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TrustInJesus版 - Glossary to the Westminster Confession
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Glossary to the Westminster Confession
Explanations of all archaic and uncommon words, usages, and expressions, in
the order in which they occur.
Title Confession. n. Public statement of religious beliefs.
1.1 Providence. n. Divine care. Manifest. v. Show. Are they. idiom. T
hey are. Unto. prep. With regard to. Sundry. adj. Separate. Divers. ad
j. Various. Propagating. part. Spreading. Establishment. n. Stabilization
. Comfort. n. Fortification. Corruption. n. Impurity, badness. Malice.
n. Evil intent. The same. i.e. This revelation of things necessary for sa
1.3 Canon. n. Standard list.
1.5 Induced. v. Persuaded. Esteem. n. Respect. Efficacy. n. Effective
ness. Consent. n. Agreement. Scope. n. Aim, purpose. Glory. n. Praise,
credit. Discovery. n. Display. Thereof. adv. Of it. Whereby. adv. By w
hich. Evidence. v. Show. Notwithstanding. adv. Nevertheless. Bearing w
itness. idiom.Testifying.
1.6 Counsel. n. Plan and advice. Expressly. adv. Plainly. Good and ne
cessary consequence. idiom. Valid and compelling logic. Illumination. n. A
bility to see. Ordered. v. Arranged. By the light of. idiom. According t
o known facts of. Prudence. n. Wisdom in practical things. Observed. v.
Kept to, followed.
1.7 Propounded. v. Set forth. Opened. v. Explained. Learned. adj. Edu
cated. In a due use of the ordinary means. idiom. By taking enough advanta
ge of the help commonly given in the ministry of the Word.
1.8 Immediately. adv. Directly. Singular. adj. Special. Providence. n
. Divine care. Authentical. adj. Authoritative. Interest. n. Stake. Vu
lgar. adj.Common. Patience. n. Perseverance. Comfort. n. Encouragement.
1.9 Manifold. adj. Numerous and varied. Searched. v. Investigated.
1.10 Private spirits. idiom. Spirits from which a charismatic may claim t
o have received private revelations.
2.1 Immutable. adj. Unchanging. Immense. adj. Unlimited by space, every
where present. Holy. adj. Separate and pure. Free. adj. Able to do whate
ver he pleases. Absolute. adj. Unlimited by any defining quality or attrib
ute. Counsel. n. Deliberate plan. Long-suffering. adj. Very patient with
his creatures. Truth. n. Faithfulness to his word. Iniquity. Theol. term
. Inward wickedness, moral depravity. Transgression. Theol. term. Violatio
n of God's law. Sin. Theol. term. Any deviation from perfect righteousness
. Terrible. adj. Terrifying.
2.2 Glory. n. Praiseworthiness, credit, splendor. Blessedness. n. fitne
ss to be blessed, well spoken of. Manifesting. part. Showing. Fountain.
n. Source. Being. n. Reality, existence. To whom. idiom. For whom. Sove
reign. adj. Supreme and unlimited. Dominion. n. Lordship, mastery. Upon
them. idiom.Against them. Open. adj. Exposed. Manifest. adj. Obvious.
Independent upon the creature. i.e. Not dependent upon any creature for info
rmation. Contingent. adj. Accidental. Counsels. n. Deliberate plans.
2.3 Godhead. n. Divinity. Persons. n. Personalities. Substance. n. Es
sence. Eternity. n. Timeless existence. Eternally begotten. Theol. idiom
. Begotten not at some time but timelessly, in such a way that he has always
existed. This is a paradox. (1) Eternally proceeding. Theol. idiom. Going
forth timelessly.
3.1 From all eternity. Theol. idiom. Before and above all time. Counsel
. n. Plan. Freely. adv. Independently. Ordain. v. Bring about by command
or decree, predestinate. Author. n. Inventor. Violence offered to. idio
m. Sheer force applied against. Liberty. n. Ability to act according to in
herent or natural tendencies. Contingency. n. Accidental nature. (2) Sec
ond causes. idiom. Secondary agents, things involved in any intermediate cha
in of events. Established.v. Confirmed, fully recognized.
3.3 Manifestation. n. Display. Predestinated. v. Appointed beforehand.
Foreordained. v. Appointed beforehand.
3.4 Particularly. adv. Specifically. Designed. v. Designated.
3.5 Immutable. adj. Unchangeable. Counsel. n. Plan. Good Pleasure. id
iom. Preference. Glory. n. Heavenly estate, spiritual perfection and exalt
3.6 Thereunto. adv. Towards it. Wherefore. adv. & conj. And so. Elect
ed. v. Chosen. Redeemed. v. Purchased back. Effectually. adv. Effectivel
y, powerfully. See chap. 10. In due season. idiom. At the appointed time.
Justified. v. Counted as righteous. See chap. 11. Sanctified. v. Spiritu
ally reformed.See chap. 13.
3.7 Was pleased. v. Preferred, saw fit. Unsearchable. adj. Mysterious.
Counsel. n. Plan.
