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USANews版 - 狗粮的分量又要减了
Sessions fires back at Comey民主diang徒造孽,全民纳税人买单.
Finally: Eric Holder To Step DownNurse: "I wanted to protect my patients"
塞申斯在我家附近讲话,强调第一权和宗教自由交易员擅自交易 瑞银巨亏20亿美元
尼玛FBI同意妖婆的两个律师彻底销毁她们的笔记本电脑!请大家来评论一下最新的那个mortage settlement
说个不靠谱的猜想全职打small business官司的非法移民终被遣返
House to Vote on Appropriations Bill this Week!巴马牛啊,最后时刻在UN捅了以色列一刀
Eric Holder为他27次公机私用辩解共和党建制派支持以色列有情可原,床粉不应该呀
话题: settlement话题: department话题: justice话题: groups话题: victims
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 43471
DOJ ends Holder-era ‘slush fund’ payouts to outside groups
The Justice Department announced Wednesday it will no longer allow
prosecutors to strike settlement agreements with big companies directing
them to make payouts to outside groups, ending an Obama-era practice that
Republicans decried as a “slush fund” that padded the accounts of liberal
interest groups.
In a memo sent to 94 U.S. attorneys' offices early Wednesday, Attorney
General Jeff Sessions said he would end the practice that allowed companies
to meet settlement burdens by giving money to groups that were neither
victims nor parties to the case.
Sessions said the money should, instead, go to the Treasury Department or
“When the federal government settles a case against a corporate wrongdoer,
any settlement funds should go first to the victims and then to the American
people—not to bankroll third-party special interest groups or the
political friends of whoever is in power,” Sessions said in a statement.
Conservatives have long fought the policy introduced under the Obama
administration. Earlier this year, Republican lawmakers introduced
legislation that would prohibit the Department of Justice from requiring
defendants to donate money to outside groups, after concerns that the
settlements bypass congressional appropriations processes.
“This bill is oversight and action. Congress must not tolerate Justice
Department political appointees using settlements to funnel money to their
liberal friends,” Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Bob Goodlatte,
R-Va., who introduced the bill, said in a statement. “This is also an
institutional issue. Once direct victims have been compensated, deciding
what to do with additional funds recovered from defendants becomes a policy
question properly decided by elected representatives in Congress, not agency
bureaucrats or prosecutors.”
Paul Larkin, a senior legal research fellow at The Federalist Society,
described the practice as “improper and unlawful.”
“Several different sources of law—the Appropriations Clause and
Antidefciency Act implicitly, the Miscellaneous Receipts Act and state
ethical rules expressly—separately and together demand that government
lawyers deposit into the U.S. Treasury funds they receive in the settlement
of cases,” Larkin wrote in 2016. “No private lawyer could give away a
client’s settlement money, and no government lawyer may do so either. It is
time for this unlawful practice to end.”
Officials told Fox News the third-party settlement changes were an issue of
"good governance."
“Unfortunately, in recent years the Department of Justice has sometimes
requires or encouraged defendants to make these payments to third parties as
a condition of settlement,” Sessions added. “With this directive, we are
ending this practice and ensuring that settlement funds are only used to
compensate victims, redress harm, and punish and deter unlawful conduct.”
Bank of America, for example, was required to pay nonprofit organizations as
part of a record $17 billion settlement to resolve an investigation into
its role in the sale of mortgage-backed securities before the 2008 financial
crisis. The agreement was struck under then-Attorney General Eric Holder’s
Justice Department.
The receiving groups included organizations that provide housing counseling,
foreclosure prevention and community redevelopment assistance.
Gibson Guitar Corp. also had to contribute to the National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation to resolve a criminal investigation into allegations it
illegally imported exotic wood.
It's hard to say what kind of cases could be impacted by the change and how.
The new policy allows only for restitution to victims or payment that "
directly remedies the harm that is sought to be addressed."
Fox News' Jake Gibson and Brooke Singman and The Associated Press
contributed to this report.
发帖数: 2808
不看不知道。侯赛因O8还开了这末个先例 - 大公司输了官司要向一些特殊利益组织捐
发帖数: 2018


【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 对了,sessions不是已经和cnn辞职了么,怎么今天又溜回去上班了
: DOJ ends Holder-era ‘slush fund’ payouts to outside groups
: The Justice Department announced Wednesday it will no longer allow
: prosecutors to strike settlement agreements with big companies directing
: them to make payouts to outside groups, ending an Obama-era practice that
: Republicans decried as a “slush fund” that padded the accounts of liberal
: interest groups.
: In a memo sent to 94 U.S. attorneys' offices early Wednesday, Attorney
: General Jeff Sessions said he would end the practice that allowed companies
: to meet settlement burdens by giving money to groups that were neither

发帖数: 702
state department也有各种狗粮fund,下次川普的budget会狠砍。
发帖数: 5546

【在 r**********f 的大作中提到】
: 不看不知道。侯赛因O8还开了这末个先例 - 大公司输了官司要向一些特殊利益组织捐
: 钱,即使这些组织不是受害人也不在官司里。

发帖数: 2787
可以lock them up吗?Holder真是最烂总捅手下首席烂人


【在 d********f 的大作中提到】
: 对了,sessions不是已经和cnn辞职了么,怎么今天又溜回去上班了
: DOJ ends Holder-era ‘slush fund’ payouts to outside groups
: The Justice Department announced Wednesday it will no longer allow
: prosecutors to strike settlement agreements with big companies directing
: them to make payouts to outside groups, ending an Obama-era practice that
: Republicans decried as a “slush fund” that padded the accounts of liberal
: interest groups.
: In a memo sent to 94 U.S. attorneys' offices early Wednesday, Attorney
: General Jeff Sessions said he would end the practice that allowed companies
: to meet settlement burdens by giving money to groups that were neither

发帖数: 3798
尼玛这种输了1亿,给黑八交一千万可以过关的条例也有,真他妈pay to play.
1 (共1页)
Trump won again!塞申斯拒绝任命第二个独立检察官
Trump: 只有Bill最懂我House to Vote on Appropriations Bill this Week!
这件事的结果,以后再有类似纠纷Eric Holder为他27次公机私用辩解
Sessions fires back at Comey民主diang徒造孽,全民纳税人买单.
Finally: Eric Holder To Step DownNurse: "I wanted to protect my patients"
塞申斯在我家附近讲话,强调第一权和宗教自由交易员擅自交易 瑞银巨亏20亿美元
尼玛FBI同意妖婆的两个律师彻底销毁她们的笔记本电脑!请大家来评论一下最新的那个mortage settlement
话题: settlement话题: department话题: justice话题: groups话题: victims