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USANews版 - 笑喷了:liberal说基地组织认为美国枪支管理太弱
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话题: qaeda话题: even话题: al话题: america话题: thinks
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BuzzFeed: Hey, Even al Qaeda Thinks We Have Weak Gun Laws
by Jammie
Geez, this is just pathetic.
Mark the occasion well, for this is the week in which the gun control
movement became so desperate to restore the balance of the firearms debate
in favor of groundless emotion that it recruited al-Qaeda as an ally in its
The NRO links to an insipid item from a Buzzfeed cub reporter.
Even Al-Qaeda was arguing that America’s background check system was
weak and made guns easily obtainable. In a video released in 2011, Adam
Gadahn an American-born spokesman for Al Qaeda argued guns could be easily
obtained by buying guns at a gun shows where there would not be a background
So see, you gun nuts, even al Qaeda thinks you’re all crazy.
More from Cooke:
Even if this were true, acting on it would be rotten. Try saying the
following sentence: “even al-Qaeda thinks America’s gun laws are crazy.”
Now try a different unalienable right. How about, “Even al-Qaeda thinks
America’s free speech laws are crazy!”? Or, “Even al-Qaeda thinks America
’s freedom of religion is crazy!”? Or, maybe, “Bloomberg and other
assembly-control advocates have long argued that not following people around
with drones offers a dangerous opening for would-be terrorists to hatch
plots.” Does that sound reasonable? I rather think not.
It sounds desperate, if anything.
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如表在攻击iccMr. Obama: President of Chicago
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Buzzfeed Hack Admits Swooning Over ObamaAre We Doomed? Seeking a politician with the guts to say, “Stop!”
Confused Biden Campaigns in Ohio, Thinks He’s in Iowa小评RealClear Politics 头版新闻
话题: qaeda话题: even话题: al话题: america话题: thinks