipsburg, NJ:
erian and Reformed, 1987). Translation into Chinese in progress, China Hori
這是當代改革宗一本立場穩固﹐思路清晰﹐對福音派 (改革宗以外) 人士採溫和態
度的 "啟示論" 教科書。作者曾在耶魯大學攻讀邏輯﹐多年來在威敏斯特神學院 (費
城校本部﹐和加州校園) 任教﹐近年來在改革宗神學院任系統神學教授。
J. I. Packer 巴刻, Fundamentalism and the Word of God (Grand Rapids,
MI: Ee
rdmans, 1958). Chinese: Ji yao zhu yi yu shen di dao <<基要主義與神的道>
> (Hong Kong: Christian Communications Ltd. 福音證主協會, 1962). An earlier
defense of the authority of Scripture, in response to a liberal Anglican bi
shop's attack on evangelicals (the latter wrote Fundamentalism and the Churc
h of God).
林慈信在<<無誤聖經>>一書的序﹕"認信聖經無誤的意義和當今適切性" (40頁)。
J. I. Packer, Truth and Power: The Place of Scripture in the
Christian Life
. Wheaton, IL: Harold Shaw, 1996. Reprint by Inter Varsity Press. A rece
nt review of the doctrine of biblical inerrancy, as well as a presentation o
f the history of the contemporary inerrancy movement, set against the backgr
ound of so-called "evangelical" and non-evangelical views of Scripture.
楊以德的聖經論名著﹐Thy Word is Truth,可惜沒有中譯。
E.J. Young, Thy Word Is Truth (Banner of Truth), reprint of a
classic on in
spiration and inerrancy.
The Infallible Word 是威敏斯特神學院眾教授1940年代合作的作品。其中特
別精彩的包括﹕慕理解釋聖經的自證 (The Self-Attestation of Scripture)﹐和范泰

在 "自然與聖經" 一文中討論普遍啟示與特殊啟示之間的關係。另外﹐新約的權威
The Infallible Word, by the faculty of Westminster Theological
Also by Westminster's faculty: Scripture and Confession. Inquire at: www.wt
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy 芝加哥聖經無誤宣言(1978)
. Ava
ilable at www.reformed.org. 中文譯本收在<<無誤聖經>> 一書內 (中華
展望﹐2002) 。
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics 芝加哥聖經解釋宣言
with comm
entary by Norman Geisler. 中文譯本收在<<無誤聖經>> (中華展望2002) 。

國際聖經無誤協會的成員﹐如 James Montgomery Boice, R.C. Sproul, J.I.
(巴刻), Norman Geisler, John Gerstner 等﹐都分別為維護聖經無誤著了不少
的書籍。有的由該協會 - ICBI - 出版﹐有的由不同的出版社出版。
R.C. Sproul, Explaining Inerrancy. Several editions.
Sheng jing: shi dai di jian zheng <<聖經﹕時代的見證>> (The Bible:
A Conte
mporary testimony), Hong Kong: Scripture Press 香港﹕讀經會. Contemporary a
rticles expounding the Doctrine of Scripture.
Kevin Vanhoozer, 芝加哥三一院神學系統神學教授﹔他對解構主義的解釋
Kevin Vanhoozer, Is There A Meaning In This Text? - hermeneutic
with the postmodern philosopher, Jacques Derrida. Very important evangelic
al defense of the doctrine of Scripture.
Doctrine of God 神論
J. I. Packer 巴刻, Knowing God (Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity
Press, 197
3). Chinese: Ren shi shen <<認識神>> (Hong Kong: Christian Communications
Ltd. 福音證主協會, 1979). 經典之作﹐系統神學最佳入門讀物。
J. I. Packer 巴刻, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God (Downers
Grove, IL
主權>> (Reformation Translation Fellowship 基督教改革宗翻譯社).
清教徒的神論﹐有 Charnock 和 Flavel 等著書﹔20世紀還有 Pink 的不同著
Stephen Charnock, The Existence and Attributes of God. Unparalled
work (Banner of Truth), heavy going.

A. Pink, The Attributes of God, and The Sovereignty of God.
John Flavel, The Mystery of Providence (Banner of Truth), is a warm work to
encourage true believers that God is in control of all aspects of our lives.

R.C. Sproul's books, e.g. One Holy Passion, and his videotapes on
either th
e attributes of God, or the holiness of God. (Ligonier Ministries)
Doctrine of Man, Manhood and Womanhood, Culture, Anthropology
Abraham Kuyper, Lectures on Calvinism (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans,
1931; st
ill in print).

