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USANews版 - Should Christians vote for Trunmp?!
Donald Trump Tells Non-Christians At Rally To Iden共和党候选人Jeb Bush也要合法化非法移民。
美国只有左逼和正常人,左逼口中的极右,其实是正常人。GOP只有Donald Trump能够和Hillary匹配
老壮的又一个好人好事美国华人支持Trump 2016 的3大理由
Nearly two-thirds of voters don't think Donald Trump has the knowledge to be an effective president.调查显示25%的黑人现在支持Trump
说下poll和一些US corporate thinking其实不用讨论Bernie Sanders
希拉里:jobs are not created by corporations or businessesDonald Trump: Hillary Clinton 'got schlonged' in 2008
共和党在donald trump问题上站队了节日快乐!贴个Donald Trump的小笑话大家一起乐一乐 (转载)
不支持Hillary的华人应该支持TrumpTrump could beat Hillary
话题: christians话题: vote话题: trump话题: donald话题: about
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 34
建议转发下面这个链接给你认识的基督徒朋友! 我身边认识的许多基督徒都没有时间上
If you want to say: I didn't dirty my hands for voting this pig--guess what,
then you elect the other pig.If Christians just sit home and don't vote or
vote for Gary Johnson, Hillary will win. And Christians have to live with
that, and we are acting like we don't. If Clinton is elected, that if
effectively the end of the America.
We want everything to be black and white, neat and clean... but it is not
about our virtue, nor about the virtue of Donald Trump. We need to make a
mature and rational choice.
The point is we are at a tipping point...If we lose the Supreme court, we
effectively have the end of the genuine self government. That is effectively
the end of America. Religious liberty goes out of window...we are already
seeing the establishment of secular humanist(?) religion the government is
getting behind, economically, financially, corporately... They are doing
that to marriage, to human identity...it is already happening.
Bottom line it is not about you feeling virtuous, it not about the lack of
virtue of Donald Trump, it is about people you are going to impact...if you
care about somebody sometimes you have to work with people you don't mind.
If you don't vote for Donald Trump, God is going to hold you responsible for
the policy of Hillary. He will do that.
1 (共1页)
Trump could beat Hillary说下poll和一些US corporate thinking
Difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump希拉里:jobs are not created by corporations or businesses
trump 粉们赶快给trump campaign 发信共和党在donald trump问题上站队了
Why Hillary Clinton Cannot Beat Donald Trump不支持Hillary的华人应该支持Trump
Donald Trump Tells Non-Christians At Rally To Iden共和党候选人Jeb Bush也要合法化非法移民。
美国只有左逼和正常人,左逼口中的极右,其实是正常人。GOP只有Donald Trump能够和Hillary匹配
老壮的又一个好人好事美国华人支持Trump 2016 的3大理由
Nearly two-thirds of voters don't think Donald Trump has the knowledge to be an effective president.调查显示25%的黑人现在支持Trump
话题: christians话题: vote话题: trump话题: donald话题: about