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USANews版 - Harry Reid Doesn’t Regret Accusing Romney of Tax Evasion
Cruz评14修正案,同时批评MegynHarry Reid in danger of losing re-election bid
NBC wants to be ‘the next Fox News,’下一个是harry reid
Koch兄弟向黑人大学生基金会捐款2千5百万美元harry reid很难搞下来的
科克兄弟的狗回报主人表忠心了内华达州最大的报纸宣布正式支持Sharron Angle
Harry Reid又被0bama羞辱了...最新的民意调查显示Sharron Angle的支持率极左派Harry Reid
Harry Reid私下论疤蟆:肤色浅,没黑鬼口音。Harry Reid,现在是最富有的参议员之一
话题: reid话题: romney话题: harry话题: he话题: regret
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 13081
Harry Reid Doesn’t Regret Accusing Romney of Tax Evasion: He ‘Didn’t Win,
Did He?’
by Andrew Desiderio | 1:07 pm, March 31st, 2015
Sen. Harry Reid (R-NV), who announced last week that he will retire after
his current term expires in early 2017, said he does not regret taking to
the Senate floor in 2012 to accuse then-GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney
of not paying his taxes.
“No, I don’t regret that at all,” he told CNN’s Dana Bash. “The Koch
brothers — no one would help me. They were afraid the Koch brothers would
go after them, so I did it on my own.”
Bash said some viewed the charge as “McCarthy-ite,” but Reid didn’t buy
that explanation. He shrugged, saying, “they can call it whatever they want
“Romney didn’t win, did he?” Reid said somewhat amusingly.
发帖数: 13081
'This Is Wrong!' Megyn Takes on Richard Fowler Over Reid's Romney Tax Claim
Megyn Kelly tonight clashed with radio host Richard Fowler over Harry Reid’
s 2012 claim that Mitt Romney hadn’t paid his taxes in 12 years.
CNN’s Dana Bash asked the former Senate majority leader if he regretted his
Romney remark, adding that “people have even called it McCarthyite.”
“Well, they can call it whatever they want,” Reid said. “Romney didn’t
win, did he?”
Fowler told Kelly that the Senate majority leader’s job is to vehemently
defend his party.
Megyn: 'Just Disgusting' That Harry Reid Doesn't Regret Romney Tax Claim
“By lying?” Kelly questioned, remarking that Reid is “proud he told a lie
“Richard, this is wrong, this is wrong, and you know it’s wrong, don’t
you?” she asked.
“I just think it's politics at its finest,” Fowler said, arguing that it’
s the job of politicians to evade the truth.
Krauthammer: Harry Reid 'a Disgrace to His Own Institution'
Fowler said that Reid isn’t the only politician who has fabricated things,
but Kelly said that doesn’t excuse it.
1 (共1页)
Harry Reid,现在是最富有的参议员之一Harry Reid又被0bama羞辱了...
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星期二美国中期选举庆祝Party,前五十人发包子Harry Reid私下论疤蟆:肤色浅,没黑鬼口音。
Cruz评14修正案,同时批评MegynHarry Reid in danger of losing re-election bid
NBC wants to be ‘the next Fox News,’下一个是harry reid
Koch兄弟向黑人大学生基金会捐款2千5百万美元harry reid很难搞下来的
科克兄弟的狗回报主人表忠心了内华达州最大的报纸宣布正式支持Sharron Angle
话题: reid话题: romney话题: harry话题: he话题: regret