3.8 Prudence. n. Practical wisdom, discretion. Attending. v. Paying att
ention to. Thereunto. adv. To it. Vocation. n. Calling. Afford. v. Pro
duce, provide. Matter. n. Subject matter, i.e. thoughts and words.
4.1 Therein. adv. In it.
4.2 Endued. v. Endowed, supplied.
5.1 Uphold. v. Maintain. Dispose. v. Arrange. Providence. n. Divine c
5.2 First cause. idiom. Primary or underlying cause. Fall out. idiom. H
appen as an end result. Second causes. idiom. Secondary or intermediate ca
uses in a chain of events. Necessarily. adv. As a necessary natural conseq
uence. Freely. adv. By the will of a creature acting according to its own
inclinations. Contingently. adv. By chance or accident.(1)
5.3 Means. n. Things which serve intermediately to accomplish a purpose.
Against. prep. Contrary to the nature of.
5.4 It extendeth itself. idiom. It applies. Bare. adj. Mere. Bounding
. part. Compulsion and restriction. Manifold. adj. Complex. Dispensation
. n.Management of things. Ends. n. Purposes. Thereof. adv. Of it. Proc
eedeth. v. Comes.
5.5 Season. n. Period of time. Manifold. adj. Many and various. Chast
ise. v. Punish for correction. Discover. v. Show. Sundry. adj. Various.
5.6 Wrought. v. Worked. Objects. n. Obstacles. Withal. adv. Moreover.
5.7 Reach to. idiom. Encompass, include. Disposeth. v. Arranges. Ther
eof. adv. Of it.
6.1 Subtilty. n. Craftiness. Was pleased. idiom. Preferred. Counsel.
n. Plan. Purposed. v. Planned. Order. v. Arrange.
6.2 Communion. n. Fellowship. Dead in sin. idiom. Subject to the deadly
effects of sin. Defiled. v. Made foul or impure. Faculties. n. Capabili
6.3 Imputed. v. Attributed. Conveyed. v. Passed on. Posterity. n. Des
cendants. Ordinary generation. idiom. Sexual reproduction.
6.4 Whereby. adv. By which. Indisposed. v. Disinclined. Transgression
s. Theol. term. Violations of God's law.
6.5 Regenerated. v. Born again. Mortified. v. Deadened, weakened. Mot
ions. n. Impulses. Thereof. adv. Of it. Properly. adv. Correctly called.
Sin.Theol. term. Any deviation from perfect righteousness.
6.6 Thereunto. adv. To it. Whereby. adv. For which. Bound over. idiom
. Sentenced, committed. Temporal. adj. Earthly, temporary.
7.1 Fruition. n. Enjoyment. Condescension. n. Gracious accommodation to
inferiors. Been pleased. idiom. Preferred. Express. v. Exhibit. By wa
y of.idiom. In the form of Covenant. Theol. term. Contractual agreement.
7.2 Life. Theol. term. Eternal life. Wherein. adv. In which. In him.
idiom. Through him. Posterity. n. Descendants.
7.3 Was pleased. idiom. Saw fit. Wherein. adv. In which. Ordained. v.
7.4 Therein. adv. In it. Testator. n. One making a testament. Bequeat
hed. v. Given by testament.
7.5 Paschal. adj. Passover. Types. n. Foreshadowings. Ordinances. n.
Prescribed practices. Fore-signifying. v. Pointing to. Sufficient. adj.
Enough. Efficacious. adj. Effective. Operation. n. Working. Messiah. n.
Christ. Remission. n. Forgiveness.
7.6 Substance. n. Essential or basic thing which may be exhibited in supe
rficially different forms. Dispensed. v. Administratively applied. Sacra
ments. n.Sacred symbolic ordinances. See chap. 27. Held forth. idiom. Exhi
bited. Evidence. n. Clearness. Efficacy. n. Effectiveness. Various. ad
j. Different. Dispensations. n. Administrative arrangements.
8.1 Ordain. v. Designate. From all eternity. Theol. idiom. Before and a
bove all time. Seed. n. Offspring.
8.2 Very. adj. True. Substance. n. Essential quality or nature. Fulne
ss of time. idiom. Appointed time. Infirmities. n. Weaknesses. Godhead.
n. Godhood, divinity. Manhood. n. Humanity. Conversion. n. Change of qua
lity or nature. Composition. n. Combination of different substances result
ing in one composite substance. Confusion. n. Mixture, blending. Which p
erson. idiom. The aforesaid person.
8.3 Sanctified. v. Set apart for the service of God. Anointed. v. Conse
crated to office. Above measure. idiom. In an infinitely great manner. H
armless. adj.Innocent. Furnished. v. Equipped. Execute. v. Perform. Of
fice. n. Function. Surety. n. One who is legally liable for payment of ano
ther's debt. Thereunto.adv. To it. Judgment. n. Judicial office and auth
ority. Into his hand. idiom. Under his control. Gave him commandment. id
iom. Commanded him. Execute the same. i.e. Perform the duties of that judi
cial office.
8.4 Discharge. v. Perform the duties of. Made. v. Made to be. Immedia
tely. adv. Directly, closely. Saw. v. experienced. Making intercession.
idiom.Intervening on behalf of his people.
