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USANews版 - 巴马一届任期给美国家庭平均增加超过5万美元债务
巴马当政5年,债务增加7个TFoxnews 对 inauguration crowd size 的社论
Obama's Increasing Federal Debt $1,148 Per Month Per Household奥巴马当政以来,已经有超过9百万美国人离开就业市场
Under Obama, Fed’s Holdings of U.S. Debt Have Jumped 452%为什么共和党在谈判中还那么得色呢??
bama就是借钱能手阿"I loved President Bush."
Gallup: Americans Who Think We'll Be Worse Off Doubled in 4 YrsTom Foreman has been writing a letter each day, every day, to President Barack Obama
'Inauguration' Likely to Cost Taxpayers Over $100 MillionHillary如果被起诉后的几种情况
左逼替Hillary写了篇Inaugural AddressAnn Coulter: How Trump Could Ruin His Presidency
话题: obama话题: debt话题: first话题: federal话题: bush
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
First Term: Obama Increased Debt $50,521 Per Household; More Than First 42
Presidents in 53 Terms Combined
January 19, 2013
By Terence P. Jeffrey
(CNSNews.com) - During Barack Obama’s first term as president of the United
States, the debt of the federal government increased by $5.8 trillion,
which exceeds the combined debt accumulated under all presidents from George
Washington through Bill Clinton.
The new federal debt accumulated in Obama's first term equaled approximately
$50,521 for each of household in the country.
On Jan. 20, 2009, when Obama was first inaugurated, the total debt of the
federal government was $10,626,877,048,913.08, according to the U.S.
Treasury. As of the close of business on Jan. 17, the last day reported by
the Treasury before Obama’s second inauguration, the total debt of the
federal government was $16,432,631,489,854.70.
Thus, from Obama’s first inauguration to his second, the federal government
’s debt grew by $5,805,754,440,941.62.
Given that the Census Bureau currently estimates that there are 114,916,000
households in the United States, the $5,805,754,440,941.62 debt increase
under Obama equals about $50,521 per household.
When George W. Bush was first inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2001, the total debt
of the federal government was $5,727,776,738,304.64. Thus, the total
accumulated debt of the federal government was less on the day George W.
Bush was inaugurated than the $5,805,754,440,941.62 in additional debt Obama
accumulated during his first term.
When Bush left office on Jan. 20, 2009, the total debt of the federal
government was $10,626,877,048,913.08. Thus, in George W. Bush’s two terms
the total debt of the federal government increased $4,899,100,310,608.44—or
by less than the $5,805,754,440,941.62 the debt increased in Obama’s first
term alone.
On Oct. 11, 2001, during Bush’ first year in office, the debt rose from $5,
805,746,196,414.92 to $5,811,762,115,860.32. Since then it has never dipped
below $5,805,754,440,941.62 (the amount the debt increased in Obama’s first
Thus, the debt increased more in Obama's first term than it did during the
combined 53 terms of the first 42 presidents (George Washington through Bill
President Obama is currently demanding that Congress increase the legal
limit on the federal debt without making him agree to corresponding cuts in
federal spending.
发帖数: 4150
发帖数: 4321
if Bush policy continued, this number will be much higher.
you obviously forgot how Bush panicked when the market collapsed and he
turned to democrat for help to pass his TARP.
your forefather Reagan said, "deficit doesn't matter".
1 (共1页)
Ann Coulter: How Trump Could Ruin His Presidencybama就是借钱能手阿
trump开始着手写就职演讲了Gallup: Americans Who Think We'll Be Worse Off Doubled in 4 Yrs
主党议员疯了'Inauguration' Likely to Cost Taxpayers Over $100 Million
President Trump's inaugural speech左逼替Hillary写了篇Inaugural Address
巴马当政5年,债务增加7个TFoxnews 对 inauguration crowd size 的社论
Obama's Increasing Federal Debt $1,148 Per Month Per Household奥巴马当政以来,已经有超过9百万美国人离开就业市场
Under Obama, Fed’s Holdings of U.S. Debt Have Jumped 452%为什么共和党在谈判中还那么得色呢??
话题: obama话题: debt话题: first话题: federal话题: bush