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USANews版 - 五年级小女孩因为纸枪被学校认为“枪杀犯嫌疑” (转载)
Looks like The Donald was right once again.Oreilly在Fox的地位还是最高啊
one-on-one with Megyn Kellyhannity今天特别精神
风向变了?CNN开始捧trump,foxnews牛特哥在 Fox news 和 Kelly 吵起来了
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话题: melody话题: kelly话题: gun话题: her话题: fox
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发帖数: 10345
【 以下文字转载自 GunsAndGears 讨论区 】
发信人: Commissar (柯宓同志), 信区: GunsAndGears
标 题: 五年级小女孩因为纸枪被学校认为“枪杀犯嫌疑”
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 24 00:03:33 2013, 美东)
Another fake gun has reportedly created problems for a young student.
According to Philadelphia mother Dianna Kelly, who spoke with FOX 29 about
the incident, her daughter, Melody Valentin, was given a sheet of paper by
her grandfather that was torn and folded to look like a pistol. When another
student saw the fake gun, which Melody had thrown in the trash can, he
alerted the teacher.
The teacher then went over the top when reprimanding Melody, Kelly told Fox
29, saying that he "called her a murderer and should call the cops on her"
and that she could "be arrested."
Kelly added, "Why did he threaten my daughter?"
Melody, meanwhile, said that the teacher "yelled at me and said I shouldn't
have brought the gun to school and I kept telling him it was a paper gun but
he wouldn't listen."
Kelly has been keeping Melody home since the incident last week and says she
's looking into enrolling her in another school.
According to Fox 29, school officials have not responded to their requests
for comment.
Last week, a kindergartner was suspended after saying she was going to shoot
classmates with her pink Hello Kitty bubble gun. And earlier this month, a
6-year-old boy was suspended after making a gun gesture with his hand and
saying, "Pow."
发帖数: 12659
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据说NBC要把Kelly退还给狐狸台Megyn Kelly Said RogerAiles Sexually Harassed Her
Looks like The Donald was right once again.Oreilly在Fox的地位还是最高啊
one-on-one with Megyn Kellyhannity今天特别精神
风向变了?CNN开始捧trump,foxnews牛特哥在 Fox news 和 Kelly 吵起来了
话题: melody话题: kelly话题: gun话题: her话题: fox