8.6 Wrought. v. Accomplished. Incarnation. n. Coming in the flesh. Vi
rtue. n. Power. Efficacy. n. Effectiveness. Thereof. adv. Of it. Commu
nicated. v.imparted. Successively. adv. One after another. Types. n. For
eshadowings. Wherein. adv. In which. Seed. n. Descendant. Bruise. v. C
rush. Slain from the beginning of the world. i.e. Slain before all time in
the decree of God. See Rev. 13:8 in the KJV.
8.7 Is proper. idiom. Pertains. Denominated by. idiom. Called by the ti
tle which pertains to.
8.8 Effectually. adv. Unfailingly. Apply. v. Attribute. Communicate.
v. Impart. The same. i.e. That redemption. Mysteries. n. Hidden profound
truths. Consonant to. adj. Consistent with. Wonderful. adj. Awesome. U
nsearchable. adj. Incomprehensible. Dispensation. n. Management of things.
9.1 Endued. v. Endowed, supplied. That is neither. i.e. That it is neit
her. Determined to. idiom. Limited to.
9.2 Mutably. adv. Changeably.
9.3 Ability of will to. idiom. Will-power for the doing of. Natural man
. Theol. idiom. Unregenerate man, one not born again. Averse. adj. Turned
away. Dead in sin. Theol. idiom. Under the deadly effects of sin. Thereun
to. adv. For it.
9.4 Translates. v. Transfers. State of grace. Theol. idiom. Condition o
f favor with God.
9.5 Immutably. adv. Unchangeably. To good. i.e. To do good. State of
glory. Theol. idiom. Final perfection in heaven.
10.1 Life. Theol. term. Eternal life. Accepted. part. Favored. Effect
ually. adv. Effectively. Determining. v. Directing.
10.2 From. prep. Because of. Passive. adj. Inactive. Therein. adv. In
it. Quickened. part. Made alive. Thereby. adv. By this. Embrace. v. R
eceive heartily. Grace. n. Gift. Conveyed. v. Given.
10.4 Common. adj. Indiscriminate. Operations. n. Workings. Be they ne
ver so. idiom. No matter how much they are. Frame. v. Regulate. Maintain
. v.Defend by argument. Pernicious. adj. Ruinous. Detested. v. Denounced
11.1 Justifieth. v. Declares to be righteous. Infusing. v. Instilling.
Accepting their persons. idiom. Accepting them with favoritism. Wrought.
v. Done. Imputing. v. Reckoning. Evangelical obedience. Theol. idiom. Ob
edience to commands given in the New Testament. Satisfaction. n. Satisfact
ory performance or compensation. Of themselves. idiom. By their own effort
11.2 Alone. adj. One and only. Instrument. n. Means. Graces. n. Gifts
11.3 Discharge. v. Pay. Proper. adj. Fitting, suitable. Inasmuch as.
idiom. Because. Stead. n. Place. Glorified. v. Made glorious, praise-wor
11.4 From all eternity. idiom. Before and above all time. In the fulnes
s of time. idiom. When the time had finally come. In due time. idiom. At t
he appointed time. Apply. v. Join.
11.5 Countenance. n. Favor.
12.1 Vouchsafeth. v. Guarantees. Taken into the number of. idiom. Count
ed as, reckoned as. Chastened. v. Punished. Sealed to. idiom. Guaranteed
. Inherit the promises. idiom. Receive the things promised.
13.1 Sanctified. v. Made holy. Virtue. n. Power. The whole body of si
n. Theol. idiom. The sinful personality conceived as a complex organism of s
ins. See Calvin on Romans 6:6, 14. Quickened. v. Made alive. Graces. n.
Gifts of godliness.
13.2 Abideth. v. Remains. Whence. adv. From which.
13.3 Saints. n. Sanctified ones.
14.1 Grace. n. Gift. Whereby. adv. By which. Wrought. v. Worked. Th
e ministry of the Word. idiom. Preaching and teaching.
14.2 Whatsoever. n. Anything and everything that. Therein. adv. In it.
Acteth differently upon. idiom. Reacts appropriately to. Thereof. adv. O
f it. Yielding. v. Giving. By virtue of. idiom. As an effect of.
14.3 Author. n. Original source.
15.1 Repentance. n. Turning from sin. Evangelical grace. idiom. A gift
bestowed to believers under the gospel dispensation of the covenant of grace
. Whereof. adv. Of which.
15.2 Odiousness. n. Hatefulness. Apprehension. n. Perception. Such as
are. idiom. Those who are. Penitent. adj. Repentant. Purposing. part. R
15.3 Be not. idiom. Is not. Rested in. idiom. Depended upon. Satisfac
tion. n. Compensation. Thereof. adv. Of it. Is it. idiom. It is.
15.4 But it deserves. i.e. That it does not deserve.
15.5 General repentance. i.e. Blanket declaration of repentance. Partic
ularly. adv. Specifically, one by one.
15.6 Bound. part. Duty-bound. Thereof. adv. Of them. Scandalizeth. v.
Offends. Thereupon. adv. Immediately after that. And in love to receive
him.i.e. And to welcome him with a loving spirit.
