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USANews版 - Death blow? Seriously?
过去6个月奥巴马参加了106次竞选筹款活动now i'm a bit conflicted about mitt romney
川普新闻发布会进行中Romney 是没戏了
The Donald Trump ConversationBloomberg is going to be the next president of USA
和版上的共和右棍比起来,犹太人都是傻逼。Mitt Romney的竞选广告和撒切尔夫人时代竞选广告很相似的感觉...
Romney也不参加convention了Corportations are people too
what? gallup has obama/romney within 1%?Mitt Romney缺乏领袖风范
Thoughts on Romney's 47% Statement今天谁赢了?
话题: romney话题: mitt话题: blow话题: obama
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Chris Stirewalt at FoxNews is questioning the current gestalt taking place
with the Obama loving press:
"You can mark my prediction now: A secret recording from a closed-
door Mitt Romney fundraiser, released [Monday] by David Corn at Mother Jones
, has killed Mitt Romney's campaign for president."
-- Bloomberg News political columnist Josh Barro
In mid-August, President Obama led Republican presidential nominee Mitt
Romney by nearly 5 points in the Real Clear Politics Average of national
polls. Today, after a spate of new polling, Obama leads by about half that.
While the race moved briefly into an absolute tie following the
Republican National Convention, it's hard to see how the current contour of
this race is very different than it has been all along: the incumbent leads,
but only slightly.
The strong suggestion here is that the succession of moments that were
said to have ruined Romney's chances were little noticed by voters.
The latest alleged death blow for Romney, a leaked video of the
candidate telling donors that he didn't expect to win the votes of those who
don't pay federal income tax, led every network news show this morning and
is supposed to be the next big thing in the race. But since voters didn't
seem to pay much attention to the previous "big things" what's to say that
this one will be any different?
I continue to agree with those who say an opportunity has been handed Mr.
Romney, an opportunity to reach Entitlementout to those who work hard, who
pay their share of taxes, and yet who see people on the dole driving better
cars, talking on expensive cell phones and wearing better clothes than they
themselves do, all while wanting those of us pulling them along in their
dependence-on-government wagons to pull even harder.
Huge opportunity and perhaps the last opportunity to actually go and win
this thing.
Don't blow it Mitt.
Just don't blow it.
1 (共1页)
Rick Perry paints Mitt Romney as job killerRomney的一些fundraiser录像,内部斗争很激烈啊
Romney看来要轻取NHwhat? gallup has obama/romney within 1%?
Mitt Romney gave millions to charity. Joe Biden gave $369.Thoughts on Romney's 47% Statement
过去6个月奥巴马参加了106次竞选筹款活动now i'm a bit conflicted about mitt romney
川普新闻发布会进行中Romney 是没戏了
The Donald Trump ConversationBloomberg is going to be the next president of USA
和版上的共和右棍比起来,犹太人都是傻逼。Mitt Romney的竞选广告和撒切尔夫人时代竞选广告很相似的感觉...
话题: romney话题: mitt话题: blow话题: obama