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USANews版 - "我敢打赌,那个高呼Allahu Akbar的肯定是茶党!”
Kurt Schlichter:也许痛苦可以让年轻人下次不再投票让自己当农奴我对月子中心的看法
比利时恐怖袭击就是给trump助选的!大统令说不用担心,他会审查进美国的难民的 (转载)
德国人的幽默:没有ISIS,只有精神病女子提儿童头颅现身莫斯科地铁站 威胁要自爆
阿富汗首都游行人群遭爆炸袭击200多人死伤 IS宣称负责why cnn so biased?
伯灵顿杀人犯抓住了 土耳其绿绿 有一个助选猪队友BREAKING! TERROR Attack At MAJOR U.S Mall, Multiple Shooti
Why Are We Still In Germany?德国fox说是极右干的
"Betrayed is a good word"CNN Reports Witnesses Heard ‘Allahu Akbar’ Shouts
话题: isis话题: allahu话题: tea话题: dear话题: what
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6571
Kurt Schlichter
Posted: Aug 08, 2016 12:01 AM
Now, more than ever, people need, good solid conservative advice, especially
liberals, hipsters and social justice warriors. I am here to help!
Dear Kurt: I’m at a mall in California and there’s a gentleman with a
rifle screaming “Allahu akbar!” and “I support ISIS! Do you hear me? ISIS
! I love ISIS!” I have no idea who he is or what his motive might be. I bet
he’s either a Tea Party Republican Christian or a Tea Party Republican
Christian NRA member.
I’m just glad that our wise legislature has ensured we cannot carry guns of
our own and make things worse by protecting ourselves as he fires at us
indiscriminately. One thing’s certain: he bought his fully automatic weapon
with 100 round clips through a gun show loophole without a background check
, which I understand is totally legal and happens all the time. We should
ban those.
Oh, and I’m also worried about a backlash of Islamophobia for … uh … no
particular reason. What should I do? Signed, Wondering What I Did To Make
Him So Mad At Us
Dear Head Donor: If it makes you feel better, and I’m sure it will, this
really is all your fault. You absolutely caused this. No, not by trying to
bring civilization to the stinking cesspit that was his homeland – if you
had had your way, we would have left them to commit genocide on one another
undisturbed while you virtue signaled at us for not doing something about it
. No, you caused it by failing to submit and utterly surrender to your
radical Muslim overlords! If you had just been more accepting of other
cultures, you would have fully and unreservedly embraced his Salafist heresy
, stuck your girlfriend in a burka, and swore off maple syrup-flavored craft
beer forever. I suggest you go up to him right now and apologize.
1 (共1页)
CNN Reports Witnesses Heard ‘Allahu Akbar’ Shouts伯灵顿杀人犯抓住了 土耳其绿绿 有一个助选猪队友
德国左逼下定论了,恐怖分子是精神病Why Are We Still In Germany?
建议左媒把Allahu Akbar翻译成God Bless You"Betrayed is a good word"
Kurt Schlichter:也许痛苦可以让年轻人下次不再投票让自己当农奴我对月子中心的看法
比利时恐怖袭击就是给trump助选的!大统令说不用担心,他会审查进美国的难民的 (转载)
德国人的幽默:没有ISIS,只有精神病女子提儿童头颅现身莫斯科地铁站 威胁要自爆
阿富汗首都游行人群遭爆炸袭击200多人死伤 IS宣称负责why cnn so biased?
话题: isis话题: allahu话题: tea话题: dear话题: what