Anthony Hoekema has written a number of individual works on various
es, including the doctrine of man.
Two books on the meaning of womanhood and the role of women are:
Susan Foh,
Women and the Word of God (Presbyterian and Reformed, 19779), and James Hur
ley, Man and Woman in Biblical Perspective (Zondervan, 1981). William Hendr
iksen/Simon Kistemaker, New Testament Commentaries: I Corinthians (Baker) di
scusses the role of women in the church in the relevant sections; it is cont
emporary, and interacts with contemporary feminist schools of thought.
<<女人與事奉﹕四種觀點>> - Women in Ministry: Four Views﹐Robert D. Culver,
Susan Foh, Walter L. Liefeld and Alvera Mickelsen 合著﹐Bonnidell Clouse, Ro
bert G. Clouse 合編﹐英文原著由Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter Varsity Press出
版 , 1989﹔台北﹕中華福音神學院﹐ 1999。 Susan Foh 的一章﹕ " '男性領導' 的觀
點﹕女人的頭是男人"﹐ 英文﹕pp. 69-105﹔中譯本﹕頁69-114。)
Harvie M. Conn, Eternal Word and Changing Worlds: Anthropology, Theology and
Mission in Trialogue. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1982.)

Doctrine of Salvation 救贖論
John Murray, Redemption Accomplished and Applied (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans
, 1955). Chinese translation: Zai si jiu shu qi en 慕理﹐<< 再思救贖奇恩>>
(Hong Kong: Tien Dao 香港﹕天道, 1993). Unparalleled classic.
與慕理的書下半部分相同的有 Sinclair B. Ferguson的<<磐石之上>>﹐自從
學的一位優秀牧者與作家。他的 Grow in Grace 目前也由中華展望翻譯中。
Sinclair Ferguson, The Christian Life: A Doctrinal Introduction (Carlisle, P
A: Banner of Truth Trust, 1981). China Horizon is publishing the simplified
-Chinese script version of this book in 2001 ﹕<<磐石之上>> (中華展望﹐2001.
中文在翻譯中 (中華展望) 。
John Murray, The Imputation of Adam's Sin (Presbyterian and Reformed
) is a
classic treatment of the doctrine of sin: that we all have sinned IN Adam, W
ITH Adam, in the one sin by the one man. A short, serious exegesis of Roma
ns 5:12-21. Also consult Murray's commentary on Romans, at chapter 5.
John Murray, The Atonement. Brief, solid.
John Owen, The Death of Death in the Death of Christ. Introduction by J.I.
Packer (Banner of Truth). Owen is solid and difficult to read; Packer's intr
oduction is well worth the price of the book.
Doctrine of the Holy Spirit 聖靈論
歐文﹐<<聖靈論>>﹐ 中譯本在編排中 (中華展望) 。歐文是1660年後 (清教徒著作全盛
期) 思想最精密的神學家。<<聖靈論>>譯自英文的濃縮本。
﹔聖靈在救贖方面的工作 (呼召﹐信心﹐重生﹐對付罪等) 。
John Owen, The Holy Spirit. Banner of Truth has published an
abridged vers
ion which has also been made easy to read.
Sinclair Ferguson and Martyn-Lloyd Jones have both written solid
books on t
he Holy Spirit.
巴刻﹐<<活在聖靈中>>分析了奧古斯丁﹐衛斯理﹐19 世紀 Keswick派﹐和
For treatment on how the Holy Spirit works in sanctification and on
the cha
rismatic movement, a must-read is J.I. Packer 巴刻, Keep In Step with the Sp
irit (Revell; Chinese: Huo zai sheng jing zhong <<活在聖靈中>>). Packer tre
ats the Wesleyan-Methodist view, the Keswick Movement view, and the charisma
tic movement view critically, pastorally and irenically. Packer's own view
is the Augustinian view.
Richard Gaffin, Jr., <<聖靈降臨剖析>>。對五旬節和靈恩等問題的改革

Doctrine of the Church 教會論
Edmund P. Clowney, The Church (Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity
Press, 1995
Easy to read, solidly based on biblical theology.
Kuiper, The Glorious Body of Christ. Chinese translation: Ji du
rong yao d
i shen ti 凱波爾﹐ <<基督榮耀的身體>> (Taipei: Reformation Translation Fello
wship 改革宗
翻譯社, 1994).
Doctrine of the Last Things 末世論
Robert G. Clouse, ed., The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views.
Downers G
rove, IL: Inter Varsity Press, 1977. Chinese: Qian xi nian si guan <<千禧年

觀>> (Taipei: China Evangelical Seminary中華福音神學院, 1977).

