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USANews版 - Obama stokes veep speculation
AP Official: Obama picks Biden for veepWikiLeaks: HRC Lied About Timing of Veep Pick
这些候选人们都上台表现了一下VEEP must be THE greatest comedy show ever!!!!
Waiting for Obama: Veep Announcement Builds to Frenzied S纸牌屋制作人被现实剧情彻底击溃,要求推特删除床铺账号
Mitt Romney gave millions to charity. Joe Biden gave $369.白宫内鬼明显是veep啊 (转载)
Don't cry, liberals!A prolonged race between O and H may help their party
为什么没有华裔总统候选人Report: Bill Clinton Tirade Surprises California Superdelegates(ZT)
黑大汉的名字是Todd MadisonAnalysis: Momentum, Obama's distractions give Clinton hope ZZ Yahoo news
Pence Debate Win Could Be ‘Pivotal Point’希拉里要求和奥巴马决斗
话题: obama话题: veep话题: stokes话题: washington
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6327
Obama stokes veep speculation
By LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writer
33 minutes ago
NEW YORK - Barack Obama stoked vice presidential speculation Wednesday with
an unannounced stop at the Washington law firm of a search team member and
then a flight to New York fundraisers with potential pick Hillary Rodham
Clinton and a second vetter.
"I'm not going to tell you" any details, the smiling likely Democratic
nominee told reporters after spending more than two hours inside a downtown
Washington offic
1 (共1页)
希拉里要求和奥巴马决斗Don't cry, liberals!
Democrats Advised to Seat Half of Disputed Delegates黑大汉的名字是Todd Madison
老太辟谣了,不退!Pence Debate Win Could Be ‘Pivotal Point’
AP Official: Obama picks Biden for veepWikiLeaks: HRC Lied About Timing of Veep Pick
这些候选人们都上台表现了一下VEEP must be THE greatest comedy show ever!!!!
Waiting for Obama: Veep Announcement Builds to Frenzied S纸牌屋制作人被现实剧情彻底击溃,要求推特删除床铺账号
Mitt Romney gave millions to charity. Joe Biden gave $369.白宫内鬼明显是veep啊 (转载)
话题: obama话题: veep话题: stokes话题: washington