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USANews版 - 希拉里已经是帕金森第三期
民主党控制的底特律的今天,或许是美国的明天walk like parkinsons, talk like parkinsons, wiggle like
造反了?十一家左派媒体要求希拉里关闭基金会FBI Turns Against Comey(图,视频)
CHUCK NORRIS 看来是正常的艺人Stephen Moore:川普当选会带来经济繁荣
麻烦大家上GOP的官网投票 Pledge to Stop Hillary Clinton辩论后的全国民调:谁增谁减?(图)
Hillary Clinton has a seizure on camera又学习了,希拉里那本说是有人出钱的
希拉里是不是要躲避辩论会了?National Enquiry:希拉里的皮条客为希拉里安排性伙伴
医学专家称辩论录像证明希拉里确有帕金森(视频)‘The Clintons Wish Weiner Would Just Disappear’
话题: clinton话题: parkinson话题: new话题: york话题: stage
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6571
CORSI : Multiple Friends of Hillary Say She Has Stage-Three Parkinson’s
Breaking News By TruthFeedNews September 14, 2016
By Jerome Corsi
NEW YORK – Hillary Clinton has stage-three Parkinson’s disease and suffers
from seizures, according to three sources who have had a personal
relationship with the Democratic Party presidential nominee.
The sources, who spoke to WND on condition of anonymity, explained that her
seizures or dizzy spells can be triggered by being out in the sun, such as
apparently occurred Sunday when she was videoed collapsing as she was
escorted into her limousine in New York City.
After the episode Sunday, the Clinton campaign announced she had been
diagnosed on Friday with pneumonia.
However, images captured at the 9/11 memorial Sunday showed Clinton
apparently being asked by a medical professional to squeeze her fingers, a
test that would indicate she suffers from a neurological disease such as
Meanwhile, a Republican state legislator in New Hampshire said Monday he
believes Clinton has Parkinson’s.
Daniel Tamburello commented on his Facebook page that his father had
Parkinson’s, and he noted pneumonia is common among sufferers of the neuro-
degenerative disease.
As WND reported Monday, two physicians have stated they believe Clinton
could have Parkinson’s.
The National Parkinson Foundation says stage three of the five stages “is
considered mid-stage in the progression of the disease.”
“Loss of balance and slowness of movements are hallmarks of this phase,”
the foundation states regarding stage three. “Falls are more common. Though
the person is still fully independent, symptoms significantly impair
activities of daily living such as dressing and eating.”
The fourth stage is characterized by “severe and very limiting” symptoms.
“It’s possible to stand without assistance, but movement may require a
walker. The person needs help with activities of daily living and is unable
to live alone,” according to the foundation.
In stage five, the “most advanced and debilitating stage,” the person
requires a wheelchair or is bedridden, and “around-the-clock nursing care
is required for all activities.”
“The person may experience hallucinations and delusions,” the Parkinson’s
foundation says.
WND also reported Monday that high-level Democrat power brokers on Wall
Street and in New York City law firms and unions speaking to WND on
condition their names be withheld say Clinton’s health problems are causing
panic among top party operatives and donors.
The top Democratic Party politicos in New York City have decided they can no
longer rely on a two-page report of good health put out by the campaign,
insisting it’s time to replace Clinton’s current medical team with A-list
professionals, which are readily available in New York City.
If top medical experts conclude it’s likely Clinton will suffer another
fainting spell, regardless of the treatment she is given, the mood among New
York Democrats is that now is the time to find a replacement.
At least eight Democrats or establishment media figures, some citing
multiple party members, have raised the specter of replacing Clinton or
questioned the campaign’s handling of her health issues, including a former
Democratic National Committee chairman.
发帖数: 29576
发帖数: 763
一般而言,巴金森氏症的表現可從 幾個動作變化來做判斷,包括肢體動作 緩慢、肢體較
為僵硬或靜止時肢體顫抖 等。依嚴重分期(分五期)、從輕到重 可看到下列變化:
1.第一期:從單側肢體先產生症狀。 手會有些顫抖,也較僵硬,感覺到手部 精細動作會
較笨拙。漸漸地顫抖、僵直 症狀會愈來愈嚴重,若連續寫自己的姓 名,會愈寫愈小字,
2.第二期:則是兩側肢體皆有症狀。 臉部表情僵硬,雙手皆會有顫抖、僵 直或動作緩慢
的現象,行走時軀體及 兩下肢皆較僵直、遲緩,此階段仍然 有能力從事輕便工作,日常
生活也可 自我照顧。
3.第三期:則兩側肢體之症狀皆加重 ,已無法工作,部分日常生活須旁人 扶助。此時走
路相當緩慢,不但步伐 很小,動作很緩慢,還合併有平衡的 問題,故要從坐椅站立或坐下
時,皆 相當困難且容易跌倒。
4.第四期:肢體的症狀更嚴重了,病 患行走時相當不穩,舉步維鞎,須要 旁人扶助才能走
動,日常生活如吃飯 、洗澡等皆須旁人照顧。
5.第五期:則是巴金森氏症的末期。 病患已無法行走,完全臥床。連吞嚥 、咳痰、翻身
皆相當因難,因此容易 產生褥瘡、肺炎、及營養不良,以致 死亡。

:CORSI : Multiple Friends of Hillary Say She Has Stage-Three Parkinson’s
:Breaking News By TruthFeedNews September 14, 2016
:By Jerome Corsi
:NEW YORK – Hillary Clinton has stage-three Parkinson’s disease and
suffers from seizures, according to three sources who have had a personal
:relationship with the Democratic Party presidential nominee.
:The sources, who spoke to WND on condition of anonymity, explained that
her seizures or dizzy spells can be triggered by being out in the sun, such
:apparently occurred Sunday when she was videoed collapsing as she was
:escorted into her limousine in New York City.
:After the episode Sunday, the Clinton campaign announced she had been

【在 g********2 的大作中提到】
: CORSI : Multiple Friends of Hillary Say She Has Stage-Three Parkinson’s
: Disease
: Breaking News By TruthFeedNews September 14, 2016
: By Jerome Corsi
: NEW YORK – Hillary Clinton has stage-three Parkinson’s disease and suffers
: from seizures, according to three sources who have had a personal
: relationship with the Democratic Party presidential nominee.
: The sources, who spoke to WND on condition of anonymity, explained that her
: seizures or dizzy spells can be triggered by being out in the sun, such as
: apparently occurred Sunday when she was videoed collapsing as she was

1 (共1页)
‘The Clintons Wish Weiner Would Just Disappear’Hillary Clinton has a seizure on camera
clintons 的juicy 传言,有空的话很有意思医学专家称辩论录像证明希拉里确有帕金森(视频)
民主党控制的底特律的今天,或许是美国的明天walk like parkinsons, talk like parkinsons, wiggle like
造反了?十一家左派媒体要求希拉里关闭基金会FBI Turns Against Comey(图,视频)
CHUCK NORRIS 看来是正常的艺人Stephen Moore:川普当选会带来经济繁荣
麻烦大家上GOP的官网投票 Pledge to Stop Hillary Clinton辩论后的全国民调:谁增谁减?(图)
话题: clinton话题: parkinson话题: new话题: york话题: stage