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UMD版 - Moving sales
moving sales (lowered prices) (转载)moving sales
[selling] part of the electrical appliances furniture home not sold at a low pricemoving sales (lowered prices)
Moving sale - Greenbelt, MD朋友回国卖家具电器(达拉斯地区)
Student Stuff for SaleMoving sale
Spacious bedroom $425 on UM shuttle route回国卖东西
One month free spacious bedroom $425 in Greenbelt回国卖东西
Spacious bedroom $450 in Greenbelt on UM Shuttle route请教:大家用什么垫厨房里橱柜和抽屉啊
Moving sales历时一个多月的搬家马上就收尾了!!!外加推荐几个东西。
话题: printer话题: ft话题: stand话题: each话题: wide
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 14
Lamps with clamps, $8 for each
Stand Lamps, $7 for each
Stand Elec Fan, $10
TV 25”, for $18
Epson Printer, copier and scanner machine, for $20
HP Laser printer P1005, for $30
Vacuum Cleaner, small one for $15, larger one for $50
Hp Photo Printer for $20
Compaq PIII 1G Computer, 512M SDR, one new DVD RW, and one original CD
RW, 20G hard disk, with 17” screen, for $70, independent Display
Logitech Speakers for $10
Wieless phone with answer machine $5
Microwave Oven $12
Waffle Maker $5
Chinese Steam Pot $12 (only used for several times)
Steel Pressure Pot $12
Printer paper $2 for each
Two Leather chair (adjustable), small one for $20, bigger one for $30
Mirror with stands, 1.5m high X 25 cm wide, for $7
Computer desk with shelf and steel supports, for $40
Book shelf 1.8m high x 70 cm wide x 30cm deep, for $25
White Tea Table 1.66 ft high x 4.33 ft long x 2.33 ft wide, for $12
Maisha Davis
Printer Stand with drawer and storage space, for $20
PVC drawers, small one $5, larger one $8
Wood Bed stands with two drawers, for $5
Leather sofa chair for $100 6ft long x 3.25 ft wide x 3 ft high (2 ft
high at lower side)
Full size Mattress $50
Dinner table with 2 chairs $20
Plastic Chairs with aluminum supports $5 for each
Shoe stands $5 for each
Small Book Shelf $8
Table, one is white, the other one is black, $15 for each
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历时一个多月的搬家马上就收尾了!!!外加推荐几个东西。Spacious bedroom $425 on UM shuttle route
~~波城学生 Moving Sale 物优价廉~~One month free spacious bedroom $425 in Greenbelt
[供求] moving sale: matress, shopping cart, breakfast tablSpacious bedroom $450 in Greenbelt on UM Shuttle route
归了,Moving Sale - StamfordMoving sales
moving sales (lowered prices) (转载)moving sales
[selling] part of the electrical appliances furniture home not sold at a low pricemoving sales (lowered prices)
Moving sale - Greenbelt, MD朋友回国卖家具电器(达拉斯地区)
Student Stuff for SaleMoving sale
话题: printer话题: ft话题: stand话题: each话题: wide