16.1 Such as. idiom. Those which. Warrant. n. Authentication, proof.
Thereof. adv. From it.
16.2 Fruits. n. Profitable results. Lively. adj. Living. Manifest. v.
Show. Adorn. v. Beautify. Thereunto. adv. For them. End. n. End resul
16.3 Of themselves. idiom. In their own power. Thereunto. adv. To this.
Graces. n. Enabling gifts. Of his good pleasure. idiom. What is well-pl
easing to him. Are they. idiom. They are. Hereupon. adv. Because of this
. Bound. part. Required. Motion. n. Prompting. Stirring up. idiom. Rou
sing, awakening.
16.4 Supererogate. v. perform above and beyond the call of duty. As tha
t. idiom. That.
16.5 At the hand of. idiom. In return from. Profit. v. Be of help. Sa
tisfy. v. Compensate. Wrought. v. Done.
16.6 Notwithstanding. conj. Never-theless. The persons of believers bei
ng accepted. idiom. Because believers are treated with favoritism.
16.7 For the matter of them. idiom. Objectively. Use. n. Advantage, pro
fit. End. n. Purpose. Meet. adj. Fit, worthy.
17.1 State of grace. Theol. idiom. Condition of favor with God. Perseve
re. v. Persist, continue. Therein. adv. In it.
17.2 Free-will. Theol. idiom. Will-power. See chap. 9.4. Immutability.
n. Unchangeability. Merit. n. Claim to due reward. Intercession. n. Inte
rvention. Abiding. part. Remaining, dwelling. From all which ariseth also
. i.e. All of which also bring about. Thereof. adv. Of it.
17.3 Grievous. adj. Burdensome. Therein. adv. In them. Whereby. adv.
By which. Incur. v. Bring upon themselves. Grieve. v. Cause sorrow to.
Graces.n. God-given abilities. Comforts. n. Defenses. Scandalize. v. Ca
use offense to. Temporal. adj. Earthly, temporary.
18.1 Carnal. adj. Unspiritual, uninspired. Estate. n. State, condition.
Which hope of theirs shall perish. i.e. Their hope of which shall be dash
ed. Such as.idiom. Those who. In sincerity. idiom. Sincerely. Walk ...
before him. idiom. Behave themselves as in his presence. State of grace.
Theol. idiom. Condition of favor with God. Hope of the glory of God. i.e.
Hope of the glory promised by God. Which hope. i.e. The hope of which. M
ake them ashamed. i.e.Disappoint them.
18.2 Conjectural. adj. Theoretical. Persuasion. n. Opinion. Assurance
. n. Certainty. Graces. n. Gifts of holiness. Unto which. idiom. For whi
ch. Witnessing. v. Testifying. Which Spirit. i.e. The Spirit of which.
Earnest. n. Pledge, advance deposit. Sealed to. idiom. Certified for, made
secure for, guaranteed.
18.3 But that a true believer may. i.e. That a true believer may not. B
e partaker of it. i.e. Shares in it. In the right use of ordinary means. i
diom. By rightly taking advantage of the help commonly given in the ministry
of the Word. Thereunto. adv. To it. Give all diligence. idiom. Strive d
iligently. Thereby.adv. By means of this. Proper fruits of. i.e. Natural
results and rewards pertaining to. Looseness. n. Relaxation of morals.
18.4 Divers. adj. Different. Intermitted. v. Interrupted. Vehement. a
dj. Forceful. Countenance. n. Favor. Suffering. v. Allowing. Such as.
idiom. Those who. Are they. i.e. They are. Destitute. adj. Deprived. C
onscience. n. Consciousness. Operation. n. Working. In due time. idiom.
At the appointed time. By the which. idiom. By means of which. Supported
from. i.e. Kept from.
19.1 Posterity. n. Descendants. Endued. v. Endowed, supplied.
19.3 Was pleased. idiom. Saw fit. Under age. idiom. Immature. Typical
. adj. Foreshadowing. Ordinances. n. Prescribed practices. Prefiguring.
v.Foreshadowing. Graces. n. Qualities of holiness. Divers. adj. Differen
t. Abrogated. part. Repealed.
19.4 A body politic. idiom. A politically organized society of people.
Sundry. adj. Various. Expired. v. Came to an end. State. n. Political or
ganization. Obliging. part. Binding upon. Equity. n. Fairness. Thereof.
adv. Pertaining to them.
19.5 Thereof. adv. Of it. In regard of. idiom. By reason of. In respe
ct of. idiom. By reason of. Dissolve. v. Loosen.
19.6 Be not. i.e. Are not. Thereby. adv. By means of it. Discovering.
part. Revealing. Thereof. adv. Of it. Approbation. n. Approval.
19.7 Sweetly. adv. Nicely.
20.1 Yielding. part. Giving. Common to. idiom. Shared by. Communicati
ons. n. Impartations. Partake of. idiom. Take part in.
20.2 Beside. prep. Aside from, in addition to. Betray. v. Treacherously
abandon. Implicit faith. Theol. idiom. Complete trust in the word or auth
ority of Church officers (according to Roman Catholic doctrine).
