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Unix版 - xhost problem....
an unixquestions, Please help![转载] Router问题
xterm Xt error: Can't open display::0[转载] windows C++ -> Unix C++
关于X 窗口的问题 ( setenv DISPLAY ... )按你们的经验,这个错误是由什么引起的?
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can't open display in cygwinequivilent $REMOTEHOST in ksh
Unix 编成小问题关于display的问题
话题: xhost话题: display话题: xlib话题: unix话题: server
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2
我从 unix 机器 A telnet 到 unix 机器B, 然后我 想要打开
xterm, it tell me:
Xlib: connection to "***.***.***.***:0.0" refused by server
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
Error: Can't open display: ***.***.***.***:0.0
It is no use for setenv DISPLAY ***.***.***.***:0.0
I tried xhost +, but I failed to do that. What else I can do it.
Anyone know how to deal with it.
发帖数: 79
At host A, type
$ xhost
make sure host B is allowed to access.
If B is allowed, then check A's firewall. port 6000 should be open to B

【在 a*s 的大作中提到】
: 我从 unix 机器 A telnet 到 unix 机器B, 然后我 想要打开
: xterm, it tell me:
: Xlib: connection to "***.***.***.***:0.0" refused by server
: Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
: Error: Can't open display: ***.***.***.***:0.0
: It is no use for setenv DISPLAY ***.***.***.***:0.0
: I tried xhost +, but I failed to do that. What else I can do it.
: Anyone know how to deal with it.

发帖数: 3
you mean that you use $xhost +, but failed.
You should type it on Unix A, if you open many xterms. :(
I did that several times. //shy

【在 a*s 的大作中提到】
: 我从 unix 机器 A telnet 到 unix 机器B, 然后我 想要打开
: xterm, it tell me:
: Xlib: connection to "***.***.***.***:0.0" refused by server
: Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
: Error: Can't open display: ***.***.***.***:0.0
: It is no use for setenv DISPLAY ***.***.***.***:0.0
: I tried xhost +, but I failed to do that. What else I can do it.
: Anyone know how to deal with it.

发帖数: 73
At A: xhost + (IP or symbolic name of B, like bbs.mit.edu)
At B: setenv DISPLAY IP of A: 0.0
then it should work.【 在 aps (sea) 的大作中提到: 】
1 (共1页)
关于display的问题一个 x terminal 设置的问题
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an unixquestions, Please help![转载] Router问题
xterm Xt error: Can't open display::0[转载] windows C++ -> Unix C++
关于X 窗口的问题 ( setenv DISPLAY ... )按你们的经验,这个错误是由什么引起的?
xset 的问题[转载] remote display 的问题
话题: xhost话题: display话题: xlib话题: unix话题: server