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USANews版 - 据说梅根凯莉被钓鱼了?
Megyn Kelly的rating不行啊美国能源基本能自主了,co2减排还更高了
Kelly rating很不行啊Megyn Kelly
有人看infowar吗?Alex JonesMegyn Kelly to Take 9 PM Slot at Fox News?
2013电视新闻频道排名:CNN最差,Fox独占鳌头美女主播称耶稣和圣诞老人为白种人 被狂批
Fox在和CNN/MSNBC的竞争中大获全胜Most Liberals Are Dumb
左臂Infowars Alex Jones居然支持Pizzagate的老板了Megyn Kelly 把Sandra Fluke驳得体无完肤
Twitter Permanently Bans Alex Jones, InfowarsMegyn Kelly facebook
请帮忙,争取把Alex Jones 推进白宫新闻发布会Trump又把对手甩出几条街了
话题: kelly话题: jones话题: interview话题: thursday话题: what
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发帖数: 2053
Infowars host Alex Jones is taking new measures to set things straight about
his interview with NBC News' Megyn Kelly, which is set to air Sunday.
On Thursday night, Jones leaked audio of what he says was his private, pre-
interview conversation with Kelly online to clarify what he referred to as "
misrepresenting" him in the official interview.
"I've never done this in 22 years, I've never recorded another journalist,"
Jones said in a video posted to Twitter, teasing the leak. "I've never done
this, but I knew that it was a fraud, that it was a lie."
In the audio, Kelly is heard saying, "This is not going to be a contentious,
sort of 'gotcha' exchange." Then in a preview of the televised footage,
Jones is seen talking with Kelly about the 2012 Newtown, Conn., shooting,
with Jones calling Kelly "an anti-gunner."
The host also called out the "mainstream media," including The Hollywood
Reporter, for its recent coverage of his sit-down with Kelly. Jones claimed
that his words were taken out of context and heavily edited in promo clips
for the interview. "I got it all on tape, sweetheart," he said during
Thursday's Infowars show. "I did it to protect myself so I can show what she
really did."
"What are they going to do, when I've got the tapes of what really happened?
" Jones added, saying that Kelly acted like she was "obsessed with him." "It
was worse than in college in a topless bar when women try to get you to pay
for a dance."
Exclusive Sneak Peek @RealAlexJones @megynkelly The Interview! Full
Interview to be released tonight on https://t.co/5KtICEUspi #NBCFakeNews pic
- Rob Dew (@DewsNewz) June 15, 2017
Kelly has received backlash from the families of the victims of the Sandy
Hook Elementary School shooting for choosing to broadcast her interview with
Jones. On Tuesday, an anti-gun violence organization founded by parents of
children killed in the 2012 shooting dropped Kelly as host of an event in
"Our goal in sitting down with him was to shine a light, as journalists are
supposed to do, on this influential figure and, yes, to discuss the
considerable hoods he has promoted with near impunity," Kelly has said about
her decision to feature Jones.
CNN chief Jeff Zucker said Thursday that marketing for Kelly's sit-down with
Jones has been "unfortunate."
"I think the issue here is the way that they have thus far presented it has
not led to the belief that he's held to account as much as somebody who
spews such hatred and nonsense needs to be," he continued. "If you're going
to do this story, the tease needs to be you holding up a picture of the dead
kids at Sandy Hook and saying, 'How dare you?' And I think their marketing
of this has thus far been unfortunate."
NBC has not yet responded to a request for comment on the leaked audio.
Read more: Alex Jones Responds to Megyn Kelly Interview Uproar: "It's a
Bunch of PR"
1 (共1页)
川普太牛逼了左臂Infowars Alex Jones居然支持Pizzagate的老板了
Megyn kellyTwitter Permanently Bans Alex Jones, Infowars
trump的粉丝们,你们说trump还参加fox的辩论吗?请帮忙,争取把Alex Jones 推进白宫新闻发布会
Megyn Kelly的rating不行啊美国能源基本能自主了,co2减排还更高了
Kelly rating很不行啊Megyn Kelly
有人看infowar吗?Alex JonesMegyn Kelly to Take 9 PM Slot at Fox News?
2013电视新闻频道排名:CNN最差,Fox独占鳌头美女主播称耶稣和圣诞老人为白种人 被狂批
话题: kelly话题: jones话题: interview话题: thursday话题: what