20.3 Cherish. v. Cling to. Thereby. adv. By this. End. n. Purpose.
20.4 Power. n. Authority of officers. Mutually. adv. Reciprocally, in t
urn. Conversation. n. Conduct. Power of godliness. idiom. Natural impuls
e and spirit of piety. Censures. n. See chap. 30. Civil Magistrate. i.e.
21.1 Lordship. n. Mastery, dominion. Sovereignty. n. Supreme and unlimi
ted power. Instituted. v. Set up. Devices. n. Inventions.
21.2 In. prep. By.
21.5 Fear. n. Reverence. Sound. adj. Healthy, orthodox. Conscionable.
adj. Conscientious, dutiful. With grace in the heart. i.e. With the God-g
iven ability to sing praise from the heart. See Colossians 3:16. Administr
ation. n. Management. Sacraments instituted by Christ. i.e. Baptism and th
e Lord's supper. See chap. 27. Ordinary. adj. Regular. Oaths, vows. See
chap. 22. Solemn. adj. Formal, serious. Several occasions. i.e. Various
occasions (many editions readspecial occasions). Used. v. Practiced. In
an holy and religious manner. i.e. In a devout and solemn manner (that is, w
ithout revelry on public occasions of thanksgiving).
21.6 In secret. idiom. Privately. Solemnly. adv. Formally. By his Wor
d or providence. i.e. By statements of Scripture or by providential guidance
of wisdom and prudence. See the proof texts, and the first half of the next
21.7 Of the law of nature. idiom. According to natural reason and prudenc
e. Positive. adj. Definitely imposed. Moral. i.e. Not merely ceremonial.
Perpetual. adj. Everlasting.
21.8 Ordering. part. Arranging. Common affairs. idiom. Usual business.
Taken up. idiom. Occupied. Exercises. n. Self-improving activities.
22.1 Lawful. adj. Legal. Just. adj. Proper. Swearing. part. Taking an
oath. Solemnly. adv. Formally. Asserteth. v. says.
22.2 Name of God. idiom. Any name or title of God. Therein. adv. In thi
s. Vainly. adv. Without serious or sincere purpose, lightly, falsely. Dr
eadful. adj.Rightly feared. Abhorred. v. Shunned with fear or disgust. W
eight and moment. idiom. Importance and consequence. Warranted. part. Auth
orized. Imposed. v. Required as mandatory.
22.3 Whosoever. pron. Whoever. Weightiness. n. Importance. Therein. a
dv. In it. Avouch. v. Declare or assert positively and as a matter of fact
. But.prep. & conj. Except. Is fully persuaded. idiom. Firmly believes.
Touching. part. Concerning. Being imposed. i.e. When it is required as m
22.4 Equivocation. n. Insincerely taking advantage of different definitio
ns or interpretations of the words. Infidels. n. Unbelievers, persons who
are obviously not Christians.
22.5 Vow. n. A sworn promise to God. Is of the like nature with. i.e. I
s essentially the same as. Promissory oath. idiom. Oath of promise. The
like. idiom.The same.
22.6 Creature. esp. The virgin Mary, or any other of the "saints" so hono
red by Roman Catholics. Conscience. n. Consciousness. In way of. idiom.
Out of. Fitly conduce thereunto. i.e. Appropriately serve the purpose.
22.7 Therein. adv. In it. Whereof. adv. Of which. In which respect. i
diom. For this reason. Popish. adj. Roman Catholic. Regular obedience. i
diom.Obedience to monastic rules and customs. So far from being ... that t
hey are. idiom. Not only not . . but they are even. Snares. n. Traps.
23.1 Ordained. v. Appointed. Civil magistrates. idiom. Political author
ities, esp. kings. To this end. idiom. For this purpose. Armed them with
the power of the sword. i.e. Authorized them to use deadly force.
23.2 Lawful. adj. Permitted by God's law. Execute. v. Perform all the d
uties pertaining to. Thereunto. adv. To do it. Whereof. adv. Of which.
Maintain.v. Defend. Wholesome. adj. Beneficial. Commonwealth. n. Realm,
state, politically organized community. Upon just and necessary occasion.
idiom. When it is necessary and right.
23.3 The civil magistrate. i.e. The king. Assume to himself. idiom. Tak
e upon himself, as if it belonged to him. Administration. n. Management.
The power of the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Theol. idiom. The power to
admit, exclude or expel members of the Church. See chap. 30. Take order. i
diom.Arrange matters. Entire. adj. Without subtractions. Blasphemies. n.
Insults to God. Suppressed. v. Restrained with civil punishments. Ordin
ances. n.Prescribed practices. Duly. adv. Appropriately. Settled. v. Est
ablished, instituted. Administered. v. Managed. Observed. v. Obeyed. E
ffecting. part.Accomplishing. Whereof. adv. Of which. Synods. n. Church
councils. Provide that. idiom. Arrange things in advance so that. Whatso
ever. pron. Whatever. Transacted. v. Finally done.
