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USANews版 - Great tactic by the GOP: lose your house, lose your vote
trump阵营刚label cruz 使用 Gestapo Tactics刚看了O vs O part II
媒体已预告这周末会有更多女子出来指认!interesting thread about Obama smear tactics
一个对奥巴马很大的利空Another msm disgusting piece
Bradley Effect in Michigan什么是言论自由?
老白登出工不出力挨骂,密州疯狂攻击马肯布实第二Democrat’s Newest Attack on Free Political Speech With Willing Assistance by Media
Good News: Social Security makes $8Billion in improper paymentsreid要改filibuster rule了
没啥好说了, 一个SB文科生而已Why “community organizer” tactics don’t work for the president
Another ObamaCare Success Story: Sick Kids Denied Specialty Care WashingtonLAPD Declares Citywide Tactical Alert Over Zimmerman Protests
话题: lose话题: gop话题: your话题: michigan话题: great
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11
Lose your house, lose your vote
By Eartha Jane Melzer 9/10/08 6:42 AM
Michigan Republicans plan to foreclose African-American voters
The chairman of the Republican Party in Macomb County, Michigan, a key swing
county in a key swing state, is planning to use a list of foreclosed homes
to block people from voting in the upcoming election as part of the state
GOP’s effort to challenge some voters on Election Day.
“We will have a l
1 (共1页)
LAPD Declares Citywide Tactical Alert Over Zimmerman Protests老白登出工不出力挨骂,密州疯狂攻击马肯布实第二
老墨入境又有新招: 蜂拥而至美墨边境要求避难Good News: Social Security makes $8Billion in improper payments
Re: 有些人真是精明啊 (转载)没啥好说了, 一个SB文科生而已
在Gay们的成功激励下,恋童变态们开始行动了Another ObamaCare Success Story: Sick Kids Denied Specialty Care Washington
trump阵营刚label cruz 使用 Gestapo Tactics刚看了O vs O part II
媒体已预告这周末会有更多女子出来指认!interesting thread about Obama smear tactics
一个对奥巴马很大的利空Another msm disgusting piece
Bradley Effect in Michigan什么是言论自由?
话题: lose话题: gop话题: your话题: michigan话题: great