William Hendriksen, Israel in Prophecy (Chinese: yu yan yu yi se lie

以色列>>, Tien Dao Publishers天道書樓).
Philip E. Hughes, <<預言釋微>> (香港﹕天道) ﹐對末世論有關的經文的解
The standard texts in church history for seminary students are those written
by Williston Walker (A History of the Christian Church; translated into Chi
nese: ji du jiao hui shi <<基督教會史>>) ; Kenneth Scott Latourette (A Histo
ry of Christianity and many other renditions); and more recently by Gonzalez
(A Story of Christianity).
李振群﹐<<透視二千年>>﹐ 馬來西亞﹕協傳﹐四卷。口語化﹐易讀。
B.K. Kuiper的<<歷史的軌跡>>是美國改革宗中學的教科書﹐附有豐富的插
For the beginner (Sunday School student), The Church in History by B
. K. Ku
iper (CSI Publications, 1951; Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, reprinted 1998) is
highly readable, and contains many, many pictures and charts. It has been
translated by Mrs. Morley (Sophie Lin) Lee 李林靜芝, under the title Li Shi
Di Gui Ji<< 歷史的軌跡>> (Taipei: Campus Evangelical Fellowship 台北﹕校園,
1986). The book was originally written for senior high students in Christia
n high schools. Well illustrated with pictures, charts and maps, it is most
helpful for any adult beginner in church history. It takes an uncompromis
ingly Protestant and Reformed stand.
A highly readable English textbook is Church History in Plain
Language by B
ruce Shelley of Denver Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary (Dallas, TX
ly evangelical (sometimes Baptist) point of view. Shelley chooses important
themes in church history, and always begins a chapter with an anecdote. Th
us the approach is selective rather than exhaustive.
For Reformation history, standard works include: Roland Bainton, The
tant Reformation in the 16th Century, (Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1952) and h
is biography of Martin Luther: Here I Stand (available in Chinese, entitled
Zhei shi wo di li chang 馬丁路德﹐<<這是我的立場>>﹐ 道聲). For the Reforme
d movement, try John T. McNeill, The History and Character of Calvinism (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1954); Francois Wendel, Calvin; and T.H.L. P
arker, Calvin.
The impact of Calvin's theology (Reformed theology) has been
profound in th
e modern world. Douglas F. Kelly, The Emergence of Liberty in the Modern Wo
rld: The Influence of Calvin on Five Governments from the 16th through 18th
Centuries (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1982) traces the dev
elopment of concepts of law and democracy in Geneva (Switzerland); Holland;
England; and New England. The Puritan movement is the outworking of Calvini
st theology in England under Elizabeth I (1558-1603), James I (1603-1620) an
d subsequent monarchs. J.I. Packer has given us a highly readable selectio
n of essays on the Puritans' view on the Bible, preaching, family, worship,
etc. in The Quest For Godliness (British edition: Among God's Saints). Err
oll Hulse has written a book aimed at the high school/college level: Who Are
The Puritans? What Do They Teach. Banner of Truth Trust carries this title
For the outworking of New England Puritan theology, two academic works writt
en by a non-evangelical (non-believer?) remain important: Perry Miller, The
New England Mind: The Seventeenth Century, and The New England Mind: From Co
lony to Province.
Later developments in Reformed theology in North America have been briefly n
oted in a collection of essays edited by David Wells: Reformed Theology in A
The Pietist movement has exerted tremendous influence on the modern
ical church. Ernst Stoeffer's book is unparalleled: The Rise of Evangelical
Pietism (E.J. Brill, Netherlands).
George Marsden has done us a service by chronicling the history of
modern A
merican fundamentalism. His first work is Fundamentalism and American Cultu
re (New York: Oxford, 1981). His thesis is the fundamentalism is primarily
an American movement. His sequel is Reforming Fundamentalism, which tells t
he story of Fuller Theological Seminary from its inception in 1947. In gene
ral, highly respected scholars who have written on the history of evangelica
lism include: Mark Noll, George Marsden, Daryl Hart, and Nathan O. Hatch.
Louis Berkhof, A History of Christian Doctrines. <<基督教教義史>>﹐