23.4 People. i.e. The people. Honor their persons. idiom. Honor them be
cause of who they are. Tribute. n. Taxes. Dues. n. Fees, tolls, tariffs,
etc. For conscience' sake. idiom. For the sake of a clear conscience, in
recognition of the fact that to do otherwise would be a sin. Infidelity. n
. Unbelief. Dominions.n. Kingdoms.
24.1 Lawful. adj. Permitted by God.
24.2 Ordained. v. Instituted. Mutual. adj. Reciprocal. Issue. n. Offs
pring. Seed. n. Offspring. Uncleanness. n. Debasing sexual desire and ac
tivity, fornication.
24.3 Judgment. n. Discretion. Marry ... in the Lord. idiom. Marry other
Christians. Such as. idiom. Those who. The true reformed religion. idio
m.Protestant principles. Infidels. n. Unbelievers. Papists. n. Roman Cat
holics. Idolaters. n. Worshippers of idols, of false gods and goddesses.
Maintain. v. Hold to. Damnable heresies. idiom. Sectarian opinions which
deserve to be condemned.
24.4 Consanguinity. n. Blood-relation. Affinity. n. Relation of "in-law
s" through marriage. Parties. n. The persons involved. Kindred. n. Relat
24.5 Fornication. n. Sexual intercourse outside of marriage. Contract.
n. Engagement to marry. Giveth just occasion to. idiom. Lawfully entitles.
Dissolve.v, Annul, cancel. Sue out. idiom. Pursue and obtain by a lawsu
24.6 Be such as is apt. i.e. Is such that it leads them. Study. v. Appl
y the mind to devise. Put asunder. idiom. Separate. Remedied. v. Correct
ed. Cause sufficient of. i.e. Sufficient cause for. Wherein. adv. In whi
ch. Observed. v. Kept to, followed. Discretion. n. Private judgment.
25.1 Thereof. adv. Of it. The fulness of him that filleth all in all. i
.e. The completion (or, fullest expression) of him who himself completes all
things everywhere. See commentators on Ephesians 1:23.
25.2 No ordinary possibility. i.e. Ordinarily no possibility.
25.3 Oracles. n. Sayings, words. Perfecting. part. Progressive training
in holiness. Effectual. adj. Effective. Thereunto. adv. For this purpos
25.4 Thereof. adv. Of it. Embraced. v. Received heartily. Ordinances.
n. Practices prescribed by God, esp. the Lord's Supper, Baptism, and Church
25.5 Synagogues of Satan. i.e. Assemblies under the power of Satan. For t
he expression see Revelation 2:9.
25.6 Thereof. adv. Of it. Antichrist. n. Principal enemy of Christ. See
1 John 2:18. Man of sin. i.e. Most sinful of all men. See 2 Thes. 2:3.
Son of perdition.i.e. One who is doomed to destruction in hell. See 2 Thes.
2:3. All that is called God. i.e. Against all others that are called gods.
See 2 Thes. 2:3.
26.1 Have fellowship. idiom. Share as partners. Graces. n. Virtuous qua
lities, such as humility, self-control, kindness, etc. Have communion. idi
om. Share freely. Conduce. v. Tend. Mutual good. i.e. Common welfare.
Inward and outward man. idiom. Soul and body.
26.2 By profession. i.e. By professing to believe the chief articles of t
he faith, esp. as declared in the Apostles' Creed. Bound. v. Obligated.
Holy fellowship and communion. i.e. Sacred partnership and sharing. Compare
the words of the Creed, "I believe in ... the holy catholic Church, the comm
union of saints." Mutual edification. i.e. Improvement together in godlines
s. Relieving. part. Helping. Outward things. idiom. Things pertaining to
the body, material things. Several. adj. Various. Which. i.e. And this.
Extended. v. Offered far and wide.
26.3 Communion. n. Sharing. Wise. n. Way. Substance. n. Essence. Af
firm. v. State. Impious. adj. Irreverent. Blasphemous. adj. Insulting to
God. Infringe. v. Impair, weaken. Title. n. Just and recognized claim to
exclusive ownership. Propriety. n. Personal right of property. Goods. n
. Movable property. Possessions. n. Things owned or occupied, esp. real es
27.1 Seals. n. Certifications, guarantees. Covenant of grace. See chap.
7. Immediately. adv. Directly. Interest. n. Participation, part. Enga
ge them. i.e.Put them under obligation with a pledge.
27.2 Whence. adv. From which.
27.3 Exhibited. v. Shown. Conferred. v. Given. Efficacy. n. Effective
ness. Piety. n. Godliness. Word of institution. Theol. idiom. The words
spoken by Christ when he instituted the ordinance of the Lord's Supper. See
Mat. 26:26-8 and parallels. Precept. n. Command. Thereof. adv. Of it.
27.4 There be. idiom. There are. Ordained. v. Authorized. In the gosp
el. Theol. idiom. In the New Testament. Thereby signified and exhibited. i
.e.Represented and shown by them. For substance. idiom. Essentially, basic
ally (although exhibited in superficially different forms). The same with.
idiom. The same as.
