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USANews版 - Taylor Swift在非洲拍了一段音乐视频,左派说这是种族主义
Why?-时尚杂志把白人模特PS成黑皮肤 遭猛烈抨击加州革命学生反对希拉里闺蜜出席毕业典礼! (转载)
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话题: africa话题: video话题: swift话题: taylor话题: music
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Taylor Swift’s New Music Video is Racist According to Liberals
Taylor Swift released this new music video. Naturally, she’s a racist now
according to liberals. Apparently white people being in Africa is racist, or
From Chicks on the Right:
Critics have been panning the video not for any technical reasons or lack of
merit on the video itself. But because it’s a bunch of white people
filming in Africa. And that evokes the 1950s and white colonialism and
racism and BAD BAD BAD things. Because the Cult of Social Justice says so!
From the article –
The video was shot in an undisclosed location in Africa and directed by
Joseph Kahn. It tells the story of two 1950s actors having a relationship
while shooting a film in Africa. Jezebel’s Madeleine Davies describes the
storyline as Old Hollywood meets Out of Africa. “It’s all passion and
desire while on location (isn’t it funny how wild things get in Africa?),
but once back in Hollywood and shooting on a soundstage, our poor lovelorn
colonizers just can’t get it together.”
Many outlets have pointed out that the film only depicts wild animals and
white people with, as Davies puts it, “bizarrely, nary a black person in
sight.” The title of a Fader article about the video reads, “Taylor Swift
Went To Africa To Film A Music Video And There’s Only White People In It.”
The Huffington Post, Mic and The Daily Dot criticized Swift for the video.
Huffington Post’s Lauren Duca said the video “channels wild colonialism.”
She wrote, “Instead of the cultural appropriation that has become almost
status quo in today’s pop music, Swift has opted for the bolder option of
actually just embodying the political exploitation of a region and its
The Daily Dot’s Nico Lang said the video “has a major race problem.” Lang
said, “For a clip that’s set in Africa — it’s about as white as a
Sunday morning farmer’s market.”
So, rather than focus on the story the video is trying to tell or enjoy the
gorgeous visuals and the great music, these social justice liberal nuts
would rather see it through the prism of race and racism. Because it’s 2015
. That’s the cool thing to do these days.
Just another day of liberals trying to ruin something every sane person on
the planet doesn’t have a problem with. Meanwhile, all the rappers and the
actual racist stuff they doesn’t even make liberals bat an eye. The mental
gymnastics they have to do to live in their worlds never ceases to amaze me.
发帖数: 10729
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Why?-时尚杂志把白人模特PS成黑皮肤 遭猛烈抨击加州革命学生反对希拉里闺蜜出席毕业典礼! (转载)
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话题: africa话题: video话题: swift话题: taylor话题: music