A beginner's text in apologetics is Richard Pratt, Every Thought Captive (Ph
illipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed). It presents presuppositional ap
ologetics at a senior high/college level. A more complete introduction to
apologetics is found in John M. Frame, Apologetics to the Glory of God (P&R
) (to be translated by China Evangelical Seminary). The ambitious student
should consult Greg Bahnsen, ed., Van Til's Apologetic (P&R), and sample sel
ections from Van Til's works there. Very few of Van Til's writings are in C
hinese (China Horizon中華展望 is presently translating Bahnsen).
簡體字出版了<<人本與神本>> ﹐段落的編排有所變動。章教授
的<<總體辯道學>> ﹐第一卷維護聖經的權威﹔第二卷批判中西哲學﹐第三卷批判
儒家﹐道家﹐佛教等宗教思想。看慣了當代華人 "文化佈道者" 的著作的人士﹐一
/哲學之間的關係。文化不是神的啟示 (連影子都不是) ﹐乃是墮落了的人
The Chinese reader may begin his study of apologetics with three
books by L
it-Sen Chang 章力生: the first is Ren wen zhu i pi pan << 人文主義批判>>. (
A Criticism of humanism). Simplified script: Ren ben yu shen ben <<人本與神
本>> (Christian Communications Inc. of Canada 加拿大恩福協會). This is a b
rief treatment of both Chinese/Asian and western humanist philosophy. Then
try his Comprehensive Christian Apologetics (Zong ti bian dao xue<< 總體辯道
學>>), Volme 1 (China Alliance Press 宣道出版社) - the English translation:
Lit-Sen Chang, What Is Apolgetics, China Horizon, 1999, only contains the fi
rst half of the Chinese volume 1.
Non-presuppositional apologetics texts include works by Norman
Geisler, J.P
. Moreland, Josh McDowell, R.C. Sproul, and Paul Little.
Critiques of Asian and Western Thought 東西思想批判
英文名﹕How Should We Then Live。
Francis Schaeffer (薛華)'s Escape from Reason (Downers Grove, IL:
Inter Var
sity Press, 1968; Chinese: Li xing di gui bi <<理性的規避>>) ﹐ and How Shou
ld We Then Live? (Old Tappan, NJ: Revell, 1976) are classic critiques of hum
anistic culture in western history from a biblical perspective (Chinese: Qia
n ju ke jian <<前車可鑒>>, Hong Kong: China Alliance Press 宣道出版社).
The works of the late Dr. Lit-Sen Chang 章力生 (1904-1996) are biblical in f
oundation, and provide shattering critiques of Chinese and western humanism.
For beginners: Ren wen zhu-i pi pan (A Criticism of Humanism). Or consult
ics), 4 volumes.
The essence of Volume 3 has been rendered in English as Asia's Religions: Ch
ristianity's Momentous Encounter with Paganism (China Horizon, 1999), which
provides a comprehensive treatment and critique of Confucianism, Taoism, Bud
dhism, Islam, Zen and Hinduism. The first half of Volume 1 is translated as
What Is Apologetics (tr. Samuel Ling, China Horizon, 1999).
Works which are sympathetic to, or sometimes celebrations of, Chinese though
t include works by Thomas In-seng Leung 梁燕城 and Yuan Zhiming 遠志明. Add
itional works critical of western culture include books by Leslie Newbign.
The serious student should browse in secular bookstores for a good dictionar
y of philosophy; e.g. Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. Copleston's set,
A History of Western Philosophy, remains unparalleled; it is always a soli
d long-term investment. If you have time only to read one secular book on w
estern philosophy, consider Will Durant, A Story of Philosophy. Available i
n all bookstores. Clear exposition of Kant and other major philosophers.
Samuel Ling critiques contemporary Chinese culture in biblical and bicultura
l perspective, in The Chinese Way of Doing Things (China Horizon, 1999).
中文網頁﹕http://samling.ccim.org. 另外﹐在 www.laikan.com有林慈信的課程錄
像﹕"神的主權與世界歷歷史" ﹐在該網站的 "恩泉寶庫" 。
Christianity and Science 基督教與科學
The Creation Science school (科學創造論運動)'s dean is Henry Morris.
lt any number of his books! www.icr.org.
周功和﹐<<基督教科學觀>> ﹐提供了基督教的知識論﹐和對不同學科的信
Peter Kung-ho Chow, A Christian View of Science, is in Chinee only: Ji du ji
ao ke xue guan<< 基督教科學觀>>. China Evangelical Seminary, revised editi
on. The beginning section provides a solid introduction to apologetics.
Apologetics in the Contemporary Mainland Chinese Intellectual Context
Samuel Ling and Stacey Bieler, eds., Chinese Intellectuals and the Gospel.
China Horizon, 1999. Historical and cultural background of PRCs (mainland
Chinese intellectuals); plus proven strategies to evangelize and disciple th
Consult Chinese articles in Regent Chinese Journal <<維真學刊>>.
by Regent College's Chinese Studies Program (5800 University Blvd Vancouver
BC V6T 2E4 Canada), this periodical often carries research articles on phil
osophy and culture written by mainland Chinese intellectuals.

林慈信﹐<<與中國知識分子夜話基督教>>。加拿大恩福協會﹐2002 增訂版加
A most succinct summary and critique of modern schools of theology (both lib
eral and conservative) is found in Harvie M. Conn, Contemporary World Theolo
gy: A Layman's Guidebook (Presbyterian and Reformed, 1973). The Chinese tr
anslation is entitled Xian dai shen xue lun ping 簡河培﹐<<現代神學論評>> ,
translated by Rev. Charles Chao and Rev. Watson Soong 趙中輝﹐宋華忠譯 (Taip
ei: Reformation Translation Fellowship 改革宗翻譯社, 1973). Reviews and cri
tiques modern theology (Kant 康德, Barth 巴特, Bultmann, Tillich 田立克, The
ology of Hope 希望神學, etc.); then critiques evangelicals (pietism 敬虔主義
, fundamentalism 基要主義, neo-evangelicalism 新福音派, etc.).
Chinese readers may be encouraged to know that Carl Henry's (韓客爾)
God, R
evelation and Authority (6 volumes) is available in Chinese: Shen, qi shi,
quan wei <<神﹐ 啟示﹐ 權威>> (4 volumes; also in abridged version).
Cornelius Van Til's historic works critiquing Karl Barth are The New
ism and Christianity and Barthianism. Originally published by Presbyterian
and Reformed, they are currently out of print. However the reader may consi
der purchasing the Cornelius Van Til CD-ROM from Westminster Theological Sem
inary's bookstore at: www.wts.edu. The CD-ROM contains dozens of books, hun
dreds of articles and dozens of audio lectures by Van Til; a classic and a b
There are very few courageous critiques of Barth in Chinese,
對於後現代文化與思想的分析與批判﹐可以參考<<中國神學研究院期刊>> ﹐
其反映出﹐一個人文主義者 (例如﹕巴特式的存在主義者) 是很難批判另一種的人文主
義的 (例如﹕結構主義)。 Chinese reviews of postmodern thought and hermeneuti
cs can be found in China Graduate School of Theology Journal <<中國神學研究院
期刊>>, Issues ##22 and 27. Most articles review rather than critique postm
odernism (exception: article by Wai-Yee Ng 吳慧儀). Other examples of postm
odern hermeneutics can be found in Jian Dao (<<建道>>) journal (Alliance Bib
le Seminary建道神學院, Hong Kong), or Regent Chinese Journal << 維真學刊>> (
Regent College維真學院, Vancouver, Canada).
English introductions include: Stanley Grenz, A Postmodernism Primer and Vei
th, Postmodern Times. For more complete presentations of deconstructionism,
consult Kevin Vanhoozer, Is There A Meaning In This Text? Or D.A. Carson's
The Gagging of God.

