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USANews版 - If Only We All Had (Liberal) Brains,
Inhofe to climate conference: Nobody’s listening any moreCRUZ把全球变暖方搞得很狼狈
暖球派的反击: Hacked climate e-mail rebutted by scientists“我是个科学家,曾经是靠推销全球暖化吃饭
Harvard's Deep Green PocketsGlobal warming stopped 16 years ago
Greenpeace Co-Founder: No Proof Humans are Cause of So-Called ‘Climate Change’Whose Side Are You On, Comrade-E.J. Dionne
Climate Science Defector Forced to Resign by Alarmist 'Fatwa'保守派媒体Newsmax参与竞标左派杂志《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)
Bill Gates on climate changeCameron 也有萎掉的时候
What's a little fraud to save the Earth?73% Say Men, Women Earn Equal Pay At Their Workplace in Business
话题: climate话题: warming话题: global话题: prof话题: skeptics
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
If Only We All Had (Liberal) Brains, We'd All Believe In Man-Made Global
By Marc Morano
March 30, 2012
A whole slew of new “research” on conservatives’ and global warming
skeptics’ “brains” has hit the academic circuit.
First off, environment and sociology Prof. Kari Norgaard’s new study claims
skeptics of man-made global warming fears should be “treated” for their
skepticism. The study compares skepticism to man-made climate fears to the
struggle against racism and slavery.
Prof. Norgaard’s concept of “treating” those who do not follow the
current day’s political or social orthodoxy is, frighteningly, not new. A
quick look at the 20th century totalitarian super states reveals many
similar impulses.
It’s even more chilling that there is a whole new movement afoot by the
promoters of man-made global warming theory to intimidate climate skeptics
by using new brain “research.”
Other researchers have attempted to tie conservatism (which is identified
with the highest number of climate skeptics) to “low brainpower.”
Some global warming promoters claim it is essentially “unethical” to be a
Finally, still other climate activists have actually implied that we need to
consider “human engineering” to combat global warming.
NYU Prof. S. Matthew Liao of Center for Bioethics says his human engineering
solution “involves the biomedical modification of humans to make them
better at mitigating climate change'"
Here are a few more comments by Prof. Liao:
"We shall argue that human engineering potentially offers an effective means
of tackling climate change...the possibility of making humans smaller.
Human ecological footprints are partly correlated with our size...a more
speculative and controversial way of reducing adult height is to reduce
birth weight...Pharmacological enhancement of altruism and empathy...could
increase the likelihood that we adopt the necessary behavioral & market
solutions for curbing climate change."
1 (共1页)
73% Say Men, Women Earn Equal Pay At Their Workplace in BusinessClimate Science Defector Forced to Resign by Alarmist 'Fatwa'
“It’s almost as if there is no connection betweenBill Gates on climate change
Jobs Report Met with Skepticism假科学家和真科学家辩论气候变化
NY左逼学校 chancellor开始行动了What's a little fraud to save the Earth?
Inhofe to climate conference: Nobody’s listening any moreCRUZ把全球变暖方搞得很狼狈
暖球派的反击: Hacked climate e-mail rebutted by scientists“我是个科学家,曾经是靠推销全球暖化吃饭
Harvard's Deep Green PocketsGlobal warming stopped 16 years ago
Greenpeace Co-Founder: No Proof Humans are Cause of So-Called ‘Climate Change’Whose Side Are You On, Comrade-E.J. Dionne
话题: climate话题: warming话题: global话题: prof话题: skeptics