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USANews版 - 我觉得要抵制ABC和的Disney的话就要发信给他们
抵制target 一定不能冲动 理性!ABC&Disney think GENOCIDE is fun for your kids (转载)
jimmy kimmel 事件的对策斗妓毛,ABC/DISNEY革命方法精选 (转载)
ABC的道歉信全文,以及下一步的行动打左脸 (转载)
From ABC Television Network Audience Relations组织游行的人能不能在动员一下人们支持一下给朱议员petition? (转载)
8020有功,ABC装糊涂ABC 道歉了 (转载)
美联社关于ABC道歉的报道 (转载)被代表了接受”ABC的真诚“ FK
从今天起,开始反川普关于下一阶段行动方案 - 抛砖引玉
please give your complaint on the Disney (owner of ABC) website革命远未成功--游行之后争权益长期策略总结 (转载)
话题: abc话题: disney话题: should话题: allow话题: tv
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 334
要让他们知道如果不fire JK并且ABC正式在媒体道歉的话,我们会一直抵制所有ABC和
Disney 的产品。
谁英语好,写一个email/声明 模板。然后我们用自己的邮箱发给ABC和Disney。
1.我们不是针对小孩的话,我们是针对JK的comment, 以及ABC未能审核剪辑就播出。
这是totally unacceptable的。Somebody MUST pay for it. 最简单就是JK辞职或开除。
2.如果JK不辞职 (或不被fire),我以及我的家人就决定永远抵制ABC以及其集团的
Disney. 不看,不subscribe ABC的节目。不去Disney, 不买任何Disney相关的产品,
3.还可以加上,furthermore,我会告诉我的所有的朋友(包括Asian, 黑人,犹太人,
西班牙裔的,所有minority, 和历史上受过压迫的族裔),要求他们一起和我们抵制。
发帖数: 2406
The best way to handle this incident is to ask all people of Chinese
heritage to boycut Disney, until this guy gets fired.
Money talks..


【在 t*****c 的大作中提到】
: 要让他们知道这件事情的严重性。
: 要让他们知道如果不fire JK并且ABC正式在媒体道歉的话,我们会一直抵制所有ABC和
: Disney 的产品。
: 谁英语好,写一个email/声明 模板。然后我们用自己的邮箱发给ABC和Disney。
: 如果他们每天收到几万,几十万这样的email,就知到我们是serious的。
: 只是到ABC门口去闹,他们根本不痛不痒。
: 有几点要写清楚:
: 1.我们不是针对小孩的话,我们是针对JK的comment, 以及ABC未能审核剪辑就播出。
: 这是totally unacceptable的。Somebody MUST pay for it. 最简单就是JK辞职或开除。
: 这样才能立下一个先例,谁惹我们华人就要付出代价,不是简单道歉(还不诚恳)就能

发帖数: 334

【在 T**********1 的大作中提到】
: The best way to handle this incident is to ask all people of Chinese
: heritage to boycut Disney, until this guy gets fired.
: Money talks..
: 除。

发帖数: 1067
同意,我觉得这个帖子就写得挺好的,还可以发给JK show的赞助商们要求撤赞助
by moonflower7 (teddybearmom)
As parents and teachers, we do our best to nurture our children. We teach
them good values, guide them in the right directions when they make mistakes
; we protect them from all harms before they are mature enough to protect
themselves. To shield young children from inappropriate contents on TV, many
parents have used the parental control features on their remote control.
Initially, I thought ABC is a family friendly TV channel whose contents do
not need to be monitored, but the Jimmy Kimmel's "Kid's round table" show on
Oct 16 proved me wrong.
In response to the question on how to pay back our debts to other nations, a
6 year old boy proposed the idea of "Killing everyone in China". Mr. Kimmel
chuckled at the answer and made the comment that this was an "interesting
idea". After leading the young guests to a debate on the feasibility of
using mass murder as a problem solving strategy, Mr. Kimmel further asked
the kids in the show "Should we allow the Chinese to live?”, to which he
got mixed answers.
I had briefly wondered how this little boy came up with the idea of “
killing everyone” in a nation. Then I realized that the “Jimmy Kimmel Live
” is not even a live show. Like all talk shows, there are hundreds of
people working behind-the-scenes. Each writer is responsible for writing
monologue jokes and each usually has an assignment for a specific guest. The
shows are recorded earlier in the day to allow enough time for necessary
Now I know that the 6 year old may not understand what he was saying, but
the adults behind the show must know what they were doing. Instead of asking
“Should we allow someone to live?”, which should not even be a question
to begin with, maybe we can ask the following questions instead: Should we
allow adults to channel messages of mass murder and genocide through a 6
year old? Should we allow our children to consider, even for a second,
killing people as a way to solve or escape from their problems? Should we
allow a TV host to expose thousands of innocent young viewers to messages of
violence and hatred? Should we allow a TV program to use race baiting to
boost a show’s popularity? Should we allow our children to suffer from all
the negative publicity, to be laughed at, to be emotionally traumatized, so
that some adults can enjoy cheap and distasteful jokes?
Enough is enough! It is time to protect our children from malicious programs
on TV. It is time to say no to the adults who attempted to mislead and use
innocent kids for their own agenda. Every day we shower our children with
love. How can we tolerate the people who purposefully delivered hate speech
that have potentially counteracted all our efforts? Until ABC issues a
formal protocol to make sure something in that vein never gets aired again,
until the company lets go of all the people who lacks basic judgment and
human decency, we are not viewing your program again. We are not
creating revenues for Disney and ABC, until you prove with your actions,
that you really endorse the values your adorable cartoon characters
发帖数: 2406
And the Japanese, Koreans, who ever owns US Bonds.
That will be enough to get the head of ABC fired multiple times.

【在 t*****c 的大作中提到】
: 但是我们抵制的时候必须要让他们知道,并且最好能放大效应。
: 不然我们默默地抵制,他们也无动于衷。

1 (共1页)
革命远未成功--游行之后争权益长期策略总结 (转载)8020有功,ABC装糊涂
经济利益是Disney和ABC的“命”!该革这条“命”!!!美联社关于ABC道歉的报道 (转载)
纽约-洛杉矶-波士顿的中文报纸全版广告抗议ABC/Disney (转载)从今天起,开始反川普
关于希拉里的抵制言论please give your complaint on the Disney (owner of ABC) website
抵制target 一定不能冲动 理性!ABC&Disney think GENOCIDE is fun for your kids (转载)
jimmy kimmel 事件的对策斗妓毛,ABC/DISNEY革命方法精选 (转载)
ABC的道歉信全文,以及下一步的行动打左脸 (转载)
From ABC Television Network Audience Relations组织游行的人能不能在动员一下人们支持一下给朱议员petition? (转载)
话题: abc话题: disney话题: should话题: allow话题: tv