Jay Adams, Shepherding God's Flock. Being translated into Chinese,
China Ho
rizon/Divine Challengers, Singapore.
Jay Adams, Preaching with Purpose.
Bryan Chapell, Christ-Centered Preaching.
John Stott, Between Two Worlds. <<當代講道藝術>>。
聖經輔導運動第一本著作﹐劃時代的書﹕Jay Adams, Competent to Counsel.
se: 亞當斯﹐<<聖靈的勸誡>>﹐ China Horizon/Taipei: Taosheng Publishing House
, 中華展望/台北﹕道聲出版社, 2002. 指出佛萊伊德﹐羅傑斯等的心裡學理
論的弊病﹐提倡輔導以< <聖經>>為根據﹐教會為基地﹐而牧師是最佳輔導人選。
繼 <<聖靈的勸誡>>後亞當斯寫的輔導手冊有﹕Jay Adams, Christian
Counselor's M
anual. To be translated by China Evangelical Seminary 台北﹕中華福
George Scipione, Introduction to Biblical Counseling (Course
syllabus; 中文
Jay Adams, Helps for Counselors: A Mini-Manual in Christian
Counseling. Ch
inese: China Horizon 中華展望, 2003.
Gary Almy, How Christian Is Christian Counseling? 芝加哥一個醫院理

Journal of Biblical Counseling. Published by Christian Counseling
and Educ
ational Foundation, Laverock, Pennsylvania.
J.I. Packer, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God (IVP). Chinese translati
on: Quan fu yi yu shen di zhu quan 巴刻﹐ <<傳福音與神的主權>> (Reformation
Translation Fellowship改革宗翻譯社). God's eternal election (predestinatio
n) is not an obstacle to evangelism; it is precisely solid ground for active
evangelism! Read this classic treatment on the subject.
陳大雷 Walter Chantry﹐<<當代的福音﹕純真﹖混雜﹖>>﹐陳喜謙譯﹐香港
了上面討論過的任何一方面﹐都是很嚴重。若忽視了全部 - 神的屬性﹐神聖潔的律法﹐
悔改﹐呼召人向基督的寶座低頭﹐以及得救的確據 - 是最致命的錯誤。聖經裡頭沒有比
這些更加具有關鍵性的。 (頁70。)
Walter Chantry, Today's Gospel: Authentic or Synthetic? (Banner of Truth Tr
ust). Chinese translation by Hay-Him Chan 陳喜謙: Dang dai fu yin: chun zhe
n? Hun zha? <<當代福音﹕純真﹖混雜﹖>> (Evangelical Press, Hong Kong 1975).
Uses the story of Jesus and the rich young ruler to illustrate the superfi
ciality of contemporary evangelism. Jesus' presentation of the gospel inclu
des God's holiness, God's law, and an unswerving call to repentance.
Peter Jones, Gospel Truth/Pagan Lies (Main Entry Editions). Brief presentat
ion of the gospel set in the context of contemporary paganism (New Age). Ca
n be used as an evangelistic tool (tract). Junior/senior high level. Visit
Will Metzger, Tell the Truth (Inter Varsity) is a solid text which
gives a
dependable presentation of the biblical gospel.
A readable introduction to the biblical theology of missions is J.
An Introduction to the Science of Missions (Presbyterian and Reformed); the
Chinese translation: Xuan jiao xue gai lun <<宣教學概論>> (宋華忠譯﹐Tien
Dao天道書樓), covers about 2/3 of the English version. 精簡的宣教神學。
Abraham Kuyper, Lectures on Calvinism (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans,
1931; in
print). A classic! The "Stone Lectures" presented at Princeton University
, 1898, calls America never to forget that: history will always be a conflic
t between the worship of the one true living God and idol-worship.

