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USANews版 - 南卡议员说被非法移民打死的SF女孩就象他女儿
巴马care的设计者在第三个视频中继续谈他是怎么骗美国老百姓的GOP establishment throw Trump under the bus!
哈哈 共和党对克老太穷追猛打希腊里这算是没事了?GOP这么大公无私?
为啥说共和党没推倒女克反而摔个跟头Gowdy Destroys Comey over Hillary Clinton’s ‘Intent’
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是克鲁兹一天不撒谎浑身痒痒?还是有人落井下石?Trey Gowdy Finds Out FBI Withholding Information About Hillary Clinton's Interview
美非法移民罪犯超35万 受害人家属联名国会请愿Trey Gowdy: FULL BLOWN Hillary Clinton Cover Up! 9/25/16
话题: he话题: gowdy话题: steinle话题: obama话题: trayvon
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这个可是和巴马学的, 呵呵.
SC Rep. Trey Gowdy Says Kate Steinle ‘Our’ Daughter Like Trayvon Martin
was Obama’s ‘Son’
John S. Roberts
July 25, 2015 10:51 pm
Oh boy!
What South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy just said about Kate Steinle (who
was killed by an illegal alien in the sanctuary city of San Francisco) is
sure to drive liberals up the walls!
Remember when Obama said if he had a son, he’d look like Trayvon Martin,
the black teen who was killed by George Zimmerman in Florida?
Yeah, well, Gowdy said (when you read between the lines) that if Obama can
view a random kid as his own simply to play the race card, then Steinle
should be seen as “our” child, referring to all the white men who have
From BuzzPo:
Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC) has called Obama OUT. During a segment
of Fox News’ “On the Record,” Gowdy turned the heat onto Obama.
He said “the president said that he saw Trayvon – in Trayvon Martin,
he saw his son. Well, I can tell you, those of us who have daughters, we saw
our daughters in Kate Steinle. And he’s got two of them too, so at a
minimum, he ought to pick up the phone and tell the Steinle family that ‘I
grieve for you’.”
BAM. Just like that, Gowdy reminds the nation of the political games
Obama plays with the lives of citizens in this nation. He cares when he can
make a statement. Gowdy also reminded everybody “the primary focus of
government is public safety,” saying it was much, much more important than
“winning elections and appealing to certain constituencies.”
He’s not wrong, is he?
The fact that 44 has yet to call the Steinle family and apologize for her
death and not securing the border proves how much this man aims to play fast
and loose with the racial tension he’s helped keep alive.
What happened when Trayvon died? National outrage! A black child killed in
cold blood!
What happened when Ferguson teen Michael Brown died after he attacked a
police officer? The White House sent three representatives to his funeral.
Politics, baby. Straight politics.
1 (共1页)
Trey Gowdy: FULL BLOWN Hillary Clinton Cover Up! 9/25/16Trey Gowdy Grills DHS Official on Due Process, Gun Rights
希粉不要高兴太早,老床昨天根本没打算哦攻击老太cruz好像又被抓到搞dirty trick了
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巴马care的设计者在第三个视频中继续谈他是怎么骗美国老百姓的GOP establishment throw Trump under the bus!
哈哈 共和党对克老太穷追猛打希腊里这算是没事了?GOP这么大公无私?
为啥说共和党没推倒女克反而摔个跟头Gowdy Destroys Comey over Hillary Clinton’s ‘Intent’
话题: he话题: gowdy话题: steinle话题: obama话题: trayvon