28.1 Solemn. adj. Formal. Party. n. Participating person. Visible Chu
rch. See chap. 25 § 2. Seal. n. Certification, guarantee. Covenant of G
race. See chap. 7. Ingrafting into Christ. Theol. idiom. Being put into a
state of vital union with Christ. See John 15:5. Regeneration. n. Rebirth.
Remission. n. Forgiveness. Giving up. idiom. Yielding, submitting. See R
omans 6:13. Which. i.e. And this. Appointment. n. Stipulation, specific
28.2 Outward. adj. Material. Wherewith. adv. With which. In the name
of. idiom. Calling upon the authority of. Called thereunto. i.e. Ordained.
28.4 Profess. v. Formally declare.
28.5 It be. idiom. It is. Contemn. v. Show disrespect for. Annexed. p
art. Joined. As that. idiom. So that. Regenerated. v. Caused to be born
again. Saved. Theol. term. Preserved forever in the state of grace.
28.6 Efficacy. n. Effectiveness. Wherein. adv. In which. Notwithstand
ing. conj. Nevertheless. Grace. n. Gift. Exhibited. v. Displayed. Conf
erred. v.Given. To such as. idiom. To whomever. Belongeth. v. Properly p
ertains. Counsel. n. Deliberate plan.
28.7 But. adv. Only.
29.1 Wherein. adv. In which. Instituted. v. Established, set up. Obse
rved. v. Obeyed as a regular ceremony or custom. Perpetual. adj. Everlasti
ng. Sealing.part. Certifying of. Thereof. adv. Of it. Engagement in an
d to. i.e. Involvement in and pledging of themselves to. Bond and pledge.
idiom. Binding promise. Communion. n. Close union, full cooperation. Myst
ical. adj. Sacred and mysterious.
29.2 Offered up. idiom. Offered in sacrifice. Remission. n. Forgiveness
. Quick. adj. Living. Commemoration. n. Ceremonial occasion for remembra
nce. A spiritual oblation of all possible praise. i.e. A spiritual sacrifi
ce of praise, in which men ought to offer all the praise that is in them. Co
mpare Hebrews 13:15. The prayer of thanks (Gr. "eucharistia") of the Lord's
Supper is the spiritual sacrifice offered in it. For the same. i.e. For Ch
rist's one sacrifice. Popish. adj. Roman Catholic. Abominably. adv. Hate
fully. Injurious. adj. Offensive, insulting. One only. idiom. One and on
ly. Alone. adj. One and only. Propitiation. n. Atoning sacrifice.
29.3 Word of institution. Theol. idiom. The words spoken by Christ when h
e instituted the ordinance of the Lord's Supper. See Mat. 26:26-8 and parall
els. Thereby. adv. By this. Common. adj. Ordinary. Communicating. part.
Partaking. Communicants. n. Partakers. But to none who are not then pre
sent in the congregation. i.e. But they are not to take the elements out to
the homes of people who are absent from the meeting.
29.4 The denial of the cup to the people. i.e. Distributing the bread to
all, but allowing only priests and monks to partake of the wine. This was co
mmon practice in the Roman Catholic church at the time of the Reformation.
Lifting them up. i.e. The Roman Catholic "elevation of the host," in which
the priest holds the bread up as a sacrifice to God. Reserving. part. Savi
ng. Pretended religious use. i.e. Superstitious practices (as when the bre
ad is used as a good luck charm). Institution of Christ. i.e. Christ's wor
ds of institution for the ordinance.
29.5 Outward. adj. Material, physical. Duly. adv. Appropriately. Orda
ined. v. Authorized. Have such relation to him crucified, as that. i.e. Ar
e related to his death on the cross in such a way that. Truly. adv. Rightl
y. Sacramentally. In a mysterious and spiritual manner. To wit. idiom. N
amely. Albeit. conj. Even though. Substance. n. Material, matter. Natu
re. n. Inherent quality.
29.6 Maintains. v. Asserts. By consecration of a priest. i.e. By the ce
remony used by a priest when he sanctifies the elements. Repugnant. adj. U
tterly contrary. Overthroweth the nature of the sacrament. i.e. Destroys t
he spiritual nature and meaning of the sacrament. Manifold. adj. Many and
various. Gross.adj. Flagrant. Idolatries. n. Worshipping of idols (i.e.
in the Roman Catholic mass, when the priest bows and the people kneel to the
29.7 Carnally. adv. In a mere physical and unspiritual way. Corporally.
adv. Corporeally, bodily. Not corporally or carnally in, with, or under.
i.e. Not physically present in the manner proposed by Lutheran doctrine (in
which the bread and wine are thought to contain the substance of the physica
l body and blood of Christ, much as a sponge contains water). Yet as reall
y. i.e. Although just as truly.
29.8 Ignorant. adj. Unenlightened, uninstructed. Thereby. adv. By it.
Thereunto. adv. To it. Guilty of. idiom. Liable to punishment for a viola
tion of. To their own damnation. idiom. With the result that they bring ju
dgment upon themselves. Wherefore. conj. For this reason. Communion. n.