Harvie M. Conn, Eternal Word and Changing Worlds: Anthropology, Theology and
Mission in Trialogue. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1982.) Critical histo
ry of anthropology, missionary anthropology, Bible translation and contextua
lization; provides biblical alternative to, and dialogue with, contextualiza
tion (e.g. to Charles Kraft).

Some of Paul Hiebbert's books contain very helpful, balanced, and thoughtful
insights on culture, e.g. articles on "The Flaw of the Excluded Middle" and
"Critical Contextualization."
The reader may consider securing audio and videotapes of lectures on
gy, biblical doctrine and apologetics from Regent College Bookstore and Ligo
nier Ministries. The latter is the teaching ministry of R. C. Sproul, and h
as a very elaborate catalog, free upon request. The reader may consider sub
scribing to Ligonier's monthly devotional magazine, Tabletalk.
Other sources of theology tapes include: Westminster Media/
Westminster Theo
logical Seminary bookstore; and the extension studies offices of Reformed Th
eological Seminary and Covenant Theological Seminary. You may or may not ne
ed to enroll in extension/distance learning courses, in order to purchase th
e tapes.
发帖数: 1776
Alleluia Books 榮主書室 603 N New Ave #A-C Monterey Pk CA 91755, USA
Voice/Fax 1 626 571 6769 1 800 795 1985 www.ccBooks.org
Carries over 100,000+ books from over 100 Chinese Christian
Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals (ACE) - The Cambridge Declaration (April
1996) 1716 Walnut St., Philadelphia PA 19103, USA PO Box 2000, Philadelph
ia, PA 19103, USA 1 215 546 3696 www.alliancenet.org
The late Dr. James M. Boice and his partners called the church back
to the
5 emphases of the Reformation: the Bible only; Christ only; salvation by gr
ace only; through faith only; and for the glory of God only. Get the Cambri
dge Declaration (1996) free, as well as a catalog! ACE also publishes Moder
n Reformation magazine.
Ambassadors For Christ Gospel Book House基督使者協會PO Box 0280 Paradise PA
17562 , USA 1 717 687 8564 or 1 800 624 3504 www.afcinc.org
Separate listing of books helpful for mainland Chinese scholars
Back to God Hour 6555 W. College Dr., Palos Heights, IL 60463, USA
1 708 371 8700 Fax 1 708 371 1415 B**[email protected] www.backtogod.net
Publishes TODAY每日箴言, devotional, in English, and English-Chinese
Banner of Truth P O Box 621 Carlisle PA 17103, USA 1 717 249 5747
Fax 1 717 249 0604 www.banneroftruth.co.uk.
The standard publisher of Puritan titles; Banner of Truth magazine.
Barnabas Resources 2175 N. Holliston Ave., Altadena, CA 91001, USA.
Dr. Robert Clinton publishes his own books on leadership. Get a
price lis
Campus Evangelical Fellowship 校園出版社 P.O. Box 13-144, Taipei, Taiwan 100
, Republic of China 886 2 2368 2361 fax 886 2 2367 2139 i**[email protected]
Has published many reference works and theological books.
Christian Communications Inc. of Canada加拿大恩福協會
1 416 297 6540 Fax 1 416 297 6675 www.ccican.com
Publishes a series of books for mainland Chinese scholars ministry!
Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation CCEF www.ccef.org
1803 E Willow Grove Ave Glenside PA 19038, USA 1 215 884 7676
Carries books, videos and conducts courses on biblical counseling.
Christian Reformed Home Missions 1 616 246 0772 www.crhm.org
Carries Discover Your Gifts and other helpful guides.
Christian Renewal Ministries更新傳道會 www.crmnj.org
200 N Main St Milltown NJ 08850 USA 1 732 828 4545 Fax 1 732 745 2878
Published the Chinese NIV Study Bible; James Boice's Foundations of
the Ch
ristian Faith; Francis Schaeffer's The Church Before the Watching World, etc
Covenant Theological Seminary Bookstore www.covenantseminary.edu
12330 Conway Rd St Louis MO 63141, USA 1 314 434 0110 Fax 1 314 434 5525
Seminary courses on tape available.
Great Commission Publications
3640 Windsor Park Drive, Ste 100, Suwanee, GA 30024, USA 770 831 9084
1 800 695 3387 www.gcp.org
Publishes Sunday School textbook series for children, youth and
adults. G
et a catalog AND a Sunday School catalog! Also: GCP publishes the Trinity H
Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship
5333 Lake Murray Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91942, USA 1 619 462 9775 www.ibcd.org
Carries books, videos on Biblical counseling, and conducts courses.
Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co PO Box 109 Phillipsburg NJ 08865-08
17 USA 1 800 631 0094 1 908 454 0505 www.prpbooks.com
Reformed theological books. P&R runs sales often.
Reformation Translation Fellowship 基督教改革宗翻譯社 P O Box 17-154 Taipe
i, Taiwan, Republic of China / No. 46, Sec. 1, Chung Yang North Road, 3rd Fl
oor, Peitou 112, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China Fax 886 2 8965360
English: http://members.aol.com/Bill4RTF/rtf/ Chinese: www.rtfchina.org
Regent College Bookstore維真學院
5800 University Blvd Vancouver BC V6T 2E4 Canada
1 604 228 1820 Fax 604 224 3097 800 334 3279 b*******[email protected]
du www.regent-bookstore.com
Most worthwhile to get on their mailing list, and to read about the
apes they carry, which were recorded from lectures/courses taught at Regent.
Westminster Theological Seminary Campus Bookstore www.wts.edu
P O Box 1073 Glenside PA 19038, USA 1 215 886 0999 1 888 987 2665
1 888 WTS BOOK Fax 1 215 886 5352
Inquire about their catalog, as well as tape catalog from
Westminster Medi
Today<<今日箴言>> devotional magazine; English edition; Chinese-
English bi
lingual edition
Bible Study Hour 1716 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19103, USA
Gospel Films (Francis Schaeffer, How Should We Then Live?) 800 253 0413
Liognier Ministries PO Box 547500 Orlando FL 32854
400 Technology Park, Ste 150 Lake Mary FL 32746 v 407 333 4244
407 333 4244 800 435 4343 Fax 407 333 4233
Main Entry Editions (Dr. Peter and Mrs. Rebecca Jones)
1057 Chestnut Drive, Escondido CA 92025 760 741 3750 i**[email protected] C
hristian Witness to a Pagan Planet (Dr. Peter Jones): www.spirit-wars.com
Audio series: Spirit Wars. Books: The Gnostic Empire Strikes Back;
China Reformed Theological Seminary
105台北市松山區南京東路四段75巷30號 Phone02-2718-7735
886 02 2718 7735 www.crts.edu
Covenant Theological Seminary 12330 Conway Rd., St Louis, MO 63141 USA
314 434 4044 800 264 8064 Fax 314 434 4819
International Theological Seminary 國際神學院 Dr. Joseph Tong唐崇懷牧師, Pr
esident 1600 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles CA 90017 213 413 8683
Reformed Theological Seminary 1231 Reformation Dr., Oviedo, FL 32765-7197
RTS Charlotte 2101 Carmel Road, Charlotte, NC 28226-6399 800 752 3282
Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia)
PO Box 27009 Chestnut Hill Philadelphia PA 19118
215 887 5511 800 626 8599 Registrar Fax 215 887 5404


