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USANews版 - 美高调倡导传统价值观共和党议员因爆性丑闻黯然辞职
克林顿Impeachment时间表和策略 从中有没有可以借鉴的???美国也有强制拆迁?
That Look, That Weiner-Spitzer-Clinton Look很多人和团体都在谴责white supremacists,唯有Trum
Donald Trump Bit His Tongue Because Chelsea Clinton Was in the Room史蒂文金被开除
No Impact: Trump Jr. Nonsense “Scandal” Has No Impact On Polls对了,clinton到底是因为什么被impeach的?
去年预测床铺赢得大选的人同时也预测了床铺会被弹劾 (转载)这是一个振奋人心的消息!
The left is impeaching TRUMP now.Adviser: Obama impeachment possible
民主党的两个民调机构对弹劾的最新民调。。。House Votes 225-201 Authorizing Lawsuit Against Obama
The sheeple's enemy No.1 is希拉里不会被indict 但有可能被impreach
话题: souder话题: he话题: mark话题: affair话题: so
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 764
Another Congress sex scandal: Republican Mark Souder to resign for affair
* May 18th, 2010 6:01 pm ET
Sixteen year Republican representative Mark Souder of Indiana is resigning
merely two weeks after he survived a tough contested primary challenge amid
reports that he was boinking a female staffer on the side.
First thought, gross. No offense, but Mark Souder is not a good looking man.
Some woman had an affair with that? Have to wonder if she was fishing for a
story. Smells like a setup.
Second though, oh, Mark. What were you thinking, dude?
Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors, and nobody should know. It’s
nobody’s business. So Post-Partisan Examiner neither condemns nor condones
Souder’s behavior: that's God's business.
I will say, though, that politicians who cannot keep in it in their pants
while married violate the trust of all their supporters. American
politicians are expected to behave with the utmost piety when it comes to
the sanctity of marriage. Puritanical? Maybe. But that’s the way it is for
politicians here.
Souder knew that his actions were not just endangering his family – they
endangered his job. He was right to resign, but he should have done so the
minute he decided to engage in an illicit affair.
Especially galling is Souder’s hypocrisy. He deserves special contempt for
selling himself as a ‘family values’ conservative, one who voted for the
impeachment of Bill Clinton over the Lewinsky affair. Like so many in the
right-wing conspiracy, he turned out to be a cheater, a liar, and a
hypocrite besides.
At a time when Republicans should be focused on handing the Democrats their
butts in the upcoming midterm elections, they now have to answer to yet
another hypocritical ethics scandal in their midst.
Democrats may try to capitalize but they are in no position to do so –
having protected the disgraced New York Rep. Eric Massa before finally
forcing him to resign earlier this year for making unwanted, harassing
sexual advances on his staffers.
Both parties are hypocritical and corrupt to the core. Incumbent
Republicrats of all ilks must go in November. Time to sweep the bums out the
发帖数: 29846
不错,比democrap强多了, 那个nigger congressman冰箱里面被发现藏有8000美元现金,
1 (共1页)
希拉里不会被indict 但有可能被impreach去年预测床铺赢得大选的人同时也预测了床铺会被弹劾 (转载)
专家解答吃瓜群众对FBI重启调查的疑问The left is impeaching TRUMP now.
主党的烦恼:反trump反多了会出现疲劳现象The sheeple's enemy No.1 is
克林顿Impeachment时间表和策略 从中有没有可以借鉴的???美国也有强制拆迁?
That Look, That Weiner-Spitzer-Clinton Look很多人和团体都在谴责white supremacists,唯有Trum
Donald Trump Bit His Tongue Because Chelsea Clinton Was in the Room史蒂文金被开除
No Impact: Trump Jr. Nonsense “Scandal” Has No Impact On Polls对了,clinton到底是因为什么被impeach的?
话题: souder话题: he话题: mark话题: affair话题: so