Fellowship. Remain such. i.e. Remain unenlightened or ungodly. Mysteries.
n. Sacred and mysterious things. Be admitted thereunto. i.e. Be allowed t
o participate in them.
30.1 Therein. adv. In it. In the hand of. idiom. Under the administrati
on of. Distinct. adj. Separate. The civil magistrate. idiom. The civil g
overnment of the land.
30.2 Keys of the kingdom. Theol. idiom. See Mat 16:19. Committed. v. En
trusted. By virtue whereof. idiom. By authority of which. Respectively t
o retain and remit sins. i.e. To require repentance for or to forgive sins,
as appropriate in each case. Impenitent. adj. Unrepentant. By the Word.
i.e. By preaching God's judgment against sin. Censures. n. Official reprim
ands and punishments. Penitent. adj. Repentant. Absolution from censures
. idiom. Release from penalties or burdens imposed by censure.
30.3 Reclaiming. part. Rehabilitation, correction. Gaining. part. Winni
ng over. See Mat 18:15 in the KJV. The like. idiom. Similar. Purging out
of that leaven which might infect the whole lump. idiom. Cleaning out of si
nfulness which might infect the whole congregation. For the metaphor of unle
avened bread see 1 Cor. 5:6-7. Vindicating the honor. idiom. Defending the
good name. Profession. n. Testimony. Suffer. v. Allow. Seals. n. Cert
ifying sacraments. See chap. 27. Thereof. adv. Of it. Profaned. v. Desec
rated, defiled. Obstinate. adj. Stubborn, unrelenting.
30.4 Ends. n. Purposes. Proceed by. idiom. Go through the steps of. A
dmonition. n. Warning. Season. n. Length of time. Excommunication. n. Ex
pulsion. Demerit. n. Degree of merit.
31.1 Edification. n. Building up, spiritual improvement.
31.2 Magistrates. n. Political rulers. Fit. adj. Qualified. Of themse
lves. idiom. By themselves. By virtue of. idiom. By authority of. Upon d
elegation. i.e.When they are sent as representatives.
31.3 It belongeth to. idiom. It is a proper function of. Ministerially.
adv. As a service or ministry to the Church. Determine. v. Settle, decide
. Cases of conscience. idiom. Practical questions about what is most helpf
ul to true godliness and to the peace of the Church. Maladministration. n.
Misgovernment of the Church. Determine the same. i.e. Decide and act upon
such cases. Determinations. n. Decisions. Consonant. adj. According.
Whereby. adv. By which. An ordinance of God. idiom. A thing established an
d prescribed by God. Appointed thereunto. i.e. Specifically given for this
31.4 General or particular. i.e. Involving the whole visible Church or on
ly some part of it. They are not. i.e. Their decisions are not absolutely.
Help. n.Helpful guide.
31.5 Ecclesiastical. adj. Directly related to the Church. Intermeddle.
v. Meddle, interfere. Civil affairs. idiom. Political matters. Commonwea
lth. n. State or nation. For satisfaction of conscience. idiom. As an act
of duty. Thereunto required. i.e. Required to do this.
32.1 See corruption. idiom. Undergo decay. Subsistence. n. Continuance,
existence. Gave them. i.e. Gave them to their bodies. Reserved to. idio
m. Kept in custody for.
32.2 Such as. idiom. Those who.
32.3 To dishonor. i.e. To be condemned in judgment. Conformable. adj. S
33.1 Wherein. adv. In which. Judgment. n. Judicial authority. Which.
pron. That. Apostate. adj. Unfaithful. Tribunal. n. Judgment seat. Rec
eive. i.e.Receive in return.
33.2 End. n. Purpose. Manifestation. n. Open display. Reprobate. n. R
ejected men.
33.3 Would have. idiom. Desires. Shake off all carnal security. i.e. Ri
d themselves of the false sense of security which comes from worldly comfort
1. The eternal generation of the Son referred to in chapter 2.3 was a doctri
ne required by the Council of Nicea (A.D. 325). The Nicene Creed in its orig
inal form concluded with the anathema: "But those who say, There was a time
when he was not, and, He was made out of nothing, or, He is of another subst
ance or essence, or, The Son of God is created or changeable or alterable--t
hey are condemned by the holy catholic and apostolic Church." See Schaff's C
reeds of Christendom, 6th edition (1931), volume I, pages 24-29.
2. The meaning of "contingently" and "contingency" in chapters 3.1 and 5.2 o
f the Confession has been by far the most difficult problem for me in making
this glossary. At this time I must confess that the meaning is not clear to
me. The usual meaning of the word, "by accident," obviously presents diffic
ulties in the context of a theology which in principle excludes the idea of
chance. The meaning of "contingent" in 2.2 is plain enough because there the
reality of anything truly contingent is denied. But it is strange that afte
r this the authors of the Confession proceed in 3.1 to speak of "contingency
" as a quality of some "second causes" (3.1), and to assert further in 5.2 t
hat some events occur "contingently" according to the very "nature of second
causes." The Scripture proofs of these sections make reference to verses wh
ich speak of flying objects (dice, axhead, arrow) which God has used to acco
mplish his purpose.
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