【在 C****i 的大作中提到】
: The content of our beliefs is the Bible; the standard for our beliefs is als
: o the Bible, God's inspired, inerrant and infallible Word. A system of beli
: ef, therefore, must be consistent, and completely based on the Bible. Howev
: er, to build a belief system you may begin at a number of points, since a th
: eological system is a comprehensive whole made up of many parts. You may st
: art with a serious study of each book of the Bible; or by studying systemati
: c theology. You may begin by using reference works (e.g. theological dictio
: naries) to supplement your preparation for Sunday School classes and Bible s
: tudies; or you may choose to follow a Bible survey or a Bible textbook.
: 我們信仰的內容﹐準則都來自《聖經》 ﹐神所默示的﹐無誤無謬的話語。

发帖数: 1776
中華展望總幹事 President, China Horizon
及主任牧師;講道法是「教義解經講道」 ;同時致力推介「聖經輔導」與「古典清教徒
,被美國(福音派)長老會 (PCA) 按立。
Rev. Ling is a pastor in his 50s with two Asian American young adult childre
n. His passion is to train Christians in a deeper commitment to the Word of
God, toward effective involvement as salt and light in the world. There is
a great hunger for sound Scriptural teaching today. How can Scripture be u
nderstood and applied, so that we can stand firm in postmodernity, and clear
ly know our mission at each stage in life? The primary role of the pastor i
s teaching God's Word. A former church planter and former senior pastor, he
is a doctrinal-expository preacher. He enthusiastically teaches biblical co
unseling and classical Puritan spirituality, to guide the church away from s
ecular ideas of psychology and spirituality, to return to the Word of God as
our sole authority. He is ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America,
an evangelical, Reformed denomination (www.pcanet.org).
化的互動與教會的信仰。他曾在紐約,芝加哥任開荒牧師與主任牧師 。目前居住南加州
,參加西區聖道堂的教牧團隊。1989年創辦 中華展望 (China Horizon),任總幹事至今

