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USANews版 - re: 人民的枪支是美国民主宪法的后盾
一个MS-13类似的gang 在NY 杀人,叫TrinitariosElizabeth mayor says there’s no gang problem (转载)
Arizona rancher murdered by illegal immigrant who flees to MexicoWho's Gonna Shoot Back?
'Victims Of Homofascism' Will Take To The Streets Against G (转载)DOJ: 学校枪案占所有学龄儿童死亡案中的1%
希拉里的无法无天与达拉斯袭警案密不可分Oregon 枪手原来是被shopper用枪指着无奈自杀的
Bad Rap Duo Are Even Worse KidnappersChicago Cop Says Out-of-Control Murder Rate Not as Bad as it Seems
FBI Kidnapps, Threatens and Violates Civil Rights of Liberty Activist in WA StateUse your voice or lose your guns
穆斯林恐怖分子Nidal Hasan竟然是奥巴马政权移交小组中国家安全项目的一名成员!Democrats Claim Charlie Hebdo Murderers ‘Aren’t Muslims’
$65, LA黑社会公车一日游。加州共和国要求嫖娼合法化
话题: mexico话题: tyranny话题: gangs话题: government话题: democracy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18403
i agree with this point of view. Just look at Mexico to see the
alternative. Guns were banned in Mexico theoretically, but the gangs
smuggled them in (from US, but could be from anywhere). They banned death
penalty too, and for a moment bragged how advanced and humane they are (joined
all the other gun-banning, humane democracies).
But now the common folks in Mexico just sat helpless in the crosshair
between gangs and government, unable to protect themselves from kidnappers and
murderers. Nor can they trust the government which is not a tyranny, just a
corrupt democracy.
England, switzerland is a special case. They had a long tradition of
democracy and law (300+ years), trust between government and people, and
relatively homogeneous population. So in short term they are not in danger
of falling to tyranny or corruption or rampant gangs. The same is not true
of Mexico or even the US. so it's good that the Americans are better
The opposite of a sound democracy is not only tyranny, but also corrupt,
lawlessness and criminality. An armed public is the best defense against all
three. Self defense is too important to completely outsource to any
1 (共1页)
加州共和国要求嫖娼合法化Bad Rap Duo Are Even Worse Kidnappers
The Death of the Liberal(ZT)FBI Kidnapps, Threatens and Violates Civil Rights of Liberty Activist in WA State
知心姐姐希拉里穆斯林恐怖分子Nidal Hasan竟然是奥巴马政权移交小组中国家安全项目的一名成员!
美国谋杀率统计-----有了枪就该提防你老婆,你孩子,你邻居,你亲戚了$65, LA黑社会公车一日游。
一个MS-13类似的gang 在NY 杀人,叫TrinitariosElizabeth mayor says there’s no gang problem (转载)
Arizona rancher murdered by illegal immigrant who flees to MexicoWho's Gonna Shoot Back?
'Victims Of Homofascism' Will Take To The Streets Against G (转载)DOJ: 学校枪案占所有学龄儿童死亡案中的1%
希拉里的无法无天与达拉斯袭警案密不可分Oregon 枪手原来是被shopper用枪指着无奈自杀的
话题: mexico话题: tyranny话题: gangs话题: government话题: democracy