Rev. Ling is a Chinese theologian, engaged in writing and editing works on t
heology, apologetics, biblical counseling and culture, and lectures in numer
ous graduate schools. His passion is the exploration of the historical deve
lopment and the future direction of Christianity and Asian and western cultu
re, and the faith-foundation of the church. Dr. Ling has been a church plant
er and senior pastor in New York and Chicago. He lives in Southern Californ
ia with his family, and is a member of the pastoral team at Chinese Bible Ch
urch of Los Angeles. He founded China Horizon in 1989.
林牧師是第四代傳道人,出生香港,浙江寧波人,初中後移居美國,畢業於賓州大學 歷
史系,專攻西方思想 (A.B.);在威敏斯特神學院獲道學碩士 (Master of Divinity) 與
神學碩士 (Master of Theology) ;後在費城天普大學獲歷史系哲學博士 (Ph.D.),研
究現代中國的五四運動和基督教歷史。 其博士論文探討二十年代基督教對非基督教運動
A 4th-generation pastor, Rev. Ling was born in Hong Kong with roots in Ningb
o, China. At 14 he moved to the U.S., and graduated from the University of P
ennsylvania (A.B. intellectual history); Westminster Theological Seminary (M
aster of Divinity, Master of Theology), and Temple University (Ph.D. history
). He did research in modern Chinese intellectual history, and the history
of Christian thought. His Ph.D. dissertation dealt with the Protestant Chri
stian response to the Anti-Christian movement in China (1919-1927), and has
been published in Chinese by Christian Communications Inc. of Canada.
係北美中美基督教的跨文化事工,著有The Chinese Way of Doing Thing (P&R, 1999)
,探討北美華裔與華僑間的文化異同,溝通和合作的進路。林博士出版了 Chinese Int
ellectuals and the Gospel (P&R, 1999),探討海外中國大陸知識分子的歷史文化與宗
Dr. Ling is fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese and English, and is a bi-cultural
Chinese. He has pastured English and Chinese congregations, and for many ye
ars worked to build bridges between Chinese and Western churches. He author
ed The Chinese Way of Doing Things (P&R, 1999), exploring the cultural disti
nctives of American-born Chinese and their relationship with immigrant Chine
se. He edited Chinese Intellectuals and the Gospel (P&R, 1999), dealing wit
h the cultural and religious background of mainland Chinese.
Dr. Ling loves to dialogue with his students (many are overseas mainland Chi
nese intellectuals) and answer their questions. Recently his teaching focus
es on systematic theology, apologetics, church history, Puritan spirituality
, biblical counseling, and the culture and history of the Chinese church. H
e has taught at Westminster Theological Seminary (California), Covenant Theo
logical Seminary, Reformed Institute, International Theological Seminary, Wh
eaton College, Fuller Theological Seminary, Alliance Theological Seminary, a
nd Logos Evangelical Seminary; (Canada): Regent College and Tyndale Seminary
; China Graduate School of Theology and Bible Seminary of Hong Kong; and Ban
gkok Bible College and Seminary, Singapore Bible College, Malaysia Bible Sem
inary, Bible Seminary of the Philippines, Southeast Asia Bible College, Band
ung Theological Seminary, Reformed Institute (Jakarta). He was consultant t
o the White House and related agencies on Sino-American relations and religi
ous freedom, and is a founder of ChinaSource and other organizations.
林博士從小習鋼琴,出版了 《基督教與西方文化﹕鋼琴講座》 (英文版﹕中華展望,中
文版VCD﹕馬來西亞新山﹕人人書樓出版); 他有負擔作傳統與現代敬拜音樂之間的橋梁
種。曾譯已故章力生教授 (1902-1996) 之著作。
Dr. Ling studied piano from the age of 4, and has released Christianity and
Western Culture: A Piano Lecture (Chinese VCD; English VHS). He is burdened
to bridge contemporary and traditional worship music with theological and h
istorical insights. He is the translator of the late Professor Lit-Sen Chan
g (1902-1996), former advocate of Confucianism and Buddhism and author of 8
0 works.


【在 C****i 的大作中提到】
: The content of our beliefs is the Bible; the standard for our beliefs is als
: o the Bible, God's inspired, inerrant and infallible Word. A system of beli
: ef, therefore, must be consistent, and completely based on the Bible. Howev
: er, to build a belief system you may begin at a number of points, since a th
: eological system is a comprehensive whole made up of many parts. You may st
: art with a serious study of each book of the Bible; or by studying systemati
: c theology. You may begin by using reference works (e.g. theological dictio
: naries) to supplement your preparation for Sunday School classes and Bible s
: tudies; or you may choose to follow a Bible survey or a Bible textbook.
: 我們信仰的內容﹐準則都來自《聖經》 ﹐神所默示的﹐無誤無謬的話語。

1 (共1页)
How Bible Stories Evolved Over The Centuries (ZT)教會歷史中的神學教育與復興運動
我們是誰?-- 福音派的身份效法基督 -靈修神學的模式(ZT)
现在是什么时刻?——福音派基督徒的危机与挑战 zz圣经无误之现有资源
马桶上的思考 – 成也圣灵,败也圣灵三合一神的辉煌:三位一体的必要性和神秘性
神學教育典範﹕神學生必讀書目基要信仰概论 马有藻
在美国购买中文属灵书籍的地方?牛顿的神学观 - 独一神
话题: bible话题: 聖經话题: chinese话题: new话题: god